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Two templates are provided as alternatives to using the online form for report submission:

  • Excel spreadsheet: A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet may be used for report submission. The user can download this spreadsheet template and fill it in. The spreadsheet can then be uploaded to the website.

    Note: Recipients must not modify the structure of the spreadsheet or their submission will be considered invalid. 

    Download Excel Templates  Microsoft Excel Template

  • Custom software system extract in XML: Organizations with sufficient technical experience may choose to submit a properly formatted Extensible Markup Language (XML) file for their report submission. The XML file download provides a zip file containing the XML schema required for formatting and structuring the XML system extracts. An organization's XML extract must match this XML schema for successful report submission. The website provides logged-in users with functionality to validate their XML submission against the published XML schema prior to submission.

    Download XML Templates  XML Template
All Upload submissions require an FRPIN. Please log in and click "Request FRPIN" to obtain your DUNS FRPIN.
Recipient Reporting Data Dictionary
  • Recipient Reporting Data Dictionary: A copy of the Recipient Reporting Data Dictionary is available on for your reference.
    Download Zip File  Recipient Reporting Data Dictionary
    Note: Updates to Recipient Reporting Data Dictionary are governed by The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board and the Office of Management and Budget.
Note: To access the Webinars, ctr+click on the links below.
  • Recipient Reporting Overview
    Includes the elements for reporting, timeline and sources for assistance.
  • Site Navigation Overview
    Provides overview of the system, the features, functionality, help and site navigation to different resources.
  • Prime Recipient Reporting - Grants
    Instructs prime recipients of grants on how to login and complete the required reporting elements.
  • Prime Recipient Review - Grants
    Instructs prime recipients of grants on the reviewing process and demonstrates functionality of the various reports.
  • Federal Contractors - Excel
    Describes the step-by-step process and the information needed for each data field to update the Excel spreadsheet to submit reports on federally awarded contracts.
  • Sub Recipient Reporting - Grants
    Describes each of the required fields for sub-recipients of grants.
  • Additional Webinars
    Seminars for Federal Agencies and recipients of ARRA funding on how to comply with their reporting responsibilities. This series is entitled "Implementing Guidance for the Reports on Use of Funds Pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009."
User Guide User Guide

The User Guide provides a step-by-step guide through the various functions required for reporting. Download those chapters that will assist you in registering and reporting.

If you are a returning reporter changing the award ID, order #, or DUNS number on a report filed in the last reporting cycle, please see instructions in Chapter 10.

  • Table of Contents
    Download PDF  Table of Contents PDF

  • Chapter 1 Overview & Features
    Download PDF  Chapter 1 PDF

  • Chapter 2 Registration
    Download PDF  Chapter 2 PDF

  • Chapter 3 FederalReportingPIN
    Download PDF  Chapter 3 PDF

  • Chapter 4 Point of Contact and DUNS Administrator
    Download PDF  Chapter 4 PDF

  • Chapter 5 Helpful Tips for Reporting
    Download PDF  Chapter 5 PDF

  • Chapter 6 Reporting Overview for First-Time Reporters
    Download PDF  Chapter 6 PDF

  • Chapter 7 How to Submit a Report Online
    Download PDF  Chapter 7 PDF

  • Chapter 8 How to Submit a Report with the Excel Template
    Download PDF  Chapter 8 PDF

  • Chapter 9 How to Report Using the XML Schema
    Download PDF  Chapter 9 PDF

  • Chapter 10 Copy Forward and Copy Functions
    Download PDF  Chapter 10 PDF

  • Chapter 11 How to View Reports
    Download PDF  Chapter 11 PDF

  • Chapter 12 Commenting on Reports
    Download PDF  Chapter 12 PDF

  • Chapter 13 How to Update Reports
    Download PDF  Chapter 13 PDF

  • Chapter 14
    Download PDF  Chapter 14 PDF

  • Chapter 15 FederalReporting gov Demo Environment
    Download PDF  Chapter 15 PDF

  • Chapter 16 How to Request a Change to a Prior Quarter Report
    Download PDF  Chapter 16 PDF

  • Appendix A Reference Files. Lists the origin of select data elements.
    Download PDF  Appendix A PDF

  • Appendix B Error Messaging. Lists the error messages that might be received and the action to take to correct.
    Download PDF  Appendix B PDF

  • Appendix C Glossary. Terms and abbreviations used throughout the User Guide or the site.
    Download PDF  Appendix C PDF

Additional Guides and Quick Reference Cards

  • User Registration Guide. Step-by-step guide to registration for Federal Agency and Award Recipient users of
    Download PDF  User Registration Guide PDF

  • Copy Forward Quick Reference Guide. When and Why to Copy Forward.
    Download PDF  Registration Quick Reference Card

  • Recipient Point of Contact Guide. Information on the roles and responsibilities of Recipient Point of Contact (POC) Users. Not applicable to Federal Agencies.
    Download PDF  Registration Quick Reference Card

  • Registration Quick Reference Card. 2-page brief overview of registration process for Federal Agency and Award Recipient users.
    Download PDF  Recipient Point of Contact Guide

  • Validation Utility Quick Reference Card. 2-page brief overview for use of the Validation Utility for validating the structure and business rules of a sample file prior to report submission.
    Download PDF  Validation Utility Quick Reference Card

Reference Data and Additional Links
  • Activity Codes Reference:North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) – Recipients of federal contracts need the 6-digit NAICS code in the solicitation/contract. For Infrastructure awards, the Recipient will use the NAICS code that describes the Recovery project or activity.
    National Center for Charitable Statistics (NTEE-NPC) codes – Recipients of federal grants and loans need the NTEE-NPC code(s) that describe the Recovery projects and activities. The list accessible via the Activity Code Reference Lookup button includes NAICS and NTEE-NPC codes.
    Reference Lookup for Activity Codes:

  • Agency Codes Reference:Provides the 2-digit department-level codes for Federal Agencies, and 4-digit Agency Codes for recipients
    Reference Lookup for Agency Codes:

  • CFDA Number Reference: Provides the numbers for the published descriptions of Federal assistance programs in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Recipients reporting on a grant or loan award need the CFDA number associated with the federal assistance program.
    Reference Lookup for CFDA Numbers:

  • GCO Codes Reference: Provides the agency-specific codes for the contracting offices executing federally awarded contracts. The GCO is directly related to the awarding federal agency.
    Reference Lookup for GCO Codes:

  • Program Source (TAS) Reference: Provides the codes that identify the programs funding awards.
    Reference Look-up for Program Source (TAS):

  • State and ZIP Code Reference: A catalog of all available ZIP Codes for U.S. States and Possessions.
    Reference Lookup for ZIP Codes:

  • ZIP Code Extension Reference: A catalog of all available ZIP Code Extensions for U.S. ZIP Codes.
    Reference Lookup for ZIP Code Extensions:

  • Congressional District Reference: A catalog of Congressional Districts for U.S. ZIP Codes.
    Reference Lookup for Congressional Districts:

The following links provide additional Recovery Act guidance and data:
