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Home > NewsRoom/Media > Press Release 2009

Press Release 2009

Below is a list of press releases issued by the U.S. Government Printing Office. Releases are available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

August 2009

08.21.09 -- House Health Care Reform Bill Available on GPO�S Federal Digital System pdf
08.17.09 -- Nevada Law Library Joins GPO's Federal Depository Library Program pdf
08.10.09 -- GPO Seeks Digital Printing Equipment pdf

July 2009

07.29.09 -- GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys) Named One of the Best Government Web Sites pdf
07.21.09 -- Operations Manager Named for GPO's Pueblo Distribution Center pdf
07.15.09 -- Public Printer Names New Members to Depository Library Council pdf
07.14.09 -- GPO Launches Publication Alert System pdf

June 2009

06.29.09 -- GPO Improves Business for Vendors and Customers with New System pdf
06.26.09 -- American Business Awards Honor GPO pdf
06.24.09 -- GPO Remembers Virginia Saunders pdf
06.18.09 -- GPO's Creative Services and Communications Departments Take Top Honors pdf
06.16.09 -- GPO's Police Chief Graduates from the FBI National Academy  pdf
06.02.09 -- GPO's Longest Serving Employee Marks a Milestone  pdf

May 2009

05.28.09 -- GPO Produces Identification Credentials for New Border Crossing Rules  pdf
05.11.09 -- The Budget of the U.S. Government for Fiscal year 2010 Available on GPO's Federal Digital System pdf
05.08.09 -- Distribution of the Budget Analytical Perspectives, Historical Tables and Summary Tables of the U.S. Government for Fiscal Year 2010 pdf
05.07.09 -- GPO and OMB To Distribute President Obama's Detailed Budget for Fiscal Year 2010  pdf
05.05.09 -- OMB Director Visits GPO  pdf
05.04.09 -- OMB Director Orszag and Public Printer Tapella To Inspect FY 2010 Budget  pdf

April 2009

04.30.09 -- GPO Assists CDC in Providing the Public With Swine Flu Information  pdf
04.24.09 -- GPO Releases New Edition of Style Manual for Federal Printers and Publishers  pdf
04.21.09 -- Public Printer To Discuss GPO's Goals and Initiatives at Congressional Hearing  pdf
04.15.09 -- Public Printer To Speak About GPO's Role in Government Transparency at Library Conference  pdf
04.09.09 -- Public Printer To Address Green Media Conference  pdf

March 2009

03.25.09 -- GPO Achieves Fifth Consecutive Year of Growth pdf
03.20.09 -- GPO Seeks Sustainable Paper Products  pdf
03.16.09 -- Public Printer's Letter to President Obama Regarding Open Government  pdf

February 2009

02.24.09 -- GPO and OMB to Distribute President Obama's Budget Overview for Fiscal Year 2010 pdf
02.18.09 -- The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus Bill) Available on GPO's Federal Digital System  pdf
02.12.09 -- GPO Prints President Barack Obama's Official Photograph  pdf
02.04.09 -- GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys) Operational - President Obama's Official Documents Part of System  pdf

January 2009

01.29.09 -- Report on Iraq Reconstruction Available at GPO  pdf

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This document highlights GPO's progress toward achieving the goals and objectives established in GPO Strategic Vision. pdf

GPO Testimony Before Congress
Prepared Statements presented before the Senate & the House of Representatives.

Communications Office

Gary Somerset
Media & Public Relations Manager

BethAnn Telford
GPO Special Events Coordinator