VA Research Currents

VA Research Currents is produced by the Office of Research and Development to provide stakeholders of VA research with news about research results, new initiatives, major awards, research funding, and other matters of interest.

August, 2009
In this issue:
Study suggests rise in wars' mental toll; White House awards for VA scientists; Researchers probe strategy to make flu drugs go further; Study will boost role of electronic records in care, research; Naps boost creativity; Vision and traumatic brain injury; PTSD links to specific physical ailments prove elusive; Electronic-records project tackles MRSA, PTSD

VA Research Currents - August, 2009

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June-July, 2009
In this issue:

  • Studies boost Alzheimer's home safety (and don't miss the online feature and slideshow!);
  • RNA revelation;
  • New screening tool for dementia;
  • VA study probes care for American Indians, Native Alaskans;
  • Image rehearsal may ease PTSD nightmares;
  • Among older veterans, women less likely to get immunized;
  • Depression common in kidney disease;
  • Transplanted neurons reduce spinal cord pain in rats;
  • HIV therapy linked to low bone density;
  • Parsing press releases;
  • Effort launched to stem mental-health stigma

VA Research Currents - June, 2009

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May, 2009
In this issue:
VA conducting 'optimization study' of advanced prosthetic arm, Technology speeds hunt for disease-linked genes, Survey of veterans shows most would support and take part in genomic research, Organ-transplant pioneer honored at VA Research Week event

VA Research Currents - May, 2009

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April, 2009
In this issue:
Defining the role of race in health research; Research Week 2009: 'Turning Hope into Reality'; Depression and heart disease: What's the link?; Compound in saffron shows promise for pancreatic cancer; Grape-derived antioxidant stops lung tumors in lab study

VA Research Currents - April, 2009

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March, 2009
In this issue:
Study to track burn outcomes; Probing the genes of a 'bad bug'; A more sensible approach to managing tinnitus; VA Health Services R&D holds its largest meeting ever; HSR&D awardee known for work on 'excesses of American medicine'; VA’s Evidence Synthesis Program, "Strategies for Suicide Prevention in Veterans"

VA Research Currents - March, 2009

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February, 2009
In this issue:
VA-NIH trial backs brain stimulation for some Parkinson's patients; 'Local Accountability for Research’; Easing spinal cord pain; Study sheds light on how brain recalls past events; Identifying higher-risk periods for suicide; Effects on thinking skills similar between blast, non-blast brain injuries; Genome study homes in on diabetes genes; Compounds seen as promising cancer-fighters; VA study to expand on 'Spouse Battlemind' ; Diabetes, dementia and the brain; It’s about teamwork Studying how nurses, doctors work together

VA Research Currents - February, 2009

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January, 2009
In this issue:
Reaching out to provide PTSD care with telehealth programs; Trial compares methods for brain injury rehab; Presidential award to VA bone researcher; Arkansas-based study will use interactive video for PTSD therapy; Researcher explores how to aid recovery from coma; Easing the transition home for Puerto Rican veterans

VA Research Currents - January, 2009

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November, 2008
In this issue:
Yoga study finds mix of health benefits; VA screenings yield data on military sexual trauma; Gene therapy for chronic pain gets first test in people; Leading the charge toward evidence-based medicine; Self-monitoring of anti-clot drug has some pluses; Drinking green tea may stop skin cancer; Obesity and prostate cancer risk; Kidney impairment linked to bone loss; Drug found ineffective for heart failure; Privacy curtains in hospitals could spread germs; Psychologist cited for Iraq role; Neural-regeneration researchers garner awards

VA Research Currents - November, 2008

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October, 2008
In this issue:
VA to play role in Defense-funded research on PTSD, TBI; At Baltimore VA, stroke recovery studied from many angles; Treadmill gains seen even decades after stroke; African Americans at greater risk for colon polyps; Older patients often want unnecessary tests; Compound may ease spinal-cord damage; Doctors often miss opportunities for empathy; Drug treatment of older veterans with PTSD found to be 'conservative, cautious'; Putting polytrauma care 'on the map'; Cancer gene hunter—Sushanta Banerjee, PhD

VA Research Currents - October, 2008

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September, 2008
In this issue:
Study backs expansion of low-vision program; Artificial kidney will offer 'dialysis on the go'; A new approach to detecting mild brain injuries; Innovative carts make life easier for spinal-cord-injured veterans

VA Research Currents - September, 2008

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July, 2008
In this issue:
In diabetes, no added heart benefit from tighter sugar control; Nanotechnology team aims to build a better electrode; Grape-derived compounds shine in lab studies; Study highlights new way to clear arteries; At Palo Alto VA, physicians are 'sharpening their image'

VA Research Currents - July, 2008

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June, 2008
In this issue:
Future directions in PTSD research and care; Study links gene variation to cardiac effects of mental stress; More is not better: VA-NIH study yields surprising finding on treatment for acute kidney injury; Primary care counseling spurs home-based workouts; Scientists cited for work in cancer, diabetes, schizophrenia; VA research fellows play role in China earthquake relief,Brain injury and vision,Web feature on high blood pressure

