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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

2650 thumbnail picture
Roberts Radio Current Meter ready for deployment in Akutan Pass.
Akutan Pass, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1950
2651 thumbnail picture
Streamlined buoy with Roberts Radio Current Meter. Ready for deployment in Akutan Pass
Akutan Pass, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1950
2652 thumbnail picture
Streamlined buoy with Roberts Radio Current Meter. Deployed in Unalga Pass
Unalga Pass, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1950
2653 thumbnail picture
Full-crew effort to recover current meter buoy. Even the cook was involved. Off of WAINRIGHT. Photo #2 of sequence
Chesapeake Bay 1952
2654 thumbnail picture
Full-crew effort to launch current meter buoy. Off of WAINRIGHT. Photo #1 of sequence
Chesapeake Bay 1952
2655 thumbnail picture
Recovery of current buoy from approach to nearly on deck. Off of WAINRIGHT. Photo #3 of sequence
Chesapeake Bay 1952
2656 thumbnail picture
Current meter buoy being deployed from the EXPLORER
Delarof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska 1952
2657 thumbnail picture
Current meter buoy being lowered to the rail. Off of PATHFINDER
Kasaan Bay, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska 1958
2658 thumbnail picture
Installing current meter at Cape Seniavin. Off of PATHFINDER
Cape Seniavin, Bristol Bay, Alaska 1960
2659 thumbnail picture
Current meter at Cape Seniavin installed by PATHFINDER.
Cape Seniavin, Bristol Bay, Alaska 1960
2660 thumbnail picture
Emerson E. Jones checking the wire angle with a 3-arm protractor. Over-the-side operations on the MARMER
Charleston, South Carolina 1962
2661 thumbnail picture
Buoy in tow from the MARMER. Towing buoy to station location
Charleston, South Carolina 1962
2662 thumbnail picture
Current buoy in strong currents in Charleston Harbor. Station established by the MARMER
Charleston, South Carolina 1962
2663 thumbnail picture
C. William Hayes' first command. Just kidding - checking batteries and electronics package
Charleston, South Carolina 1962
2664 thumbnail picture
Deploying a current meter from the MARMER. Working off the MARMER
Tampa Bay, Florida 1963
2665 thumbnail picture
Gabby - the talking current buoy. Gabby getting a new face for a Norfolk, Virginia, open house. MARMER hosted open house for general public. Article appeared in Norfolk Ledger-Star on November 13, 1963
Charleston, South Carolina 1963
2666 thumbnail picture
Current buoys on deck on the FERREL for Maine project.
Penobscot Bay, Maine 1970?
2667 thumbnail picture
Current buoy and meter being deployed in Penobscot Bay. Deployment off of FERREL
Penobscot Bay, Maine 1970?
2668 thumbnail picture
Current buoy in water in Penobscot Bay. Deployment off of FERREL
Penobscot Bay, Maine 1970?
2669 thumbnail picture
NOAA Launch 1255 with crane for handling current buoys and meters. Launch 1255 worked with FERREL in Penobscot Bay
Penobscot Bay, Maine 1970?
2670 thumbnail picture
Current meter with trash catcher to keep impeller from being fouled. Deployed off of FERREL
2671 thumbnail picture
Bottom mounted current meter being deployed from FERREL. Project to determine path of brine plume from salt dome solution and pumping. Studies during formation of Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Gulf of Mexico 1978?
2672 thumbnail picture
Colonel E. Lester Jones and Honorable J. D. Craig. On EXPLORER on International Boundary Commission inspection tour. Colonel Jones was a founder of the American Legion
Southeast Alaska 1927
2673 thumbnail picture
Picking up pilot and radio operator from recon airplane off Oahu. Plane ran out of fuel and landed on water searching for Japanese fleet. Picked up by EXPLORER 3 days after Pearl Harbor
Hawaii December 10, 1941
2674 thumbnail picture
Route of 17th Field Artillery Observation Battalion through Belgium and Germany. 17th FAOB was on the north shoulder of the Bulge. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
Europe 1945
2675 thumbnail picture
Route of 17th Field Artillery Observation Battalion through England and France. 17th FAOB landed one day after D-Day. Engaged at Falaise Gap in France, marched through Paris
Europe 1944
2676 thumbnail picture
Training maneuvers on the Dartmoors prior to D-Day. Personnel of the 17th FAOB. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
England 1944
2677 thumbnail picture
Meteorological observations on the Dartmoors. 17th FAOB training exercises prior to D-Day. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
England 1944
2678 thumbnail picture
Transit party training on the Dartmoors. 17th FAOB training exercises prior to D-Day. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
England 1944
2679 thumbnail picture
Lieutenant Fountain and Sergeant Newton on reconnaissance training. 17th FAOB training exercises prior to D-Day. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
England 1944
2680 thumbnail picture
Survey party entering Vire, France, shortly after D-Day. 17th FAOB. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
France 1944
2681 thumbnail picture
Flash ranging command post overlooking the Rhine River. 17th FAOB. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
Belgium 1944
2682 thumbnail picture
Flash ranging command post overlooking the Rhine River. 17th FAOB. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
Belgium 1944
2683 thumbnail picture
Survey work at Kesternich. 17th FAOB. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
Germany 1945
2684 thumbnail picture
Members of 17th FAOB at Ehrenbreitstein Fortress. L to R - Deily, Bacon, Richey, Harding, Riback, Snyder, Stewart. Photo from 17th FAOB Album
Germany 1945
2685 thumbnail picture
Frontispiece from the History of the 17th Field Artillery Observation Battalion. Image from 17th FAOB Album
2686 thumbnail picture
All in a days work for the members of the 17th FAOB. Shooting, running line, stopping for chow, rodman, and observer with transit. Image from 17th FAOB Album
2687 thumbnail picture
Running the transit - survey work with the 17th FAOB. Image from 17th FAOB Album
2688 thumbnail picture
Route of the 8th FAOB. Image from the 8th FAOB Album
Europe 1944-45
2689 thumbnail picture
Diagram of sound ranging coverage with artillery firing possibilities. Image from the 8th FAOB Album
Germany April 17, 1945
2690 thumbnail picture
Sound ranging operations of 8th FAOB. 70 sound bases established in less than one year. Image from the 8th FAOB Album
Europe 1944-45
2691 thumbnail picture
Flash observer at work. 25 flash bases established. Image from the 8th FAOB Album.
Europe 1944-45
2692 thumbnail picture
Over 4,000 miles of wire laid to communicate with sound and flash ranging bases. Image from the 8th FAOB Album
Europe 1944-45
2693 thumbnail picture
Flash ranging operations. Image from the 8th FAOB Album
Europe 1944-45
2694 thumbnail picture
Composite of all operations associated with 8th FAOB. Image from the 8th FAOB Album
Europe 1944-45
2695 thumbnail picture
The bottom line - determined 7,016 enemy targets for Allied artillery. Image from the 8th FAOB Album
Europe 1944-45
2696 thumbnail picture
Captured German map showing geodetic control around St. Nazaire, France.
France 1944-45
2697 thumbnail picture
Title page of captured German geodetic control book for St. Nazaire.
France 1944-45
2698 thumbnail picture
Listing of geodetic control points with rectangular coordinates. From captured German geodetic control book for St. Nazaire
France 1944-45
2699 thumbnail picture
Listing of geodetic control points with rectangular coordinates. From captured German geodetic control book for St. Nazaire
France 1944-45

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007