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AIRS IR Quality Assurance Subset

Product Description Product Summary
Aqua satellite with AIRS instrument

Aqua satellite with AIRS instrument

The AIRS QA subset file contains only Quality Assurance parameters that one can find also in AIRS IR radiance product. There are many QA parameters that users may use to filter AIRS/AMSU/HSB data to create a subset for analysis. A complete description of each parameter is provided in AIRS Processing Files Description.

The QA parameters may be static or dynamic. If dynamics, their time scale and scope can range from global to all channels to per footprint to a single channel in a foot print.

GES DISC Data Access

ESDT Shortname:

Global, Twice Daily
(Daytime and Nighttime)

13.5 km at nadir 41 km x 21.4 km at the scan extremes

Spectral Range:
2378 channels from:
3.74 - 4.61 µm
6.20 - 8.22 µm
8.8 - 15.4 µm

 3.8 MB / file

Product Guide:

Instrument Guide:
AIRS Instrument Guide
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  • Last updated: Dec 23, 2008 12:42 PM ET