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AIM Eligibility and Selection
To apply, you must be a U.S. citizen, a junior in high school, and 16-17 years old when attending the program. You must be in good health and physical condition, able to run, do push-ups and sit-ups, and handle the heat and humidity of a Connecticut summer! Your weight must be proportional to your height. Medical qualification for AIM does not indicate that you will be qualified for entry into the Coast Guard Academy. Common medical disqualifiers for direct entry include color-blindness, asthma and vision not correctable to 20/20. For Academy appointment application purposes, please review the additional medical standards.

Questions about eligibility for the program can be directed to – please allow one week for a reply.

Selection for AIM is a holistic process which looks at a variety of factors in the student’s life. Weighed in the process are: the online application, personal statements (topic will be provided), most recent high school transcript and a recommendation from a Guidance Counselor. Two optional online recommendations may also be submitted. When the required items are received, the USCGA Admissions Office will evaluate your application. Each student is evaluated by a team independent of other applicants, thus highlighting each individual’s accomplishments.

On average, the most qualified 500 rising seniors will be selected for the AIM program. Each year we have more qualified students than we have spots available. If you are not selected, however, please do not feel that you will not be competitive for an USCGA appointment in your senior year. Many students not admitted to AIM apply for and are offered appointments the following year. We regret that due to space and resource limitations, we cannot expand the AIM program at this time.

If selected to participate in the AIM program, we will provide you with a form that will need to be signed by your family physician clearing you to participate in the physical rigors of the program.