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Monitoring, Assessment and TMDLs

Monitoring, Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Quick Finder
San Pedro Creek, Arizona
San Pedro Creek, Arizona

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Arizona Water Quality

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality is responsible for conducting monitoring, assessment, reporting under CWA Sections 303(d) and 305(b), and TMDL development for the State of Arizona. More information about Arizona's programs may be found at Arizona Department of Environmental Quality's Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment page Exiting EPA (disclaimer)  or by contacting:

Linda Taunt (Taunt.Linda@azdeq.gov)
Manager, Hydrologic Support and Assessment Section
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 771-4416
Karen Irwin (irwin.karen@epa.gov)
EPA Region 9
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(415) 972-4116

Arizona's 2004 Integrated Assessment Report (Addressing Section 303(d) and 305(b) Requirements)

On Nov.16, 2004, EPA partially approved and partially disapproved Arizona's 303(d) listing submission. EPA identified additional waters and pollutants which need to be included on Arizona's final 303(d) list. The documents describing EPA's review of the State's submittal and EPA's invitation for public comments for added waters are provided below.

EPA Documents

State Documents

Arizona's 2004 Integrated Report (305(b) Water Quality Assessment and 303(d) list) is available from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Exiting EPA (disclaimer). It contains ADEQ's 2004 submittal to EPA. The final 2004 Arizona list is a combination of ADEQ's 303(d) list submittal and EPA's final decision (see March 17 letter above)

TMDLs in Arizona

Information on the status of TMDLs being developed or previously developed by Arizona DEQ can be found on Arizona DEQ's TMDL Program Monitoring and Assessment page Exiting EPA (disclaimer)  and EPA's Water Quality Assessment Report for Arizona. (Please note that the EPA TMDL tracking system is updated periodically but may not include all approved TMDLs.) In addition, EPA completed one TMDL for copper in Pinto Creek, AZ at the request of the State of Arizona.

Pinto Creek Copper TMDL

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