Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Department of Library and Information Sciences

Students study in the library.

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Maurice Wheeler, Interim Chair

Graduate Faculty: Chandler, Chen, Cleveland, Du, Figa, Miksa, Moen, O’Connor, Oyarce, Ruíz, Schamber, Schultz-Jones, Stein Martin, Thompson, Totten, Turner, Wheeler.

The Department of Library and Information Sciences prepares graduates for dynamic roles in the knowledge age. The department’s mission is to provide resources, research and service for education; provide leadership to the library and information community; and prepare information professionals of the highest quality to serve the state, the region and the global community.

The goals of the department are to:

The department offers a graduate program leading to the following degree:

In addition, the department administers an interdisciplinary doctoral program leading to the following degree:

The department also offers a certificate (non-degree) program in advanced study and graduate academic certificates in youth services in libraries and information settings, storytelling, and advanced management in libraries and information agencies.

Graduates are prepared for diverse professional positions in both the public and private sectors and practice in a variety of libraries and information service agencies, including academic, public and school libraries, information analysis centers and information utilities.

Students may take elective courses in library and information science, or they may complete minor programs of study at the graduate level. Students who are not pursuing degree programs may enroll for individual courses, workshops, seminars and institutes with non-degree status. (For undergraduate programs, see the Undergraduate Catalog.)

Graduate students may study full-time or part-time. They may begin their course of study in the fall, spring or summer term/semester.

Prospective applicants for admission should visit the Department of Library and Information Sciences web site at to access application forms and current program information.

The department’s graduate degree programs are available through the Academic Common Market at in-state tuition rates for qualified out-of-state students in the southeastern states who pursue studies on campus.

The Master of Science degree program is accredited by the American Library Association (50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611; 800-545-2433).


Faculty and graduate students pursue research in diverse areas of the library and information science fields, often working with the college’s Texas Center for Digital Knowledge. Research interests include information and communication theory; human information needs, seeking, searching, evaluation and use behaviors; development of information resources and services for specific populations; technology-based social networking in corporate and cultural environments; competency-based learning in the information professions; management and leadership of libraries and information agencies; roles of school library media specialists in instructional delivery; storytelling; scientific and scholarly communication; bibliometrics; human-computer interaction; information systems design, analysis and evaluation; information retrieval including specializations in cross-language, digital image, and multimedia retrieval; technology standards development and application; digital libraries; institutional repositories; metadata and organization of networked resources; philosophy and theories of information organization including information representation and classification; digital information management including bibliographic control and preservation; distributed learning and technologies; automated library systems; medical informatics, legal informatics, and information resources and services in corporate and government fields; text and data mining; competitive intelligence; information policy and ethics; and information technology issues of privacy and security.

Degree Programs
Master of Science

The master’s program prepares information professionals for work in a variety of roles and application settings, including all types of libraries and other information agencies. The program rests on a broad conceptual framework that explores the nature of information, its organization and retrieval, and its access and use from the user’s viewpoint. In addition, the program prepares individuals who wish to pursue doctoral studies in information science theory, research and practice.

Goal and Objectives

The master’s program goal is to prepare students to understand the principles, analyze the problems, and design and implement practices related to recordable information, including its creation, communication, identification, selection, acquisition, organization, description, storage, retrieval, preservation, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, synthesis, dissemination and management.

The objectives are for students to

1. understand the critical impact of electronic technology and networks on information practices;

2. remain flexible and able to manage change in a technology-driven and knowledge-based environment;

3. plan, manage, and implement information systems in the networked environment for the creation, organization and dissemination of information;

4. develop and implement conceptual and technological systems and structures for the organization of information in any format for effective access;

5. understand human information behavior in order to design and implement information systems and services that meet user needs;

6. evaluate, synthesize and present information for client use;

7. demonstrate communication skills necessary for personal and professional growth, leadership, interaction and collaboration in appropriate professional contexts;

8. manifest a commitment to the philosophy, principles, and legal and ethical responsibilities of the field;

9. recognize the impacts of information policies, practices, and information itself on diverse populations in a technological and global society;

10. demonstrate additional knowledge and competencies appropriate to their individual interests, specializations and career goals;

11. understand the importance of professional development, continuing education and participation in professional organizations; and

12. relate the methodologies and content of other disciplines to the information field and understand the contribution of the information field to other disciplines.

