Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year


Design, ADES

5510. Processes and Methodology for Innovation. 3 hours. (2;4) Students explore and utilize a variety of processes and visual techniques that inform and guide ideation as a means to create a common language that allows them to communicate effectively across disciplinary backgrounds. The knowledge they gain from these experiences allows them to develop and actualize the kinds of visual solutions necessary for future programmatic and career-based success. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5520. Design Research Methods. 3 hours. Students are immersed in learning experiences that challenge them to develop and then expand knowledge about how design research processes and methods can be utilized to connect design theory effectively with practice as a means to advance their ability to make sound critical judgments and formulate effective and appropriate strategies. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5522. Brand and Brand Experience. 3 hours. In this seminar-based course, the nature of brands and brand experiences are analyzed through a variety of economic, social and cultural lenses. Students are expected to comprehend and articulate, in writing and oral presentations, knowledge they gain regarding the essential nature of brands as they influence and are influenced by business and marketing trends, globalization, modern social psychology and cultural dynamics. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5524. Design and Its Social Ramifications. 3 hours. In this seminar-based course, the design process, its artifacts and their agency are examined from a broad array of socio-cultural perspectives. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5526. Collaborative Design Studio. 3 hours. (2;4) In this studio-based course, collaborative, interdisciplinary teams apply the processes and methodologies introduced in ADES 5510 and ADES 5520 to identify, reframe (when necessary) and develop problems suitable for further theoretical and applied exploration. These problems are ones typically considered to be outside the domain of contemporary design practice. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5530. Design Research Methods II. 3 hours. (2;4) In this studio-based course, students learn how to use interactive design tools, social media and methods of networking to create and facilitate design processes that allow select groups of people to contribute to the building of shared experiences and shared understandings. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5532. Design Pedagogy: Analysis and Processes. 3 hours. Major emphasis on helping each student formulate a rationale/philosophy about the role of design/designers in the 21st century and his or her own role as a design educator; analysis/evaluation of effective undergraduate teaching methodologies for communication design education. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5534. Design Pedagogy. 3 hours. This seminar-based course examines the role of a design faculty member working within a collegial environment in the complete development of curricula for a new or revised program area. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5536. University Citizenship and Tenure in Design. 3 hours. This seminar-based course examines the role of a design faculty member in the larger university setting, including but not limited to school/college structures, committee work—both in the college and at the university level—budgeting, advising, scheduling courses, expectations for a designer/faculty member in a college and university environment. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5538. Guided Teaching Internship. 3 hours. (2;4) Each student is assigned to a professor in an undergraduate course. The student is expected to participate in the undergraduate course through assignment writing, presentation, critique, grading, handout preparation, advising and observation. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5540. Communication Design Studio. 3 hours. (0;6) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. May be repeated for up to a total of 12 hours of credit.

5545. Communication Design Lecture Topics. 3 hours. Developing additional competence in special areas. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. Specific courses may require additional prerequisites. All may be repeated for credit.

5546. Practicum in Innovation Studies I. 3 hours. In a two semester–long project, interdisciplinary teams identify a single problem and solve various social, economic, cultural or market based issues that ultimately manifest themselves in a visual expression of one form or another. Emphasis is placed on conceptual problem solving, exploration of multiple hypotheses, and the development of innovative solutions. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, or consent of instructor.

5548. Practicum in Collaborative Innovation Studies II. 3 hours. Continuation and culmination of the problem developed in ADES 5546. Documentation and presentation of this project are required. Prerequisite(s): admission to the MFA in design with a concentration in innovation studies, and the completion of ADES 5546.

5580. Parallels in Art, Culture and Fashion. 3 hours. Concentrated overview of developments in 20th-century fashion and the relationships between movements in art, design and popular culture.

5590. Fashion Design Studio. 3 hours. (0;6) For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. May be repeated for credit.

5605. Interior Design Studio. 3 hours. For students qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of studio work. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of art in the selected area and consent of college. May be repeated for credit.

5730. Research in Design. 3 hours. Study of research techniques and their applications in the field of design; preparation of prospectus.

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