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Completed Projects

Completed projects include only those that were completed since 1996.

    1. The Integration of the New York Harbor Healthcare System - Analysis of the integration of the Brooklyn and New York VA medical centers.
    2. Case Studies of Affiliated Integrations - Analysis of three VA systems that integrated medical centers with strong affiliations with different medical schools.
    3. Case Study of VISN 2 Mental Health Service Line
    4. Case Study of VISN 13 Integration - Retrospective analysis of how VISN 13 created on integrated system from previously independent medical centers.
    5. Case Study of VISN 23 Development - Concurrent analysis of the progress of integrating former VISNs 13 and 14 to a single network.
    6. Evaluation of VA Practice Matters as a Strategy for Influencing Physician Behavior (VA Practice Matters is a publication that reports periodically on current evidence-based practices for providers in different specialties.)
    7. Hospital Relationships with HMOs: Patterns of Competition and Earnings - This study examined patterns of hospital competition for business from health maintenance organizations.
    8. Impact of a Quality Management Intervention Upon Foot Care Outcomes
    9. Managing Large-scale Transformations: The Case of the Veterans Health Administration - The primary goal is to prepare a case study of the organizational transformation in the of the Veterans Health Administration.
    10. Network Accreditation Pilot Evaluation - Comparison of JCAHO abd NCQA accreditation processes for integrated networks in four VA pilot VISNs.
    11. Northern Indiana NHCU Consolidation- Analysis of options for consolidating nursing home care units in the Northern Indiana Health Care System.
    12. Ownership Status, Market Concentration and Hospital Pricing Patterns - This project developed a conceptual and empirical foundation for refining current antitrust analytic frameworks used in evaluating mergers between nonprofit hospitals.
    13. Patient Safety for Vulnerable Populations - This project creates a developmental center for evaluation and research in patient safety.
    14. Survey of VA Researchers - Examination of researchers’ views of the current status of research in VA, identifies areas of excellence and opportunities for improvement.
    15. The Effects of Local Hospital Networks on the Cost and Accessibility of Hospital Services - This project examines whether networks appear to enhance the market power of hospitals in ways that lead to higher prices and whether networks produce pro-competitive benefits in the form of new services.
    16. The Impact of Nonprofit Conversions on Community Benefits - Studied conversions of nonprofit hospitals to for-profit status and the implications for community benefits
    17. The Implementation and Diffusion of Advanced Clinic Access in VA Medical Centers - Evaluation of the spread of Advanced Clinic Access within the VA.
    18. The Role of Employee Performance Evaluations in a Quality Improvement Initiative - The primary goal of this project was to develop and test a model for managing large-scale organizational change to improve service quality.
    19. Transitions in Organizational Design: A Study of Product Line Management Implementation - Investigates the effectiveness of two different approaches to implementation of change: incremental and discontinuous.
    20. VISN 1 Governance Study - A survey of Executive Leadership Council (ELC) members and local facility leaders (ELC non-members) on perceptions of the Network governance and organization.
    21. Evaluation of the Pursing Perfection Program - This project evaluated the extent to which seven Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grantee health care organizations and five comparison sites throughout the United States attained their goals of perfect health care, addressing the IOM's six aims and examining changes in organizational factors to enable and sustain perfect care. The conceptual model of Organizational Transformation was developed as part of this project. A follow-up study to validate the model in twelve additional sites is in progress.