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Seminars Sponsored by NIST Statistical Engineering Division Sorted by Date


Z. H. Levine, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Low Cost Reference Objects for Medical Imaging
Room A-326, Building 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland

05/21/2008 - 05/25/2008

I. Beichl, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Using Sequential Importance Sampling to Speed up MCMC
Room A330, Building 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland


K. M. Mullen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Separable nonlinear models for spectroscopy, microscopy and mass spectrometry data
Room A330, Building 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland


E. J. Garboczi, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Characterizing and Modeling the Shape of Particles in Three Dimensions
Building 222, Room A330, Gaithersburg, Maryland

04/19/2008 - 05/19/2008

K. M. Mullen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Methods for the resolution of completely co-eluting components in mass spectrometry data
Room A330, Building 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland


A. Possolo, General Electric
Statistical Models for Cell Populations
NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland


P. Qiu, University of Minnesota
Local Smoothing Segmentation Of Spotted Microarray Images
NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Kowalski, Johns Hopkins University
Nonparametric, Hypothesis-based Analysis of High-Dimensional Data
A-264, Building 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland

10/16/2007 - 10/24/2007

J. Maia, North Carolina State University
Gene Expression Regulatory Patterns Described by Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping Dr. Jessica Maia
Rm. A-264, Building 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland


H. Wang, Colorado State University
Nonlinear Exploratory Latent Structure Analysis
Room A264, Building 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Srivastava, University of Toronto
Analyzing High Dimensional Data with Fewer Observations$
Room A264, Building 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland


G. Yan, University of Virginia
Review and Evaluation of Bayesian Diagnostic Techniques for Detecting Hierarchical Structure
Building 222, Rm. A-264, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Huckett, Iowa State University
Synthetic Microdata Simulation for Confidentiality Protection Using Regression Quantiles
Building 222, Rm. A-264, Gaithersburg, Maryland


R. A. Irizarry, Johns Hopkins University
Using Spike-In Experiments to Assess Microarray Data
Building 222, Room A264, Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. Younes, Johns Hopkins University
The Euler-Lagrange Equations of Diffeomorphic Matching Methods: Applications to Computational Anatomy
Room A-264, Bldg. 222, Gaithersburg, Maryland


Z. Wu, Brown University
Probe Level Models for Microarray Data
Building 222, Room A240, Gaithersburg, Maryland

12/07/2006 - 12/06/2006

D. Williams, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Covariance-Based Uncertainty Analysis of the NIST Electro-optic Sampling System
Building 222, Room A240, Gaithersburg, Maryland


Y. Lai, The George Washington University
Statistical Methods for Differential Expression Identification
Building 222, Room A240, Gaithersburg, Maryland


G. Shmueli, The University of Maryland
A Functional Data Analytic Approach To Empirical Research of eCommerce
NIST North Room 152, Gaithersburg, Maryland

06/11/2006 - 07/11/2006

N. Machkour-Deshayes, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Geometry Measuring of Objects with Complex Shapes
Lecture Room C, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


W. Liggett, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Normalization and Technical Variation in Gene Expression Measurements
Lecture Room C, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. D. Cecil, NASA
Global Change Recorded in Mid-Latitude Ice Cores from southern North America and Central Asia: Implications for Environmental Stewardship and Decision Making
Lecture Room C, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


P. A. Parker, NASA
Experimental Designs that Accommodate Hard to Change Factors
Administration Building, Lecture Room C, Gaithersburg, Maryland


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
The Uncertainty Associated with the Weighted Mean of Measurement Data
Lecture Room C, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Markatou, Columbia University
Analysis of Variance of Cross-Validation Estimators of the Generalization Error of Computer Algorithms
Room 618, NIST North, Gaithersburg, Maryland


A. Possolo, General Electric
From Rocks to Rats: A Statistical Journey
Room 618, NIST North, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Breneman, Pratt and Whitney
30 Years of Forecasting
Room 152, NIST North, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Breneman, Pratt and Whitney
30 Years of Forecasting
Room 152, NIST North, Gaithersburg, Maryland


