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Texas Cancer Registry

Cancer Reporting Law & Rules

Texas Cancer Reporting Act (Law)

  • .pdf (173 KB)

Texas Cancer Reporting Rules, 2006

  • .pdf (56.2 KB) - The Rules specify Who, What, How, When and Where to report cancer incidence data.

HIPAA Information -

  • HIPAA Information Sheet - 05.31.06 - .pdf (35 KB)
  • HIPAA FAQs - 05.31.06 - .pdf (35 KB)
  • HIPAA Guidance Information - 03.17.04: Guidance from CDC & U.S. Dept. of HHS
  • HIPAA Patient Information Disclosure -
    08.28.03 -
    .pdf (167 KB)
  • DSHS HIPAA Information to Provider - .html
  • TCR HIPAA Letter-05.16.03 - .pdf (104 KB)
  • Legal Opinion-81005_11 - .pdf (385 KB)

Notifications Regarding Changes in Reporting Requirements -

  • Update on Implementation of Clinical Pathology Laboratory Reporting / Electronic Pathology Laboratory
    Reporting Pilot Project - 06.01.04 - .pdf (95.1 KB)
  • Electronic Pathology Laboratory Reporting Pilot Project
    June 2004 Update - 06.04.04 - .html



Last Updated November 19, 2007

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