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Small Business Forum Video
Small Business Stimulus Package Forum
(click on the image to view the video)


"We will tackle the historic unemployment rates and historic revenue shortfalls our state faces in the short-term. The only way we are going to solve these challenges in the long term is to get Delawareans back to work. The stimulus bill provides help that could create thousands of jobs. We will be open with how these resources are used and will track through this site its progress."

- Governor Jack Markell

Lieutenant Governor Matt Denn
Stimulus Czar

July 23, 2009
Stimulus Update #10

June 12, 2009
Stimulus Update #9

May 22, 2009
Stimulus Update #8

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May 20, 2009
Lt. Governor Denn and DEDO Continue "Recovery Act Opportunities for Small Businesses" Road Show

May 20, 2009
Denn Outlines What the Stimulus Bill Means for Nonprofit Organizations at Town Hall Meeting

May 18, 2009
Lt. Governor Denn Continues to Take Recovery Act Information to the Public

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Stimulus Spending Summary


*based on federal government projections,
funding spans a multi-year period

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Last Updated: Friday, 24-Jul-2009 12:47:23 EDT
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