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Academy Overview
U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut
Founded in 1876, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut is a professional college educating future United States Coast Guard officers. It is a fully resident military cadet campus and the smallest United States federal service academy.

The Academy provides a four-year Bachelor of Science degree program, with the curriculum heavily oriented toward math, science, and engineering. Like the other U.S. federal service academies, our students receive a full scholarship and our graduates serve in the military for at least five years after graduation. However, unlike the other service academies, there are no congressional appointments — admission is based solely on nationwide competition. 

The Coast Guard Academy has a proud tradition as one of the most selective colleges in America. Students come to the Academy to be challenged academically, physically, and professionally. By providing excellent academic programs, a structured military regimen, and competitive athletics, the Academy graduates competent and professional military leaders who serve their country and humanity with honor as Coast Guard officers.