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NOAA's Historic Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS) Collection
Catalog of Images

1100 thumbnail picture
Packing in the astro instruments. Chief of party, 102 lbs. Astro party of C.V Hodgson.
Arizona 1914
1101 thumbnail picture
Packing in the astro instruments. Taylor, 70 lbs. Astro party of C.V Hodgson.
Arizona 1914
1102 thumbnail picture
Mountain climbing in June. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Southeast Alaska 1929
1103 thumbnail picture
On the trail to Station Lazaro.
Clarence Strait area, Southeast Alaska 1921
1104 thumbnail picture
Packing up a shear cliff. Party off WILDCAT.
Nuka Bay area, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
1105 thumbnail picture
I sure wish they'd put these stations in easier places. Party off WILDCAT.
Nuka Bay area, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
1106 thumbnail picture
Packing up Snow Mountain. Reconnaissance party of William Musseter.
1107 thumbnail picture
2-man observation party. Herman Odessey on left, Walter Bilby on right. Triangulation party of Herman Odessey
Montana 1925
1108 thumbnail picture
Resting part way up to Station Armada. Time for a snack. Astro party of Ector B. Latham.
Southern California 1932
1109 thumbnail picture
Observer Thomas and pack. Triangulation party of Wilbur A. Porter.
Colorado 1934
1110 thumbnail picture
Observing party on the way to Longs Peak. Triangulation party of Frank G. Johnson.
Longs Peak, Colorado 1939
1111 thumbnail picture
After descent of Laramie Peak.
Laramie Peak, Wyoming 1935?
1112 thumbnail picture
Fording a stream. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Interior of Alaska 1924
1113 thumbnail picture
Packing up. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Interior of Alaska 1924
1114 thumbnail picture
Cold day- cold horses --- near Station Schist. Nearing the end of the season. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Interior of Alaska 1924
1115 thumbnail picture
Pack train at the top of Mauna Loa. Astro Party of E. J. Brown. World Longitude Network.
Mauna Loa, Hawaii 1927
1116 thumbnail picture
"Getting Out" - Horses helping horsepower. Level party of Herman Odessey.
North of Valdez, Alaska 1923
1117 thumbnail picture
Wrangler with horses on 49th Parallel. Triangulation party of Ector B. Latham. Boundary survey of U.S. - Canada border.
Montana, 49th Parallel 1934
1118 thumbnail picture
Jasper Bilby with light reconnaissance buggy. Reconnaissance party of Jasper Bilby. The 98th Meridian survey was the first great North-South arc in the U.S.
Minnesota, 98th Meridian 1903?
1119 thumbnail picture
Two kinds of horsepower. Crossing the Red River near Granite, Oklahoma. Triangulation party of E. O. Heaton.
Near Granite, Oklahoma 1921
1120 thumbnail picture
Going to work by horse and oxcart. Believed to be Roland Horne on horseback.
Philippines 1923
1121 thumbnail picture
Slogging through the snowfields. The "country behind Station Twin". Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Southeast Alaska 1929
1122 thumbnail picture
Spring reconnaissance with pack-dogs after leaving the railroad at Cantwell. Each dog could carry about 30 pounds. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Central Alaska 1924
1123 thumbnail picture
Fording a small stream with pack-dogs after leaving the railroad at Cantwell. Each dog could carry about 30 pounds. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Central Alaska 1924?
1124 thumbnail picture
The trip across the snowfields. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Southeast Alaska 1929
1125 thumbnail picture
Spring reconnaissance in the Broad Pass District. After leaving the railroad at Cantwell. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Central Alaska 1924?
1126 thumbnail picture
Dog sled trip up the 141st Meridian to the Arctic Ocean. International Boundary Party under Assistant John H. Turner. Traveled from Porcupine to Arctic Ocean and back in 18 days. A round trip of over 400 miles --- lowest temperature was -50 Fahrenheit. March 27 to April 14, 1890
141st Meridian Alaska-Canada Boundary 1890
1127 thumbnail picture
Traveling by human power - rickshaw ride in the Orient. On the way over to the Philippines.
Japan 1932?
1128 thumbnail picture
Hubert Paton and Bloomberg in a Cebu cart. Shore leave in the Philippines.
Cebu, Philippines 1925
1129 thumbnail picture
Idyllic day on the Yukon River. Reconnaissance party of Sam O. White.
Yukon River 1926
1130 thumbnail picture
Climbing up 110' rock near McArthur Pass. Survey crew off SURVEYOR.
East arm of Nuka Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska 1927
1131 thumbnail picture
Landing at Station "Steep". Survey crew off SURVEYOR.
Kenai Peninsula area 1927
1132 thumbnail picture
Climbing to station. Survey crew from WILDCAT.
Cathedral Island, SE Kodiak Island 1928
1133 thumbnail picture
Large stern-wheel boat bringing supplies. Level party of Fred E. Joeckel.
Glen Canyon, Colorado River 1921
1134 thumbnail picture
The boat was transportation for the level party. Camp in Glen Canyon. Level party of Fred E. Joekel
Glen Canyon, Colorado River 1921
1135 thumbnail picture
Bear Creek Canyon, Portage Glacier. Note canoe for scale of glacier. Party of R. P. Strough
West end of Portage Glacier 1914
1136 thumbnail picture
Shovel-nosed river boat providing transportation. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Southeast Alaska 1929
1137 thumbnail picture
Shovel-nosed river boat providing transportation. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife.
Southeast Alaska 1929
1138 thumbnail picture
River boat MIDNIGHT SUN used to transport supplies on the Yukon River. Used to supply crews on the 141st Meridian. Work on the Alaska-Canada Boundary
East Central Alaska, on the Yukon River 1911?
1139 thumbnail picture
Using local inter-island ferry service.
1140 thumbnail picture
U.S.S. SHERMAN - Army transport to Philippines.
1141 thumbnail picture
Survey party on International Boundary. Triangulation party of J. F. Pratt
Pyramid Harbor, Chilkat River area, Alaska 1894
1142 thumbnail picture
Working a boat through the ice of Glacier Bay. Triangulation party of Fremont Morse
Glacier Bay area, Southeast Alaska 1907
1143 thumbnail picture
River boat among icebergs in Twin Lake. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Southeast Alaska 1929
1144 thumbnail picture
Hauling skiff up the rapids. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Southeast Alaska 1929
1145 thumbnail picture
Portage on Basswood River. 125 miles of reconnaissance in 5 days
Canada-U.S. border 1933?
1146 thumbnail picture
A bad fall on the way to Station Gallatin. Idaho-Montana 1922. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Gallatin Peak, Montana 1922
1147 thumbnail picture
Result of the fall - micrometer arm of theodolite broken off. Idaho-Montana 1922. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Gallatin Peak, Montana 1922
1148 thumbnail picture
In climbing to Station Gallatin, the horses took some bad rolls. Idaho-Montana 1922. Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Gallatin Peak, Montana 1922
1149 thumbnail picture
On the way to Station Gallatin. Bad country for horses Triangulation party of William M. Scaife
Gallatin Peak, Montana 1922

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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007