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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
09.25.08 - TOVAS Giovanni adds products to new interface
Several TRMM data products have been added to the new TOVAS instances as part of the transitional phase between the predecessor TOVAS and the current Giovanni system.
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09.25.08 - ACDISC has new OMLER data product
The Atmospheric Composition DISC (ACDISC) has recently added the new monthly OMI/Aura Surface Reflectance Climatology data product OMLER. For more information please see the link below.
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09.20.08 - GES DISC automated Land Surface Temperature data production
GES DISC automated Land surface temperature product access to NOAA archive. Migrated and automated processing and archiving this product at GSFC NEESPI Data Center. This improves timeliness of data in NEESPI Giovanni.
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09.17.08 - GES DISC Teams Receive Robert H. Goddard Honor Awards in 2008
Three teams from the Goddard Earth Sciences DISC received Robert H. Goddard Honor Awards for 2008. The awards recognized the implementation of Giovanni and Mirador, the evolution of EOSDIS, and Multi-Mission data services to faciliate use of Earth Science data.
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09.10.08 - GES DISC automated Snow/Ice data production
GES DISC automated Snow/Ice product access to NOAA archive. Migrated and automated processing and archiving this product at GSFC NEESPI Data Center.
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09.09.08 - Ike Moves Over Cuba, Heads to the Gulf
As of 2:00 pm EST September 9th, Hurricane Ike has a forward speed to 12 mph heading in the West/Northwest direction with a wind speed of 75 mph and is located at approximately 22.7N, 83.4W with a central pressure of 970 mb. Hurricane Ike headed to Cuba as a category 3 storm initially and has w...

Hurricane Ike MODIS Terra 09-08-2008 Hurricane Ike Merged IR animation on 09-07-2008 Hurricane Ike TRMM 3B42RT data from 09-06 to 09-09 Hurricane Ike QuikSCAT image 09-09-2008

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09.04.08 - HIRDLS Version 004 Atmospheric Products Now Released (Aug 4, 2008)
The version 4 of level 2 HIRDLS Product 'HIRDLS2 version 2.04.19)' is now available. At this time, Temperature, O3, HNO3, CFC-11, CFC-12, Cloudtop Pressure and Aerosol Extinction are available. For more information please see the link below.
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09.03.08 - Precipitation Animation of Hurricane Gustav and The Tropical Atlantic Region
Animations were created using the TRMM 3B42RT data of the Accumulated Rainfall parameter using the GES DISC TRMM Online Visualization and Analysis System (TOVAS)(http://disc2.nascom.nasa.gov/Giovanni/tovas/), which contains TRMM rainfall products, near-real-time 3-hourly, Multi-Satellite Precip...

Hurricane Gustav TRMM 3B42RT Accumulated Rainfall Animation Active Atlantic Tropical Region 3B42RT Accumulated Rainfall animation
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09.02.08 - High Point Of The Season Proves To Be Active!
As Gustav becomes a tropical depression all eyes turn now to an extremely busy Atlantic region. As high time has come upon us for the hurricane season, storms develop across the Atlantic region just north of the ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone). As of 11:00 am EST we have 3 named storms st...

TS Hanna MODIS Terra 250m 09-01-2008 Hurricane Gustav MODIS Terra 250m 09-01-2008 Hurricane Gustav Merged IR data 08-31-2008
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09.02.08 - MergedIR Animation Shows the Atlantic Storms Movement
An animation created using the Merged IR data which is a Globally-merged (60N-60S) pixel-resolution IR brightness temperature data (equivalent blackbody temps), merged from all available geostationary satellites (GOES-8/10, METEOSAT-7/5 & GMS). The data is available by ftp from the GES DISC (ht...

Tropical Storms animation of Merged IR data 08-31-2008 Tropical Storms in the Atlantic MergedIR data on 23 Z 08-31-2008 MODIS Terra 250m Tropical Storms across the Atlantic
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC