the Supreme Court of Texas
Electronic Briefing


Updated: 05-Jun-2007

Links to Ebriefs (PDF) currently available:

  1. Relators' Motion for Temporary Relief - Filed: 10/11/2006 [347 KB]
  2. Petition for Writ of Mandamus - Filed: 10/11/2006 [1.73 MB]
  3. Relators' Reply Brief - Filed: 11/06/2006 [206 KB]
  4. Response to Petition - Filed: 10/30/2006 [300 KB]
  5. Real Party in Interest's Supplemental Record - Filed: 10/30/2006 [8.19 MB]
  6. Relators' Brief on the Merits - Filed: 12/21/2006 [191 KB]
  7. Real Parties in Interest's Brief on the Merits - Filed: 01/18/2007 [2.31 MB]
  8. Relators' Reply Brief on the Merits - Filed: 02/07/2007 [1.95 MB]

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