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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
03.02.05 - New Web site is coming
Exciting changes are coming soon to the Goddard Earth Science (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC) web site that we believe will serve our customers better and enhance their browsing experiences. We expect the initial changes to be in place by early April 2005 with additional chang...
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02.16.05 - TOMS Giovanni available
The GES-DISC DAAC Interactive Online Visualization and ANalysis Infrastructure (Giovanni) is available for visualization and analysis of Earth Probe and Nimbus-7 TOMS level 3 gridded 1.0� x 1.25� data.
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12.30.04 - New AIRS and MODIS Subsetting Services Available
Subsetting services now include new AIRS On-The-Fly (OTF) and AIRS On-Demand-Subset (ODS) interfaces as well as new MODIS OTF Level 1B channel subset and new MODIS OTF Atmosphere Grid parameter subset. Read here about the MODIS subsetting services.
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12.17.04 - Ocean Color Tutorials Make Discoveries
Tutorials created to demonstrate the use of the GES DISC Interactive Online Visualization and Analysis Infrastructure (Giovanni) for ocean color data analysis observed the influence of El Ni�o in the Gulf of Panama, seasonal cycles and a mysterious feature in the Red Sea, and the influence of c...
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12.01.04 - Announcing the GES DISC Technology Lab Web site
The purpose of the Technology Lab is to showcase some of the work going on at the GES DISC behind the scenes. Some of the work projects described in the Technology Lab are already fielded to support our customers while others are in the development or prototyping stage. We invite you to explore...
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11.22.04 - S4PM released under NASA's open source license
The Simple, Scalable, Script-based Science Processor for Missions (S4PM) is a system for highly automated processing of science data. It has been released to the public under NASA's open source license.
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10.22.04 - Spatial subsetting of MODIS Level 3 SST using HSE available via EDG
The University of Alabama--Huntsville's HDF-EOS Subsetting Engine (HSE) has been integrated within the DAAC's S4PM-On-Demand processing system for spatial subsetting of MODIS Level 3 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) products through EDG.
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09.30.04 - Heavy Rainfall from Hurricane Jeanne Observed by TRMM
The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) tracked the path of Hurricane Jeanne as it approached and crossed Florida.
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09.15.04 - NASA TRMM Satellite Monitors Hurricane Ivan Rainfall
The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) provides a unique way to measure and monitor rainfall from Hurricane Ivan from space.
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09.10.04 - Hurricane Ivan Observed by NASA's MODIS satellite
Hurricane Ivan formed in the tropical Atlantic and approaches the Gulf of Mexico.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC