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Waterfowl Hunting

The Refuge holds an annual waterfowl hunt from mid-October through early December. Season dates and harvest limits are released each year in late September.

Download the 2008 Waterfowl Hunt Regulations here.

Download the 2008 Waterfowl Hunt Map here.

Information on NYS DEC Migratory Game Bird seasons can be found here.

Waterfowl Youth Hunting

The 2008 youth waterfowl season for New York's Western Zone is scheduled for Saturday, October 11 and Sunday, October 12. The Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge will participate by hosting a Youth Hunt on Saturday, October 11 at the refuge's Tschache Pool.

To register for the youth hunt at the Montezuma NWR, you must call the refuge's Hunter Check Station, 315/568-4136, on Thursday, October 2, between 8:00 and 8:30 AM, to make your reservation. Reservations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis.

During the youth season, only hunters ages 12 to 15 are allowed to hunt. A mentor (a licensed parent or guardian) must accompany them while hunting. These youth hunt days allow an adult to guide and teach safe and ethical waterfowl hunting methods to the beginning waterfowl hunter without the fast and exciting pace and competition of a regular waterfowl season opener.

All youth hunters and adult mentors must possess a current New York state hunting license and have a current Harvest Information Program (HIP) registration number. Adult mentors must also have a current Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Duck Stamp). A non-motorized boat or canoe is required to hunt at Montezuma NWR, and use of a trained hunting dog is advised.

A New York State Waterfowl Identification class is required to hunt the Montezuma NWR (you must show proof of class completion when you check in to hunt at the refuge). You can check for the waterfowl identification class availability at the Montezuma NWR, Montezuma Audubon Center, Bass Pro Shops in Auburn, local newspaper outdoor columns, or the NYS DEC website.

A Waterfowl ID Course for Youth will be held at the Spinning Wheel Restaurant, 7384 Thompson Road, North Syracuse, NY, on October 1, 2008, beginning at 5:30PM. Pre-registration is required; call Bryan Campbell at 315/559-0660 to register for this course.

For further information, please contact the refuge's Main Office at 315/568-5987.