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What is Oregon culture?
dance class leaping (photo credit: Rick Williams 2009) Oregonians create grants for arts, heritage and humanities non-profits
The Oregon Cultural Trust provides funds to support 1,200 cultural non-profits in every Oregon county. Those funds are made possible by generous Oregonians who also save on their Oregon state taxes.
Live, Work and Play in Oregon
Get Unemployment Benefits Quickly
person working at computer
Online Claim System is fastest way to file

What's the fastest way to file your Oregon Unemployment Claim? Filing online is the fastest method for most people, especially if all your work was performed in Oregon.

Oregon's Online Claim System is easy, fast and secure. The system leads you through each question, step by step, and it even advises you if you have made a mistake. Most of the questions have YES or NO answers, plus easily understood HELP information is available with the click of your mouse.
Happy Birthday, Oregon!
Oregon 150 Sustain the Spirit logo
Oregon will celebrate its 150th birthday in the year 2009. Planning for this big event has already begun. Check out the Oregon 150 Web site. You can share your thoughts and ideas with the planning team, sign up to receive e-newsletters, and learn how you can get involved.
Oregon - A Great Place
boys jumping at Road's End State Park (Lincoln City, OR)
Hot Topics for Oregonians
doctor with mother and child
Oregon is on the Job!
Economic Stimulus and Recovery: "The Oregon Way"
The Oregon Way logo
Investing dollars to deliver immediate jobs and long-term economic prosperity

Governor Kulongoski is focused on accelerating our economic recovery by transforming the way the state approaches economic development. "The Oregon Way" approach will demonstrate that we can create immediate jobs and grow our economy while reducing our carbon footprint -- wins for our economy and environment. "The Oregon Way" will create jobs by building on our track record of sustainability and innovation.
Want to find out where your Oregon tax dollars go?
Workers jumping
You've come to the right place! Oregon state government is on the job, working for you each day. Visit this feature often. We have great news to share.
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission needs your input!
hand with pen marking a checkbox
Oregonians! The OLCC requests that you complete the survey below (OLCC Public Customer Service Survey). Your response is important to provide a more complete picture of how the OLCC is doing.

Liquor license holders! The OLCC wants to hear from you, too. You're invited to take the survey below (OLCC Liquor License Customer Service Survey).

The commission appreciates your time and values any additional comments you may have. Both surveys close Friday, August 14, 2009.

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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