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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

Homeland Security Careers

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Proud to Protect.

USAJobs Listings - A comprehensive listing of employment opportunities within the Department.

Career Opportunity Areas - Come and explore the numerous Homeland Security career opportunities that are available in the field and in facilities throughout the United States and abroad.

Careers in Cybersecurity - Be part of the team that protects the nation’s cyber assets.

Legal Employment Opportunities with the Office of the General Counsel - We actively recruit attorneys with varying levels of experience.

Homeland Security Acquisition Career Opportunities - Join the Department of Homeland Security as an acquisition professional.

Homeland Security Employees working in many different fields

Homeland Security Employees working in many different fields

Application Process - Learn how to find and apply for jobs in the Department of Homeland Security.

Benefits - Our career opportunities feature a range of comprehensive and competitive employment benefits.

Veterans Outreach - We actively recruit eligible veterans for suitable jobs at the Department of Homeland Security.

Operation Warfighter Initiative - A temporary assignment/internship program for service members, enrolled in the Operation Warfighter program, that are convalescing at military treatment facilities.

Entry-Level Opportunities - The Department offers fellowships and other exciting opportunities for new graduates in varied fields, including acquisitions, intelligence and analysis, policy and legal.

Student Opportunities - Developing the next generation of Homeland Security employees through student employment programs — like summer internships — is critical to our efforts to secure the homeland.

Commitment to a Diverse Workforce - We are committed to developing and supporting a workforce that reflects our nation’s diverse population.


The Department of Homeland Security is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

This page was last reviewed/modified on July 23, 2009.