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Texas Cancer Registry

SANDCRAB Lite for Pathlabs: Cancer Reporting Software

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SANDCRAB (Statewide Algorithm aNd Database for Cancer Registration and ABatement) Lite for Pathlabs is a cancer abstract reporting software designed for use by Pathology Labs that report to the Texas Cancer Registry (TCR). It is a scaled down version of the SANDCRAB software that is used by the TCR to process and store all reported cases. SANDCRAB Lite for Pathlabs was developed by the TCR to meet new state reporting requirements.

  • SANDCRAB Lite for Pathlabs (SCL-P) has on-line edit checking for resolution of errors prior to data submission, pop-up selection boxes for looking up codes and the capability to display or print reference reports from the data entered by the reporting institution. SCL-P allows pathology cases to be transmitted electronically to the TCR, thus eliminating paper reporting forms. Data may be submitted to the TCR via diskette or file transfer protocol (FTP).
  • SCL-P may be used on your network.

If the users or IT have any problems installing the new version, please have them call 512-458-7111 (Jonathan Unnasch x3626 or Marilyn Stark x3625).
For data entry related questions please call Judy Gonzales at x3615.
Information about how to handle some Pathlab fields:

  1. CLIA Number (Pathlab is required) and registry number is tied to that.  User can right click for selection list (then click “more choices…”) or just type CLIA number
  2. Physician should be selected (right click to see “more choices…”.  This will allow you to select from the entire physician database and flag for your Pathlab short list)
  3. If ordering facility is from physician, you can leave blank
  4. If patient address is unknown then key “UNKNOWN”
  5. If patient city is unknown then key “Unknown”
  6. If patient zip is unknown then key “999999999”
  7. If patient fips code is unknown then key “999”
  8. If patient ssn is unknown then key “999999999”
  9. If patient date of birth is unknown then key “99999999”

The type of cancer cases to be reported are as follows:

  • Lymphoma
  • Leukemia
  • Melanoma
  • Prostate
  • Breast
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Invasive Cervix

- SANDCRAB Lite for Pathlabs FAQs-


Last Updated February 09, 2007

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