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Asia Clinical Trials Resource Directory

Please note while every effort has been made to insure the accuracy of the information provided, the links and other content herein should only serve as a basis for further investigation. Laws and regulations can change, and any American company interested in further researching overseas clinical trials should consult with their local Commerce office and the U.S. Embassy in the target country for further information.


People's Republic of China Flag

State Food and Drug Administration

The State Food and Drug Administration is directly under the State Council, which is in charge of the comprehensive supervision on the safety management of food, health food and cosmetics and is the competent authority of drug regulation.

White Paper: Status Quo of Drug Supervision in China (SFDA)

  • I. Overview of Drug Supply, Quality and Safety
  • II. Drug Safety Supervision System and Legal System
  • III. Policies and Measures Concerning Drug Safety Supervision
  • IV. Supervision of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Folk Medicine
  • V. International Exchanges and Cooperation in Drug Safety

Chart: Application and approval procedure for clinical trials (SFDA)

Main Clinical Trial Regulations (SFDA)

1) Provisions for Drug Registration

2) Drug Administration Law (2001)

3) Regulations for Implementation of the Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (2002)

Laws and regulations applicable to pharmaceuticals (Lehman, Lee & Xu)

English translations of various laws and regulations not found on the SFDA English website.


Flag of India

Central Drugs Standard Control Organization

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization is the regulatory body in charge of clinical research in India.

Main Clinical Trial Regulations (CDSCO)

1) The Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules

2) Schedule Y- Amended version 2005
Requirements and guidelines for permission to import and/or manufacture of new durgs for sale or to undertake clinical trials.

Good Clinical Practices Guideline: Overview of standards and procedures in India (CDSCO)

Guidance for Submission of Clinical Trial Application for Evaluating Safety and Efficacy

  • I. Submission of Clinical Trial Application for Evaluating Safety and Efficacy
  • II. Requirements for permission of New Drugs Approval
  • III. Post approval changes in biological products: Quality safety and Efficacy Documents
  • IV. Preparation of the Quality Information for Drug Submission for New Drug Approval: Biotechnological/Biological Products


Flag of Malaysia

National Committee for Clinical Research (NCCR), Ministry of Health

The National Committee for Clinical Research is the government committee responsible for coordinating and encouraging clinical trials in Malaysia.

1) Malaysian Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice (NCCR)

2) Guidelines For Application Of Clinical Trial Import Licence And Clinical Trial Exemption In Malaysia


Flag of the Philippines

Department of Health

The Department of Health (DOH) is the principal health agency in the Philippines. It is responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services to all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care and regulation of providers of health goods and services

Main Clinical Trial Regulations
1) Administrative Order No. 47-a , series of 2001
Rules and regulations on the registration, including approval and conduct of clinical trials, and lot or batch release certification of vaccines and biologic products

2) Republic Act No. 3720
Food, Drugs and Devices, and Cosmetic Act


Flag of Singapore

Health Science Authority
The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) is a multidisciplinary agency in health sciences expertise. Our core capabilities encompass administering the national regulatory frameworks for pharmaceuticals, complementary medicines, medical devices and other health products; the running of the national blood bank and provision of transfusion medicine services; and the provision of forensic medicine expertise, investigative forensic and analytical science services.

Main Clinical Trial Regulations

Conduct of clinical trials in Singapore is regulated by the Medicines Act 1975 and the Medicines (Clinical Trials) (Amendment) Regulations 1998. In addition, the Singapore Guideline for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) has to be observed in the conduct of local clinical trials.

1) Medicines Act 1975

2) Medicines (Clinical Trials) (Amendment) Regulations 1998: unavailable online

  • The Medicines Act 1975 and the Medicines (Clinical Trials) (Amendment) Regulations 1998 can be purchased from SNP Corporation Ltd (Legal Publications):

    1 Kim Seng Promenade #18-01
    Great World City East Tower
    Singapore 237994
    Tel (65) 6826-9600
    Fax (65) 6820-3341

3) The Singapore Guideline for GCP can be obtained from the Health Products Regulation Group. Clinical Trials Branch:
Deputy Director Foo Yang Tong
Tel: 6866 3442      

Guideline on Application for Clinical Trial Certificate (CTC)

Health Products Regulation: Regulatory Guidance

The Eastern cluster of public healthcare institutions in Singapore.
As a site facilitator, “SingHealth Clinical Trials” offers to act as liaison between the industry (biopharmaceutical companies) and member institutions

South Korea

Flag of South Korea

Korea Food and Drug Administration
The KFDA promotes public health by ensuring the safety and efficacy of foods, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and cosmetics, and supporting the development of the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Main Clinical Trial Regulations
Please refer to the free U.S. Commercial Service market research report Korea: Regulatory Approval for Pharmaceuticals (11/30/2006), available at

Regulations on the KFDA website are only available in Korean. Relevant regulations include:

  • Pharmaceutical Affairs Act. Enforcement
    Ministry of Health & Welfare Act No.363 (Revised on July 3,2006)
  • Regulation on Product License Application
    KFDA Notification 2006-41 (September 11, 2006)
  • Regulation on Safety and Efficacy Review
    KFDA Notification 2003-17 (April 14, 2003)
  • Regulation on Standard and Testing Methods Review
    KFDA Notification 2005-57 (October 17, 2005)
  • Regulation on Pharmaceutical Equivalence Testing Management
    KFDA Notification 2002-61 (November 22, 2002)
  • Regulation on Bio-Equivalence Testing Standards
    KFDA Notification 2002-60 (November 22, 2002)

Information Resources

1) Global Clinical Trials in Korea: a presentation by In-Soon Park of the SFDA

2) Regulatory Perspectives and Clinical Trial Status in Korea: a presentation by In-Jin Jang of Seoul National University Hospital

3) Korea Pharmaceutical Traders Association
Since its establishment in 1957, KPTA has been striving to develop pharmaceutical business in international market and we are proud of its successful results. At present, KPTA stands for around 400 member companies consist of manufacturers and traders of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and medical goods.


Flag of Thailand

Information from Cliniqal: Offers detailed overview and useful links
*note, some links on the website do not work

Thailand Pharmaceutical Update: A report from Tilleke & Gibbins

Food and Drug Administration
Protects consumer health by ensuring safety, quality and efficacy of health products.


Flag of Taiwan

Report: Clinical Trials in Taiwan

Department of Health
The Department of Health is in charge of medical issues, health care, and disease prevention, as well as food, drugs, and cosmetic management and health insurance affairs.  Within the Department are different Bureaus involved in aspects of clinical trials and pharmaceuticals.

Bureau of Pharmaceutical Affairs
Pharmaceutical-related laws and regulations

  • Center for Drug Evaluation
    CDE evaluates new drugs and new medical devices for regulatory requirements and offers related consultation services under the delegation and commission of DOH.  The principal functions of CDE are: to help Bureau of Pharmaceutical Affairs to set up the review system and enhance the ability to review new drug applications, to support DOH to establish a mechanism in drafting guidelines, and to provide consultation service to local bio-pharmaceutical industries, to upgrade Taiwan’s ability to review the new drug applications of products developed domestically and those have not been approved in any other advanced countries.

Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis
Implements safety regulations of food and drugs

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Flag of ASEAN

Member Countries include: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

ASEAN Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use

1) The ASEAN Common Technical Dossier (ACTD)
2) ASEAN Common Technical Requirements (ACTR)