Joint Chiefs of Staff

Chairman's Key Themes

  • Achieve our national objectives in the current conflicts
  • Develop Joint Force 2020
  • Renew our commitment to the Profession of Arms
  • Keep faith with our Military Family

Chairman's Strategic Direction
to the Joint Force

CJCS Letter to the
Joint Force

J6 Command, Control, Communications, & Computers/Cyber

Mission Statement

The J-6 represents the Joint Warfighter in support of the command, control, communications, and computers/cyber (C4) requirements validation and capability development processes while ensuring joint interoperability. To further this effort, the J-6 promulgates guidance and provides functional expertise to the Chairman in order to shape the joint information environment. Additionally, as the Joint Staff Chief Information Officer (CIO), the J-6 provides business class Information Technology (IT) services and support to the Chairman and the entire Joint Staff.

Director, J6 (DJ6) Biography: MG Mark Bowman

Vice Director, J6 (VDJ6) Biography: Mr. Martin Westphal, SES

Chairman's Quote

Chairman's Channel