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IAB Priority Lists Available
New 2007 and 2008
priority lists available.
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2008 Annual Report

2009 SEL 

IAB's 10 Year Anniversary Overview 

IAB White Paper on Anthrax Vaccine Absorbed

R-Tech Newsletter
Mar 09: Vol 2, No 3
Apr 09: Vol 2, No 4
May 09: Vol 2, No 5
Jun 09: Vol 2 No 6


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Origin of the IAB

Sanctioned by the Attorney General of the United States, the InterAgency Board for Equipment Standardization and Interoperability (IAB) was founded by the Department of Defense's Consequence Management Program Integration Office and the Department of Justice's Federal Bureau of Investigation Weapons of Mass Destruction Countermeasures on October 13, 1998.

With the participation of various local, state, and federal government organizations, the IAB originally formulated its mission statement, organized the board into SubGroups and Committees, developed a Charter, and identified the IAB Process and Strategic Plan.

The IAB has grown and evolved since its inception.  Visit the About Us tab to learn more.

Mission of the IAB

The InterAgency Board (IAB) for Equipment Standardization and Interoperability is designed to establish and coordinate local, state, and federal standardization, interoperability, compatibility, and responder health and safety to prepare for, train and respond to, mitigate, and recover from any incident by identifying requirements for an all-hazards incident response with a special emphasis on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or Explosive (CBRNE) issues.