VA Research Currents - June, 2008

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April, 2008
In this issue:
Understanding the effects of blasts on the brain, VA Research Week spotlights our investigators’ achievements, Career milestones, Studies under way in VA to advance genomic medicine, Heart hormones may be effective cancer treatment

VA Research Currents - April, 2008

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March, 2008
In this issue:
Flat growths that elude colonoscopy may account for many cancers;Alzheimer’s-caregiver study results being implemented at 20 VA sites, Large trial links fitness to longer life; Study reveals ‘selective publication’ of research on antidepressants; Experimental Therapeutics’ award to Alzheimer’s researcher; Recent publications and presentations by VA investigators; Impaired sense of smell may be key part of early detection for Parkinson’s disease; Physician-investigator cited for equity research; VA’s Magnuson Award to director of Seattle-based prosthetics and limb-loss-prevention center

VA Research Currents - March, 2008

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February, 2008
In this issue:
Evaluating VA’s homelessness programs; Thermometer helps ward off diabetic foot ulcers; Lithium gives brain boost to rats, may show promise for Alzheimer’s; New ‘CRADA’ policy will foster collaborations; Massage shown to help surgery patients recover; New method may ease use of ‘nanocomposites’ in medicine, industry; Central Texas VA team to study brain injuries; Stroke-rehab innovator to hold endowed professorship

VA Research Currents - February, 2008

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December, 2007
In this issue:
New research center to focus on returning veterans; Study sheds doubt on pain rating scale; Brain-computer interfaces: Has science fiction become reality?; Two genes found to play major role in progression of HIV to AIDS

VA Research Currents - December, 2007

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November, 2007
In this issue:
Researchers seek efficient strategy to cope with drug-resistant germ; Peer-visitor project fosters mutual help among veterans with polytrauma; Blood test may offer early detection for Alzheimer’s disease; VA scientists receive presidential awards; VA research highlighted in House hearing; PTSD research conference to involve VA, DoD, NIH

VA Research Currents - November, 2007

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October, 2007
In this issue:
Brain-imaging tool may offer quick mental-health diagnostics; Studies find some benefits to limits on new doctors' work hours; Scientist traces genetic ties between alcoholism, anxiety; Tampa VA researcher receives 'Service to America' medal; VA-tested shingles vaccine now available for veterans

VA Research Currents - October, 2007

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August, 2007
In this issue:
New bionic ankle debuts at Providence VA; VA-UCLA team discovers link between Parkinson's disease, narcolepsy; Study sheds light on mechanisms of rosacea; Adult-stem-cell therapy to be tested as adjunct to heart surgery; Which providers are most likely to order inappropriate prostate screenings?; Wheelchair innovator to be honored by Multiple Sclerosis Society

VA Research Currents - August, 2007

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July, 2007
In this issue:
New model agreement will ease VA-industry drug trials; Durham study to probe benefits of guided imagery for PTSD; Healing the injured brain: How can research help?; Promising multiple sclerosis therapy in clinical trial; Current VA research on brain injury

VA Research Currents - July, 2007

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June, 2007
In this issue:
Fatty liver disease: a new epidemic?; New genomics lab in Little Rock will move VA toward 'personalized medicine'; Muscle-repair research yields insights on adult stem cells; Engineers seek smoother, more natural control of prosthetic arms; VA system tops private hospitals in infection-control study;

VA Research Currents - June, 2007

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May, 2007
In this issue:
Study tracks mental-health effects of Gulf War deployment; VA presents Middleton awards to two West Coast researchers; VA investigators garner honors at SGIM meeting; Can education close the racial gap in joint-replacement therapy?; Remembering William Chardack, MD, cardiac-pacemaker pioneer

VA Research Currents - May, 2007

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April, 2007
In this issue:
VA clinical trial casts doubt on routine use of angioplasty, stenting; Drug helps PTSD nightmares; New book offers insights, advice for researchers writing proposals; Loma Linda team identifies gene tied to bone density; Duct tape: Does it really help warts?

VA Research Currents - April, 2007

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March, 2007
In this issue:
VA partnering with DoD, NIH on trials of virtual reality therapy for PTSD; Review study links marijuana use to breathing difficulties; Research identifies key measure for justifying repeat prostate biopsies; Exposure therapy surpasses supportive intervention in trial of women veterans with PTSD; HSR&D national meeting features push toward more collaboration with RR&D

VA Research Currrents - March, 2007

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February, 2007
In this issue:
Evidence-based prosthetics is focus of new workshops; New certification process will boost data security; Study suggests controlling iron levels early in life may cut future heart risk; Observational study designs - The cohort study; Salt Lake City research to target prosthetic infections; The birth of nuclear medicine in VA; Health Affairs paper analyzes role of electronic health record in VA diabetes care

VA Research Currents - February, 2007

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January, 2007
In this issue:
Health Services R&D director named; Study to probe risk factors, outcomes of violence against servicewomen; Brown/VA scientist profiled in Discover; Palo Alto alcoholism researcher cited for findings on natural vs. treated remission; Stopping cancer in its tracks - Lab seeks compounds to halt metastasis; Balance training may top tai chi for fall prevention; Who's at risk for falls?

VA Research Currents - January, 2007

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Issues from 2006 and Before: