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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

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Displaying records 1 - 25 from the 37 total records in the database.

DCL-06-40, Current Collections and Arrears Management Peer-to-Peer Training Conference Training Notes     

The DCL transmits a copy of the summary notes from the Peer-to-Peer Training Conference on Current Support and Arrears Management to State IV-D Directors for their information and reference. The Conference was conducted in La Jolla, California, from May 16 - 18, 2006.

DCL-06-39, SSA's Court Order Garnishment System     

On March 7, 2006, SSA implemented a new garnishment system, COGS (the Court Order Garnishment System), to respond to income withholding orders from child support agencies.

DCL-06-38, Replacement of OCSE Network Equipment     

The OCSE Network supports the Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet 2000) interstate application, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Kids 1st application and the electronic Income Withholding Order (e-IWO) application.

DCL-06-36, Submittal of the OCSE-157 Report for FY 2006 and the Resubmission of FY 2005 Data Found to be Incomplete or Unreliable     

Submittal of the OCSE-157 Report for FY 2006 and the Resubmission of FY 2005 Data Found to be Incomplete or Unreliable.

DCL-06-37, National Judicial - Child Support Task Force Strategic Plan     

National Judicial - Child Support Task Force Strategic Plan

DCL-06-35, Synopsis of the National Child Support Interstate and Systems Symposium - June 6 - 9, 2006     

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) hosted the National Child Support Interstate and Systems Symposium in Silver Spring, MD on June 6 - 9, 2006.

DCL-06-34, Expanded Federal Parent Locator Service Safeguarding Certification     

Information for DMS: The Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) annually requires all States to submit certifications of compliance with safeguard and security requirements relating to locate information received from the FPLS.

DCL-06-33, Recommendations for Data Standards for CSE-TANF Data Exchange     

Solicit input from States regarding recommendations for standardized data elements and transactions formats for exchange of data between State CSE and TANF agencies.

DCL-06-32, Implementation of New Passport Denial Threshold     

This is a reminder that effective October 1, 2006, amendments to Section 7303 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 reduced the threshold amount that triggers eligibility for Passport Denial from $5,000 to $2,500.

DCL-06-31, Two New Publications Regarding Child Support Services for Incarcerated/Released Noncustodial Parents     

This DCL distributes the above two publications regarding child support services for incarcerated/released non custodial parents.

DCL-06-29, Data Reliability Audit Requirements for the Fiscal Year 2006 Reporting Period     

This DCL details Data Reliability Audit Requirements for the Fiscal Year 2006 Reporting Period. The attachment contains data submission requirements for the Federal fiscal year 2006 DRAs.

DCL-06-28, Clarification of DCL-06-16: Implementation of the $25 Annual Fee in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA of 2005)     

We want to clarify to States that we did not intend to suggest that the mandatory fee provision may not be implemented at all by States until publication of a final rule. Rather, although proposed regulations regarding implementation and fee collection procedures are forthcoming, States should plan to implement the fee requirement in accordance with the statutory language by the appropriate effective date that applies to each State.

DCL-06-25, Federal Offset Program Fees     

The Department of Treasury's Financial Management Service (FMS) has provided the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) with the offset fees for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007.

DCL-06-27, Safeguarding of Sensitive Information     

As you know, the effectiveness of the Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Program depends upon the availability and use of sensitive data, including addresses, assets and employment information for the individuals involved in the program.

DCL-06-26, Fiscal Year 2007 User Fees for FPLS and CSENet 2000     

This letter is to inform you of the annual user fees that each state will be assessed for use of the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) and the Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2007.

DCL-06-23, OCSE 16th National Child Support Enforcement Training Conference     

This year's 16th National Child Support Enforcement Training Conference will be held September 11 -13, 2006 at the Marriott Crystal Gateway Hotel in Arlington, VA. The theme of the conference is - Opening Doors for Children.

DCL-06-22, Release of Automated Systems for Child Support Enforcement: A Guide for Enhancing Review and Adjustment Automation     

The purpose of the guide is to encourage states to improve their current level of system automation related to the review and adjustment process. It provides states valuable information for analyzing and developing system enhancements related to the review and adjustment process, and detailed case studies. The tool kit has been designed for state CSE technical, policy, and program operations staff and their contractors, and Federal OCSE technical assistance staff.

DCL-06-21, Cost-free service of process for countries with Federal-level child support agreements.     

It has come to our attention that some local jurisdictions are unaware of the requirement to provide cost-free service of process to countries that have Federal-level agreements with the U.S. This issue has specifically arisen with regard to processing Norwegian cases. We would appreciate it if you could emphasize to local jurisdictions in your state that service of process must be provided cost-free for FRCs.

DCL-06-20, Update of OCSE's Video on "The Power of Two: Voluntarily Acknowledging Paternity"     

The video was originally developed to help states comply with the federal law requiring all unwed mothers and fathers be provided an oral, as well as written, explanation of their legal rights, responsibilities, and consequences of voluntarily signing a paternity acknowledgment. It has become increasingly apparent that, in addition to establishing paternity, one of the best steps parents can take to improve the well-being of children is to raise them in a safe, stable, and healthy environment. The English and Spanish versions of the video have been updated to include the positive aspects for children of healthy marriage and to inform those who think they might be interested in learning more, that marriage education services are available.

DCL-06-19, Recommendations from Location Codes (aka FIPS) Workgroup     

Child support enforcement (CSE) agencies have long used a combination of state and county identifiers to meet a variety of business needs, e.g., document routing, office identification, reporting. With the expansion of the child support program to include international IV-D cases and tribal IV-D cases, it was determined that they need to be identified for reporting and case management purposes.

DCL-06-18, Revisions to Pre-Offset Notice and Annual Certification Letter     

The enactment of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 included pending changes to the Passport Denial Program. As a result, it was necessary to revise the Federal Collections and Enforcement Pre-Offset Notice (PON) and Annual Certification Letter to coincide with the new legislation. The revised versions of both documents are enclosed.

DCL-06-17, FY 2005 Preliminary Data Report     

This report provides financial and statistical information on the Child Support Enforcement program for fiscal year 2005.

DCL-06-16, Implementation of the $25 Annual Fee in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA)     

The DRA of 2005, Public Law 109-171 was signed by the President on February 8, 2006.Section 7310 of the DRA of 2005, Mandatory Fee for Successful Child Support Collection for a family that has Never Received TANF, mends section 454(6) of the Social Security Act to provide that a State child support plan must provide for the imposition of an annual fee of $25

DCL-06-15, National Child Support Interstate & Systems Symposium: June 6-9, 2006     

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is hosting a National Child Support Interstate & Systems Symposium to be held at the Hilton Washington DC/Silver Spring in Silver Spring, MD from June 6 through 9, 2006.

DCL-06-14, Implementation of New Passport Denial Threshold     

The Passport Denial Program was implemented in June 1998 to deny passports to individuals who owe child support.

... Next 12 Records