A. Srivastava, Florida State University
Statistical Models for Analyzing Shapes in 2D and 3D Images
Nist North 152, Gaithersburg, Maryland

02/13/2006 - 03/13/2006

J. Wendelberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Calibration and Error Analysis for a Mass Spectrometry Measurement Process
NIST North Room 618, Gaithersburg, Maryland


A. J. Kearsley, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Optimal Calibration Experiments
NIST North Room 152, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Wolf, Swiss Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing
A Software Tool to Calculate Uncertainty in Measurements
NIST North Room 618, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. H. Yen, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Some Analyses of Geochemical Surveys
2005 Joint Statistical Meetings, Minneapolis


M. Cox, National Physical Laboratory, UK
Calculating the Area Under a Curve Given by a General Set of Points
Lecture Room A, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland

06/15/2005 - 06/15/0205

J. H. Yen, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Uncertainty Issues in High Precision Measurements of Surfaces and Objects
2005 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, June 15, 2005, Bethesda.


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
invited talk, Spectral density-based statistical measures for image sharpness and the related software
NMIJ-BIPM Workshop on the impact of information technology in metrology, Tsukuba, Japan


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistical analyis for multiple artifact problem in key comparisons with trend
NMIJ-BIPM workshop on the impact of information technology inmetrology, Tsukuba, Japan


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistical analysis on uncertainty for autocorrelated measurements and its applications to key comparions
NMIJ-BIPM Workshop on the impact of information technology in metrology, Tsukuba, Japan


W. Martinez, Naval Research Laboratory
Research Directions in Adaptive Mixtures and Model-based Clustering
RM 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


W. Liggett, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Identification of Measurement Issues in Protein Mass Spectrometry
Admin. Building: Lecture Room A, Gaithersburg, Maryland


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Invited talk, "Statistical Analysis of Interlaboratory Studies with Linear Trends"
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Invited talk, "Statistical Analysis of Interlaboratory Studies with Linear Trends"
Department of Mathematical Statistics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China


W. F. Guthrie, National Institute of Standards and Technology
A Bayesian Approach to Combining Results From Multiple Methods


W. Notz
The Design of Computer Experiments to Determine Optimum and Robust Control Variables
Lecture Room C, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


G. P. Patil, Unknown
Surveillance Geoinformatics of Hotspot Detection, Prioritization, and Early Warning
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Invited talk, "Statistical Process Monitoring for Autocorrelated Data"
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado


A. Hornikova, National Institute of Standards and Technology
A Survey of Design, Analysis, and Reporting of Results in Key Comparisons
Room 152, NIST North, Gaithersburg, Maryland


F. Hunt, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Visualizing the Frequency Patterns of DNA Sequences
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


S. Oh, Purdue University
Nonlinear Multigrid Inversion for Bayesian Optical Diffusion Tomography
Room 152, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistical Process Control on Biochemical and Hematological Quality Control Data
Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Canada


W. F. Guthrie, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Salt Lake City, Utah


B. Toman, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Bayesian Approach to Calculating a Key Comparison Reference Value
2004 NCSL Workshop and Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistical Analysis of Interlaboratory Studies with Linear Trends
ASPE Summer Topic Meeting, Penn State University, PA


K. Marsina, Geological Survey of the Slovak Republic
Geochemical Mapping Surveys
Room 618, NIST North, Gaithersburg, Maryland

06/06/2004 - 06/09/2004

Z. Q. Lu, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistics and Standards for High-Throughput Measurements,Invited talk at ICSA 2004 Applied Statistics Symposium in Bio-tech Research and Computing Intensive Methodologies,
San Diego, California , California


A. L. Rukhin, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistics in Metrology: Inernational Key Comparisons and Interlaboratory Studies


G. Ostrouchov, Oak Ridge Natilonal Laboratory
Data Intensive Analysis and Visualization Projects at ORNL
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Markatou, Columbia University
Statistical Model Selection and Model Choice
NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland


N. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
SED Round Table Seminar, "On Allan Variance"


A. Hornikova, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Evaluation of Inter-Laboratory Comparison in Measurement
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Hamad, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Using Bayesian Methods to Account for Measurement Error
Room 154, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