Course Delivery

Master’s courses are delivered in both on-site and online formats and in blended combinations of these formats. On-site or face-to-face courses are offered in Denton and Houston, Texas, and in several other states. Most students choose the blended web institute format for the three required core courses, attending one nine-day on-site institute or two four-day on-site institutes held in Denton, Houston or elsewhere, and then completing the courses online using web-based courseware. Beyond the required core courses, students may pursue the remainder of their studies entirely online or take a combination of online and on-site courses. Regardless of delivery mode, the master’s program and all courses are governed by the same policies.

Admission Requirements

Students may enter the master’s degree program in the fall, spring or summer term/semester. Prospective students must apply to both the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies and the Department of Library and Information Sciences and must meet all of the requirements listed below.

1. Completed bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.

2. Overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.8 (4.0 scale) or at least 3.0 in the last 60 hours of undergraduate work; or completed master’s degree or other post-baccalaureate degree with GPA of at least 3.4.

3. Scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Miller Analogies Test (MAT) Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Law School Admission Test (LSAT) must be on file at the time the application is reviewed.

4. For international students, a satisfactory score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or successful completion of the UNT Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) through level 6.

5. Three recommendations from former professors, employers or others who can give evidence of personal aptitude for, as well as interest in, a career in the information field.

6. Personal statement (300–500 words) of career objectives, which may cover professional areas of special interest and how the UNT program will help meet career objectives. Background information may help demonstrate motivation, commitment and potential for leadership in a dynamic and multicultural environment, such as relevant educational, work and community experiences and accomplishments (publications, presentations, awards); communication skills including multilingual proficiency; and information technology skills.

7. Interview (optional). Prospective students are invited to visit the department and schedule a meeting with an academic advisor. Applications are due by the deadline set by the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies for the semester in which admission is sought. Applications will be considered only if all required materials have been received. Admissions are competitive; applicants who meet the criteria are not guaranteed admission. If additional information is needed to evaluate the admissibility of an applicant, an interview may be requested.

Application materials and instructions are available from the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies ( and the Department of Library and Information Sciences (

Degree Requirements

The program may be completed in one calendar year of full-time study, although many students extend their work over a longer period. Students must complete all planned course work with a grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better, successfully complete a capstone experience and file an application for the degree. At the time of graduation, all course work used to satisfy degree requirements may be no more than six years old.

Course Requirements

At least 27 additional hours of other course work, planned in consultation with a faculty advisor, are required.

Up to 9 advisor-approved hours from any institution (including other programs at UNT) may be transferred in to the master’s program. (The core cannot be transferred in.) At least 24 of the 36 hours in the master’s program must be from organized SLIS courses (excludes transfer courses, practicums and independent study).

Students in all master’s level programs are required to demonstrate general computer proficiency before starting the program. To demonstrate proficiency, students are expected to take the Information Technology Knowledge and Skills Assessment (ITKS) (see If self-test results indicate a need for improvement in any category, contact the department for suggestions.

Master’s students also must present evidence of relevant work experience by meeting a field experience requirement. This requirement may be satisfied through appropriate prior experience as approved by the faculty or through a practicum or internship. Students without prior experience are required to take SLIS 5090, Practicum and Field Study. SLIS 5090 does not count toward the 36 hours of graduate credit required for the degree.

Further information concerning these requirements may be obtained through the department.

Programs of Study

Majors and Advising

Students may choose a major in either library science or information science at the time they apply to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies.

Elective courses beyond the 9 hours of required core courses are determined in consultation with the academic advisor. All course selections must be made under the guidance of an academic advisor. Descriptions of programs of study are available at

General Program of Study

The general program of study is intended to prepare graduates to succeed in a wide range of library and information science positions in any type of library. Students should take at least one course in each of the following areas: Human Information Behavior (Cognitive, Organizational and Societal Issues); Organization of Information; Retrieval and Access; Information Technologies; and Management and Administration.

Digital Image Management

The digital image management program of study is intended to prepare graduates who will assume leadership roles. Graduates will be able to manage all aspects of digital images from production and organization to copyright and network design. The program includes the production of digital images, digital information database creation, and management of digital information, which are important skill sets for current and future library and museum information professionals. In addition, the program prepares individuals to assume positions as experts in the broader markets of libraries, archives and information centers.

Distributed Learning Librarianship

The goals of this program are to provide a grounding in information and telecommunication technologies that underpin distributed learning, an understanding of copyright and intellectual property issues, and a knowledge of the issues facing those providing library services to students in a distributed learning environment.

Health Informatics Specialist

Opportunities for health sciences librarians as well as others interested in health information management are diverse and challenging, ranging from very specialized kinds of positions in large medical research or teaching institutions to personalized service roles in small hospital libraries and extensive information services in pharmaceutical companies or interacting with other health care providers through medical informatics. The program focuses on the fundamental concepts and activities in health information processing, including health information storage and retrieval systems, clinical decision support, clinical research and issues in health care financing, consumer health advocacy, and legal, ethical, and philosophical concerns in health informatics.

Information Organization

In the information organization program of study, students learn how to organize information for a wide variety of information formats, resources, systems and environments. Graduates may be responsible for cataloging, indexing and abstracting in libraries or bibliographic utilities; organizing networked resources, web sites and images in digital libraries; or organizing special materials in museums and archives. They are expected to understand issues of data representation and management and the need to respond actively to change.

Information Systems

The work performed by a graduate of this program is likely to involve extensive human contact. Moreover, this work is also directed toward the synthesis of intellectual skills such as classification and metadata description with web administration and web site design. In essence, graduates will create systems that will be used to answer questions that are unforeseen. These are the processes of knowledge management and knowledge discovery.

Law Librarian and Legal Informatics Specialist

The law librarianship and legal informatics program of study will prepare graduates for careers in law libraries, information organizations using legal information resources and information publishers. Law librarians play key roles as information professionals in the management of information, training, and information organization in many diverse settings including law schools, courts, private law firms, corporations, government departments and agencies, or in correctional institutions.

School Librarianship

This program of study focuses on the foundations of library and information science professional preparation with a specialization in library and information services and programming for children and young adults in the school setting. It prepares students to pass the appropriate state competency exam to receive the school library certificate.

Youth Librarianship

A national shortage of youth librarians has created many opportunities for service in metropolitan, suburban and rural public libraries as well as other settings where a specialization in the information needs of children and young adults is desired. The information professional serving youth is first of all fully knowledgeable in the theories, practices and emerging trends of library and information sciences but also must have specialized knowledge of the particular information needs of young people. This program of study focuses on developing the competencies in the following areas specific to youth: the history of youth information services/systems; knowledge of the client group; administrative and managerial skills; communication skills; materials and collection development; reference services; programming skills; technology applications; advocacy, public relations and networking; and professionalism and professional development.

Progress Toward Degree

Minimum academic standards: The Toulouse School of Graduate Studies requires that master’s students make satisfactory progress toward completion of degree requirements to remain in good standing within a specific degree program. Students whose progress is unsatisfactory may be dismissed from the program.

Satisfactory Progress: Within the Department of Library and Information Sciences, satisfactory progress toward the master’s degree is defined as maintaining a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (B) on all course work in the degree program. In addition,

Probation: Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation.

Students on probation who do not achieve at least a 3.0 on all SLIS graduate courses taken in any term/semester and a 3.0 GPA for all courses taken in any term/semester will be dismissed from the program.

Students on probation must remove their probationary status within one calendar year following the term/semester in which their grades initiated probationary status. Failure to remove the probationary status within this time period will result in dismissal from the program.

Dismissal: Students who have been dismissed from the program are not eligible for readmission.

Certificate of Advanced Study

The post-master’s program leading to a Certificate of Advanced Study is offered for those who seek further specialization in a particular aspect of library or information science. Those entering the program prepare for a level of competency beyond that provided by the master’s degree. The program enables the professional to satisfy continuing education goals or requirements and enables individuals to update their knowledge and skills.

Admission requirements: Master’s program requirements apply, with consideration given to prior study and academic record, standardized entrance examination scores, letters of recommendation, career interests and objectives, and any prior professional experience. An interview with a department representative designated by the chair is strongly recommended before or at the time of initial enrollment for course work.

Program requirements: The program may be completed in two terms/semesters of full-time study or extended over a longer period.

The student must earn a minimum of 24 to 30 hours of graduate credit, which may include up to 12 hours in other disciplines, chosen or specified according to prior study and individual interests and objectives. Transfer credit may be approved for 3 to 6 hours, and at least half of the hours must be completed within the department.

The program of study, which is tailored to individual needs, must be planned with a faculty advisor and approved in advance by the chair of the department. No comprehensive examination or special research requirements are specified. Students must be admitted to candidacy to continue beyond 12 hours. Students must complete all planned course work with an average grade of B or better, and then file an application for the certificate.

Graduate Academic Certificates

The department offers graduate academic certificates in advanced management in libraries and information agencies, storytelling, and youth services in libraries and information settings.

The graduate academic certificate program is intended for two audiences:

1. master’s degreed library and information science professionals who want to develop expertise in specific areas in libraries or other settings and receive a graduate academic certificate; and

2. bachelor’s or master’s degreed individuals who want to develop or enhance their knowledge of specific areas in libraries or other settings by taking master’s-level courses and receiving a graduate academic certificate.

Admission information: Prospective students must be admitted to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies, which requires a graduate school application and official transcripts from prior colleges or universities. Students who are awarded graduate academic certificates and later apply for admission to the master’s program will be required to submit additional materials including standardized entrance examination scores (see Master of Science program).

Program requirements: Graduate academic certificates consist of three or four courses. They can be pursued prior to or concurrently with the master’s degree.

Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in Information Science

The interdisciplinary doctoral program with a major in information science responds to the varied and changing needs of an information age. There is increasing recognition of the central role of information in individual, social, economic and cultural affairs, along with recognition of the widespread application and influence of information and communication technologies. Graduates of the program are prepared to contribute to the advancement and evolution of the information society in a variety of roles and settings as administrators, researchers and educators.

The mission of the program is to provide a center of excellence in doctoral education and research. Its primary goals are to

1. develop scholars passionate about the role of information in human affairs;

2. nurture critical and reflective thinking on fundamental issues and problems related to information;

3. promote cross-disciplinary thinking and research; and

4. foster an environment of substantive and productive mentoring and apprenticeship.

Students are attracted to the program from a wide range of disciplines and are encouraged to expand their expertise in cutting-edge areas of information science that cross disciplinary boundaries. The multifaceted nature of information science warrants the integration of resources, courses and faculties from a broad range of academic units. Nine units participate in the doctoral program:

Admission Requirements

Students may enter the doctoral program in the fall semester. Prospective students must apply and be admitted first to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies and then to the doctoral program (see respective web sites for details). To ensure full processing by all offices, including international admissions and scholarships if appropriate, all application materials are due by November 1 of the year preceding the fall semester of initial enrollment. Applicants must meet all general admission requirements of the School of Graduate Studies and requirements of the doctoral program, as follows:

1. Completed master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.

2. Overall graduate grade point average of 3.4 (4.0 scale).

3. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores including verbal, quantitative and analytical writing (must be on file at the time the application is reviewed) or successful completion of UNT Graduate Preparation Course (GPC).

4. For international students, a satisfactory score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or successful completion of the UNT Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) through level 6.

5. Three recommendations from former professors, employers or others who can give evidence of the applicant’s interest in and aptitude for a research career in information science.

