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Radio Science Systems Group

The Radio Science Systems Group is responsible for Radio Science experiments from concept to completion. We work on behalf (represent the interests) of flight project investigators residing at JPL and research centers and universities worldwide. This work involves developing engineering requirements consistent with the scientific objectives for the spacecraft and ground elements of Radio Science instrument and monitors and participates in their design and development. In addition we provide coordination and long range planning for flight project activities, operate as a single, comprehensive focal point for experiment-related project functions and serve as the sole operational interface between the Radio Science investigators and the other elements of the Flight Projects, MOSO, and the Deep Space Network.

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Cassini Searches for Gravitational Waves

Image for 'Cassini Searches for Gravitational Waves'

Barely perceptible Fluctuations in the speed of a distant NASA spacecraft coasting away from Earth could provide science's first direct detection of gravitational waves, a basic feature of how the universe behaves...

Coming Soon:


The Radio Science Systems Group Has moved. The new Mail Stop is 230-215.

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