2009 Oregon Liquor Control Commission Customer Service Survey - C
Please help the OLCC understand how well it serves its customers by answering the following questions. These are standard questions that each state agency in Oregon must ask of its customers.

1. How do you rate the timeliness of the services provided by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission?

2. How do you rate the ability of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to provide services correctly the first time?

3. How do you rate the helpfulness of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission employees?

4. How do you rate the knowledge and expertise of Oregon Liquor Control Commission employees?

5. How do you rate the availability of information from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission?

6. How do you rate the overall quality of the service provided by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission?

7. Share your thoughts on how the OLCC can serve you better.