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The 2010 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book

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International Statistics

This section presents statistics for the world as a whole and for many countries on a comparative basis with the United States. Data are shown for population, births and deaths, social and industrial indicators, finances, agriculture, communication, and military affairs.

Download, view, and print entire International Statistics Section [PDF 2.3M]

Agricultural Production and Trade

1334 - World Supply and Utilization of Major Crops, Livestock, and Products [Excel 99k] | [PDF 452k]

1335 - World Crop Production Summary [Excel 36k] | [PDF 460k]

1336 - Wheat, Rice, and Corn--Exports and Imports of Leading Countries [Excel 35k] | [PDF 460k]

1337 - Fisheries--Commercial Catch by Country [Excel 27k] | [PDF 460k]

1338 - Meat Production by Type and Country [Excel 35k] | [PDF 460k]

1339 - Meat Consumption by Type and Country [Excel 26k] | [PDF 460k]

1340 - EU and U.S. Organic Land, Farm Sector, and Sales [Excel 34k] | [PDF 459k]

Climate, Environment

1351- Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Consumption of Fossil Fuels, by Country [Excel 144k] | [PDF 459k]

1352 - Average Temperatures and Precipitation--Selected International Cities [Excel 47k] | [PDF 459k]


1312 - Gross National Income (GNI) by Country [Excel 134k] | [PDF 460k]

1313 - Real GDP per Capita and per Employed Persons by Country [Excel 35k] | [PDF 450k]

1314 - Average Annual Percent Changes in International Economic Composite Indexes by Country [Excel 41k] | [PDF 466k]

1315 - Sectoral Contributions to Gross Value Added [Excel 87k] | [PDF 460k]

1316 - Index of Industrial Production by Country [Excel 68k] | [PDF 450k]

1317 - Selected Indexes of Manufacturing Activity by Country [Excel 93k] | [PDF 459k]

1318 - Indexes of Hourly Compensation Costs for All Employees in Manufacturing by Country [Excel 34k] | [PDF 461k]

1319 - Annual Percent Change in Labor Productivity and Hours Worked by Country [Excel 45k] | [PDF 461k]

1323 - Percent of Household Final Consumption Expenditures Spent on Food, Alcohol, and Tobacco Consumed at Home by Selected Countries: 2007 [Excel 45k] | [PDF 460k]

1355 - Patents by Country: 2008 [Excel 33k] | [PDF 460k]

1364 - Household Expenditure on Recreation and Culture as a Percentage of GDP [Excel 53k] | [PDF 458k]


1357 - Dow-Jones World Stock Index by Country and Industry [Excel 37k] | [PDF 461k]

1358 - Foreign Stock Market Activity--Morgan Stanley Capital International Indexes [Excel 78k] | [PDF 461k]

1359 - Foreign Stock Market Indices [Excel 34k] | [PDF 458k]

1360 - United States and Foreign Stock Markets--Market Capitalization and Value of Shares Traded [Excel 68k] | [PDF 458k]

1361 - Foreign Exchange Rates: 2008 [Excel 104k] | [PDF 461k]

Foreign Commerce and Aid and Military

1362 - Reserve Assets and International Transaction Balances by Country [Excel 107k] | [PDF 459k]

1365 - Development Assistance, by Country [Excel 38k] | [PDF 458k]

1366 - Net Flow of Financial Resources to Developing Countries and Multilateral Organizations [Excel 37k] | [PDF 460k]

1367 - External Debt, by Country [Excel 171k] | [PDF 460k]

1368 - Foreign Direct Investment Flows in OECD Countries [Excel 49k] | [PDF 460k]

1369 - Military Expenditures, 2006, and Manpower, 2009, by Country [Excel 124k] | [PDF 460k]

Government Receipts, Expenditures, Debt

1324 - Gross Public Debt, Expenditures, and Receipts, by Country [Excel 83k] | [PDF 460k]

1325 - Percent Distribution of Tax Receipts by Country [Excel 57k] | [PDF 457k]

1326 - Household Tax Burden by Country: 2008 [Excel 34k] | [{PDF 457k]

1356 - Research and Development (R &D) Expenditures, by Country [Excel 44k] | [PDF 447k]

Labor Force

1327 - Civilian Labor Force, Employment, and Unemployment by Country [Excel 85k] | [PDF 459k]

1328 - Unemployment Rates by Country [Excel 39k] | [PDF 459k]

1329 - Percent of Persons Not in Education or at Work: 2006 [Excel 113k] | [PDF 459k]

1330 - Female Labor Force Participation Rates by Country [Excel 33k] | [PDF 459k]

1331 - Civilian Employment-Population Ratio [Excel 32k] | [PDF 459k]

1332 - Civilian Employment by Industry and Country [Excel 66k] | [PDF 459k]

Natural Resources and Energy

1341 - World Production of Major Mineral Commodities [Excel 37k] | [PDF 459k]

1343 - World Primary Energy Production By Region And Type [Excel 35k] | [PDF 459k]

1344 - World Energy Consumption by Region and Energy Source, 1990 to 2005, and Projections, 2010 to 2025 [Excel 26k] | [PDF 459k]

1345 - Energy Consumption by Country [Excel 392k] | [PDF 449k]

1346- World Daily Crude Oil Production by Major Producing Country [Excel 103k] | [PDF 449k]

1347 - World Dry Natural Gas Production by Major Producing Country [Excel 101k] | [PDF 448k]

1348 - World Coal Production by Major Producing Country [Excel 107k] | [PDF 448k]

1349 - Net Electricity Generation by Type and Country: 2005 [Excel 158k] | [PDF 460k]

1350 - Commercial Nuclear Power Generation by Country [Excel 47k] | [PDF 460k]

Population, Households

1293 - Total World Population [Excel 33k] | [PDF 447k]

1294 - Population by Continent [Excel 22k] | [PDF 447k]

1295 - Population and Population Change, by Development Status [Excel 22k] | [PDF 447k]

1296 - Population by Country or Area [Excel 141k] | [PDF 469k]

1297 - Foreign or Foreign-Born Population, Labor Force, and Net Migration in Selected OECD Countries [Excel 55k] | [PDF 460k]

1298 - Age Distribution, by Country or Area [Excel 262k] | [PDF 460k]

1301 - Single-parent Households [Excel 47k] | [PDF 459k]

1302 - Percent Distribution of Households by Type and Country [Excel 51k] | [PDF 446k]


1320 - Annual Percent Changes in Consumer Prices, by Country [Excel 44k] | [PDF 459k]

1321 - Comparative Price Levels--Selected OECD Countries: 2009 [Excel 163k] | [PDF 459k]

1322 - Indexes of Living Costs Abroad: 2009 [Excel 85k] | [PDF 450k]

Telecommunications, Computers

1353 - Key Global Telecom Indicators for the World Telecommunication Service Sector [Excel 26k] | [PDF 460k]

1354 - Telephones, Cellular Phones, and Computers by Country: 2006 [Excel 162k] | [PDF 460k]

Vital Statistics, Health, Education

1299 - Births to Unmarried Women by Country [Excel 40k] | [PDF 459k]

1300 - Marriage and Divorce Rates by Country [Excel 43k] | [PDF 459k]

1303 - Births, Deaths, and Life Expectancy, by Country or Area [Excel 141k] | [PDF 448k]

1304 - Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65, by Sex--Selected Countries [Excel 47k] | [PDF 466k]

1305 - People Infected With HIV and AIDS-Related Deaths, by Region [Excel 19k] | [PDF 460k]

1306 - Percentage of the Adult Population Considered to be Obese: 2006 [Excel 27k] | [PDF 460k]

1307 - Tobacco Consumption by Country and Sex [Excel 47k] | [PDF 459k]

1308 - Road Fatalities by Country [Excel 40k] | [PDF 459k]

1309 - Suicide Rates by Sex and Country: 2004 [PDF 459k]

1310 - Health Expenditures as Percent of GDP by Country [Excel 51k] | [PDF 459k]

1311 - Medical Doctors and Inpatient Care--Selected Countries [Excel 50k] | [PDF 459k]

1333 - Educational Performance [Excel 29k] | [PDF 459k]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2010 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: October 27, 2010