Joint Chiefs of Staff

Chairman's Key Themes

  • Achieve our national objectives in the current conflicts
  • Develop Joint Force 2020
  • Renew our commitment to the Profession of Arms
  • Keep faith with our Military Family

Chairman's Strategic Direction
to the Joint Force

CJCS Letter to the
Joint Force

J3 Operations

The Guardian Antiterrorism Journal


The Guardian Antiterrorism Journal is published for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by J-34, Deputy Directorate for Antiterrorism/Homeland Defense.

The Guardian Antiterrorism Journal is part of an ongoing effort to build and maintain a community of Antiterrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) professionals. AT/FP ensures DOD personnel have the capability to carry out operations in complex threat environments. 
The publication’s objectives are to:
(1) share knowledge, support discussion and impart lessons learned in a timely fashion
(2) to support those responsible for developing and implementing AT/FP policy, doctrine and programs. 
The Guardian Antiterrorism Journal supports DOD personnel in their efforts to: assess vulnerability and risk; detect, deter, and prevent terrorist attacks; and effectively respond to and mitigate incidents or disasters. 
The J-34’s AT/FP Training & Policy Division accepts articles related to antiterrorism/Force Protection on a rolling basis for publication.
Previous issues included articles on:
 - Policy & Strategic Approaches
 - Single Incident Analyses & Lessons Learned (e.g. Mumbai, Jakarta )
 - Law Enforcement & Counter Intelligence
 - Identity Management & Information Sharing vs. Privacy Issues
 - Domestic & International Legal Issues
 - Cyber Security & Emerging Technologies
 - Force Protection for Troops in Transit/in Theater
 - Interagency Cooperation
 - Regional Challenges
 - Comparative AT/FP Policies
 - Emerging Threats/Opportunities & Trends
 - Disaster Response/Consequence Management
 - Piracy/Maritime Security Issues
NOTE: Although the magazine and the articles within do not represent official DOD policy or doctrine, the articles should be written with US national security interests in mind.
 - Approximately 1000-2000 words
 - MS WORD format
 - 12pt font, Times New Roman, single spaced, standard margins
 - Professional Quality - use endnotes for citations
 - Editorial assistance available upon request
 - Include hi-resolution photos/charts/graphics as needed
Archived Issues
- Spring 2012, Vol. 14, No. 1
- Fall 2011, Vol. 13, No. 3
- Summer 2011, Vol. 13, No. 2
- Spring 2011, Vol. 13, No. 1
- Fall 2010, Vol 12, No. 3
- Summer 2010, Vol. 12, No. 2
- Fall 2009, Vol. 11, No. 2
 - Summer 2009, Vol. 11, No. 1
 - Spring 2009, Vol. 10, No. 3
 - Winter 2008, Vol. 10, No. 2
 - Spring 2008, Vol. 10, No. 1
 - Winter 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3
 - Fall 2007, Vol. 9, No. 2
 - Spring 2007, Vol. 9, No. 1
For further information or to submit an article please contact the editor of The Guardian at or contact Maj. David E. Morgan (703) 693-7543 or
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