6. Personal statement (300–500 words) of career objectives, which may include doctoral research areas of interest; research, professional or community experiences that demonstrate motivation, commitment and potential for doctoral work; accomplishments (publications, presentations, awards); communication skills including multilingual proficiency; technology skills; and contribution to diversity of the field.

7. Curriculum vitae.

8. Sample of formal writing (published paper, major term paper, thesis chapter, etc.).

9. Interview with program faculty, which is not required but is encouraged prior to application and may be requested by the admission committee.

An admission committee of interdisciplinary faculty members reviews applications. Admissions are highly competitive, depending on applicant qualifications and the availability of faculty members to mentor doctoral students. Not all qualified applicants can be accepted.

Degree Requirements

The course work for the program can be completed in two years of full-time study or extended over a longer period. Typically, the dissertation requires an additional year.

A student must earn a minimum of 60 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the master’s degree in organized course work, independent study (maximum 9 hours) and the dissertation. Additional courses above the 60 hours also may be stipulated as needed, such as the research tool requirement.

Courses counted toward the doctorate must be numbered 5000 or above and must be chosen with the approval of a faculty academic advisor. The student formally concludes course work by passing the qualifying examination before fully engaging in dissertation research.

Course Requirements

1. Interdisciplinary core, 3 hours of SLIS 6945, Doctoral Seminar in Information Issues (1 hour in each of three terms/semesters. Classes typically meet concurrently with monthly doctoral colloquia.)

2. Subject core, 9 hours as follow: SLIS 6000, Seminar in Information Science; SLIS 6700 Seminar in Communication and Use of Information; and SLIS 6660, Readings in Information Science.

3. Methods core, 9 hours as follow: research design, research statistics, elective.

4. Concentration, 18 hours in two of the following three areas:

5. Electives, 9 hours.

6. Dissertation, 12 hours of INFO 6950, Doctoral Dissertation.

Additional Requirements

Research Tool Requirement

Students must demonstrate proficiency in research methods or statistics prior to or shortly after beginning doctoral course work. This requirement can be met by successfully completing EPSY 5210, COMM 5320, DSCI 5180, SLIS 5080 or an equivalent course, or by passing a proficiency exam. A course accepted for this requirement cannot count toward the 60 hours required for the doctoral degree.

Information Organization Requirement

Students must demonstrate proficiency in the organization of information prior to or shortly after beginning doctoral course work. This requirement can be met by successfully completing SLIS 5200 or an equivalent course or by passing a proficiency exam. A course accepted for this requirement cannot count toward the 60 hours required for the doctoral degree.

Multidisciplinary Requirement

The doctoral program is intended to provide students with a variety of approaches to researching and solving information problems from multiple disciplines. Therefore, no more than 18 graduate credit hours may be taken from any one academic unit in areas of concentrations and electives.

Doctoral Committee

The doctoral committee comprises at least three faculty members who represent at least two academic units, one of which is the Department of Library and Information Sciences. The committee is formed by the student and serves to evaluate the student’s work at the qualifying examination, dissertation proposal, and dissertation stages.

Progress Toward the Degree

The student must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (B) on all course work on the degree plan. The maximum time allowed for completing the doctoral degree is 10 years. A faculty academic advisor meets with each student at least annually to review the student’s progress in the program. The student is eligible to sit for the qualifying examination when he or she has designated a doctoral committee, met all degree plan requirements except dissertation hours, and cleared any incomplete grades. When a student passes the qualifying examination, he or she is admitted to candidacy. The doctoral candidate must write and successfully defend a dissertation proposal and a completed dissertation in order to complete the degree.

Further Information

For further information about any degree or certificate program, write or call the Department of Library and Information Sciences or visit the department’s web site: Personal interviews and counseling may be arranged through the department office.

The Department of Library and Information Sciences does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, and the operation of its programs and activities, as specified by federal laws and regulations. Copies of the department’s ADA compliance policy are available in the department office. Problems may be reported to the department’s ADA liaison, Information Sciences Building, Room 205; 940-565-2445.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The “Course and Subject Guide,” found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

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