W. E. Winkler, Census Bureau
Record Linkage and Machine Learning
NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland


I. Aviles, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Assembled Designs for Estimating Dispersion Effects
Conference on New Directions in Experimental Design, Chicago, Illinois


Z. Bogar, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Drowning in Data, Thirsting for Knowledge - Learning from Artificial Neural Networks Models
Rm 145, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


D. Malec, National Institute of Standards and Technology
A Closer Look at Combining a Small Number of Binomial Experiments
Room 145, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland

01/23/2003 - 01/13/2003

D. Foster, The University of Pennsylvania
Data Mining with Stepwise Regression
Lecture Room C, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. S. Schmidt, U.S. Naval Observatory
Fractional Difference Prewhitening in Atomic Clock Modeling
Lecture Room B, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland

10/09/2002 - 10/09/2003

A. Kapatou
Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts Based on the Sign and Signed-Rank Statistics
NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. C. Pinheiro
Detecting Fraud in the Real World
Administration Building, Lecture Room B, Gaithersburg, Maryland


K. J. Coakley, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Some Statistical Problems in Optoelectronics


G. C. Tiao, The University of Chicago
Global Atmospheric Changes: Statistical Trend Analysis of Ozone and Temperature Data
Room A202, Advanced Chemical Sciences Laboratory (227), Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Nolan, The Mathworks, Inc.
Stable Distributions: Models for Heavy Tailed Data
Room 660, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland

08/22/2001 - 08/23/2001

Z. You, The Mathworks, Inc.
Computational Statistics with Matlab
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Vangel, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Bayesian Multi-Use Calibration
Room 145, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


I. Aviles, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Optimal Designs for Mixed-Effects Models with Random Nested Factors
SED Seminar, Room 618, Gaithersburg, Maryland


N. S. Altman, Cornell University
Self-Modeling Regression for Longitudinal Data
Room 145, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


K. Ryan, Iowa State University
Hierarchial Modeling of Supercomputer Reliability
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


R. Krzysztofowicz, University of Virginia
Probabilistic Forecasting in Hydrometerology: From Bayesian Theory to Operational System
Room 152, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


R. Evans, College of Vetinary Medicine, Iowa State University
Tutorial on BUGS Software
Room 145, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


B. Toman, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Bayesian Experimental Design
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Ramsey, Iowa State University
Functional Data Analysis: Statistics for Curves and Images
Lecture Room B, Administration Building, Gaithersburb, Maryland


J. Ramsey, Iowa State University
Functional Data Analysis: Statistics for Curves and Images
Lecture Room B, Administration Building, Gaithersburb, Maryland


J. H. Yen, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Trimmed Weighted Means
Joint Statistical Meetings , Baltimore, MD

12/14/1998 - 12/04/1998

H. S. Bennett, National Institute of Standards and Technology
A Regression Case Study: The Non-Linear Modeling of a 2-Dimensional Family of Curves Involving P-Type Semi-Conductor Electron Mobility
Lecture Room A, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Weinstein, National Cancer Institute
Information-intensive Drug Discovery: Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics
Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Lawless, University of Waterloo
Some Comments on Statistical Models in Software Reliability
Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. Wolfson, University of Waterloo
Bayesian Environmental Policy Decisions: Two Case Studies


J. H. Yen, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistical Protocol Comparison in Software Testing
NIST North , Rm. 145, NIST, Gaithersburg


D. Rocke, Univsersity of California, Davis
A Two-Component Model Measurement Error Model in Analytical Chemistry
Gaithersburg, Maryland


X. Meng, The University of Chicago
Thermodynamic Integration and Path Sampling
Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. Gill, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Design and Analysis of an Experiment to Characterize the Effect of Grinding Parameters on the Strength of SRBS, RBSN and SSN
Florence, Italy, South Dakota


J. H. Yen, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Software Testing by Statistical Methods
11th International Software Quality Week, San Francisco, CA


A. F. Karr, National Institute of Statistical Sciences
Does Code Decay?
Gaithersburg, Maryland


T. Matthew, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Recent Work in Multivariate Analysis on Principal Components: A Review
Gaithersburg, Maryland


A. Gelman, Columbia University
Statistical Issues in Home Radon Mapping and Remediation Decisions
Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. S. Hunter, Princeton University
The Box-Jenkins Manual Adjustment Chart
Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. Gill, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Navigating Through the Statistical Reference Dataset (StRD) Website
Boulder, Colorado


A. Odlyzko, AT&T Labs
Patterns in Words
Gaithersburg, Maryland


E. S. Lagergreen, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistical Reference Datasets (StRD) for Assessing the Numerical Accuracy of Statistical Software
Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. Gill, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Navigating Through the Statistical Reference Dataset (StRD) Website
Gaithersburg, Maryland


G. Yang, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Censoring and Random Truncation: An Overview of Statistical Methods
Lecture Room E, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


S. R. Dallal, Bellcore
Improved Engineering of the Software Manufacturing Process
Lecture Room D, Adminsitration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Voelkel, Rochester Institute of Technology
Minimum Aberration Split-Plot Designs
Lecture Room A, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. B. Hare, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistical Thinking for Work Process Improvement
Lecture Room B, Adminstration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. B. Hare, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Statistical Thinking for Work Process Improvement
Lecture Room B, Adminstration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


R. Linger, Carniege-Mellon University
Cleanroom Software Engineering for Developing High-reliability Software
Room A362, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


D. Banks, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Multivariate Anomalies: Computer Security Applications
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


K. Faber, University of Washington
Uncertainty in Predicted Concentrations Using Multivariate Calibration Technologies
Lecture Room D, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. G. Hwang, Cornell University
Prediction Intervals for Measurement Error Models with Applications to Predicting Compressive Strength of Concrete
Lecture Room C, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


K. Eberhardt, National Institute of Standards and Technology
What Does the 'Law of Propogation of Uncertainties' Approximate?
Room 618, NN, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Gentle, George Mason University
Testing Mathematical Software
Room B111, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Levenson, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Examples in Statistical Image Processing
Lecture Room E, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Vangel, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Estimating a Common Mean in an Interlaboratory Study
Lecture Room D, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Koike, National Research Laboratory of Metrology
Utilizing a Statistical Method in Measurement Uncertainty Estimation for the Rockwell Hardness Test
B111, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


S. Leigh, National Institute of Standards and Technology
A Comovement Coefficient for Time Sequences
B111, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


L. B. Hare, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Where to Set Fill Targets
B157, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


S. Stigler, The University of Chicago
Statistics and the Question of Standards
Green Auditorium, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


W. H. Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Markov Chain Monte Carlo and the Salesman Problem
Lecture Room B, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


M. Kaminskiy, The University of Maryland
Quantile Approach to Accelerated Life (AL) Testing: Probabilistic Models and Data Analysis
B111, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland

04/08/1995 - 05/08/1995

R. G. Easterling, Sandia National Laboratory
Statistical Aspects of Agile Manufacturing
B111, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


K. Roeder, Carniege-Mellon University
DNA Fingerprinting: Measuring the Weight of the Evidence
Lecture Room E, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


D. Y. Pui, University of Minnesota
The Transfer Function of the Differential Mobility Analyzer: Numerical and Experimental Investigations
B245, Polymers Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


Q. Jiang, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Microcracking in Ferroelectric Ceramics
B111, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. A. Fill, Johns Hopkins University
Limits and Rates of Convergence for the Distribution of Search Cost Under the Move-to-Front Rule
A149, Polymers Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


J. Mandel, National Institute of Standards and Technology
A Rational Analysis of Interlaboratory Data
Lecture Room B, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


Y. R. Sivathanu, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Tomographic Reconstruction of the Local PDFS of Soot Volume Fraction and Temperatutre
Building B111, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland


H. Chernoff, Harvard University
Estimating a DNA Sequence From a Collection of Noisy Copies
Lecture Room C, Administration Building, Gaithersburg, Maryland

Date created: 6/5/2001
Last updated: 06/27/2008
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