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Career Development

Career Development Initiative Framework

The foundation of the Initiative is an action-based Career Development Framework. The framework was developed through internal planning sessions and consultations with an external advisory committee composed of a broad range of community career development stakeholders. The established Framework outlines the parameters for the development of programs and services necessary for Manitobans to set and achieve their career goals throughout their learning and working lives. The key components of the Framework include:


In partnership with stakeholders, the Government of Manitoba will assist Manitobans to set and achieve their career goals throughout their learning and working lives.


The framework sets out to achieve the following goals:

  1. Career Development is recognized as essential to the social and economic well-being of Manitobans.
  2. Manitobans have the knowledge, abilities and experience to set and achieve their individual life/work goals.
  3. Manitobans have access to quality resources and supports to make informed education, training and employment choices.
  4. Manitobans have essential skills to work and adapt to the needs of the workplace.
  5. Stakeholders in career development have a mechanism for exchanging information and working cooperatively.


Career Development Initiative partners include: Manitoba's Career Development Advisory Committee, various provincial government departments, school divisions, post-secondary institutions, non-government agencies, First Nations, Métis, Inuit, other Aboriginal organizations, unions, professional organizations, and trade associations, employers and sector associations.

Career Development Environments

Career development occurs in both learning and labour market environments. Learning environments are defined as K-12, Adult Learning Centres, post-secondary institutions, and workplace and community-based training programs. Labour environments include business and industry, government, community and non profit organizations. In an ideal scenario, individuals move seamlessly through these environments to access the career development resources and supports necessary to meet their life goals.

Building Blocks Essential to Career Development

In the Career Development Framework the center block serves as a foundation for activities undertaken by the stakeholders. The foundation includes: assessment, counselling, information resources, access to funding, career exploration, work/volunteer work experience, research/evaluation, curriculum & program development & implementation, stakeholder involvement, integrated policy, promotion and professional career development training. These activities are viewed as essential to career development and support an individual's planning around learning and work.

Career Development Initiative Framework PDF

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