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Monitoring, Assessment and TMDLs

Monitoring, Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Quick Finder
Photo of Malibu Creek, California
Malibu Creek, California
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California Water Quality

California's Water Resources Control Board and nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards are responsible for conducting monitoring, assessment, reporting under CWA Sections 303(d) and 305(b), and TMDL development for the State of California. The State Board and Regional Boards cooperate in developing Section 305(b) and Section 303(d) listing reports. TMDLs are normally developed by Regional Boards, and then approved by the State Board and State Office of Administrative Law before being submitted for EPA approval.

Monitoring, Assessment, and Section 305(b) Reporting in California

More information about California's monitoring and Section 305(b) programs may be found at State Water Resources Control Board's Water Issues siteExit EPA Click for Disclaimer and in the State Water Resources Control Board's 2002 CWA Section 305(b) ReportExit EPA Click for Disclaimer or by contacting:

Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon(sagaylon@waterboards.ca.gov)
State Water Resources Control Board
(916) 341-5508

Information on California's 305(b) program may also be obtained by contacting:

Terry Fleming (fleming.terrence@epa.gov)
Monitoring and Assessment Office
(415) 972-3462

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Section 303(d) Listing in California

On May 29, 2008, EPA revised its previous decision to add microcystin toxins as an additional cause of impairment to one Klamath River segment (Middle Hydrologic Area: Oregon to Iron Gate) previously listed by California in its 2006 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List.  EPA solicited public comment on its action, and has now completed its review of the comments received.  Based on comments from the North Coast Regional Board, EPA agreed to revise the description of the segment which EPA is listing as impaired due to “microcystin toxins.”  EPA identified this impaired portion as “the reach of the Klamath River including the Copco and Iron Gate Reservoirs.”  Accordingly, this segment does not include Klamath River upstream of Copco I Reservoir to Oregon. 

On March 13, 2008, EPA reconsidered its prior approval of the omission of microcystin toxins listings for three Klamath River segments, and determined to add a listing for microcystin toxin for one of these three segments, “Klamath River HU, Middle HA, Oregon to Iron Gate”. California’s 2006 Section 303(d) List already identifies each segment of the Klamath River within California as impaired due to Nutrients, Organic Enrichment/Low Dissolved Oxygen, and Temperature. EPA’s reconsideration of its decisions related to microcystin toxins and the Klamath River, and its determination to add a listing for microcystin toxins for one of the river’s segments, do not affect EPA’s determinations regarding any other portion of  California’s Section 303(d) List. Neither EPA’s approval of the State’s listings for the Klamath River listings, nor EPA’s determination to add the listing for microcystin toxins, extends to any water bodies located within Indian country, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 1151.

On Nov. 30, 2006, EPA partially approved California's 2004-2006 303(d) list submission. In summary, this action approved the State's list of impaired waters. On March 8, 2007, EPA partially disapproved California's 2004-2006 303(d) List; that is, we disapproved the State's omission of impaired waters that met federal listing regulations or guidance. EPA identified 36 additional waters bodies and associated pollutants for 34 waters to be added to the State's 303(d) list. EPA provided public notice and the opportunity for public comment on our proposed additions which ended April 16, 2007.

On June 28, 2007, EPA issued its final decision regarding the waters we added to the State’s List. See final transmittal letter with enclosures and responsiveness summary below.

EPA Contact

Peter Kozelka (kozelka.peter@epa.gov)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mail code: WTR-2
75 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 972-3448

Questions concerning State's 303(d) list Exiting EPA (disclaimer)  should be directed to:

California Contact
Shakoora Azimi-Gaylon (sagaylon@waterboards.ca.gov)
(916) 341-5508

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TMDLs in California

Photo of Pacheco Marsh, California
Pacheco Marsh, California

EPA has issued guidance for developing TMDLs in California at Guidance for Developing TMDLs in California (PDF) (31 pp, 166K, About PDF)

More information about California's TMDL program, including the State's Proposed Impaired Waters Guidance and Regional Board TMDL programs, can be found at the State Water Resources Control Board's Total Maximum Daily Load Program pageExit EPA Click for Disclaimer or by contacting:

Rik Rassmussen (rrassmussen@waterboards.ca.gov)
State Water Resources Control Board
TMDL Program Manager
P.O. Box 100
Sacramento, CA 95812-011
(916) 341-5549

Information about California's TMDL program may also be obtained from EPA by contacting:

Central Valley Regional Liaison
Debra Denton
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(916) 341-5520

Lahontan Regional Liaison
Jacques Landy
Nonpoint Source Office (WTR-3)
(775) 589-5348

Colorado River Regional Liaison
Karen Irwin
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(415) 947-4116

Santa Ana Regional Liaison
Cindy Lin
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(213) 244-1803

San Diego Regional Liaison
Cindy Lin
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(213) 244-1803

Statewide Coordinator
Dave Guiliano
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(415) 947-4133

North Coast Regional Liaison
Janet Parrish
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(415) 972-3456

San Francisco Bay Regional Liaison
Diane Fleck
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(415) 972-3480

Central Coast Regional Liaison
Janet Parrish
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(415) 972-3456

Los Angeles Regional Liaison
Cindy Lin
Monitoring and Assessment Office (WTR-2)
(213) 244-1803


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State-Adopted TMDLs in California

Information on the status of TMDLs being developed or previously developed by the State of California can be found at California's State Water Resources Control Board's Total Maximum Daily Load Program pageExit EPA Click for Disclaimer and EPA's List of Approved TMDLs for California.

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EPA-Established TMDLs in California

Although most TMDLs are adopted by states, territories, or authorized tribes, and then approved by EPA, EPA also establishes TMDLs in some cases if:

TMDLs for California, which have been completed by EPA as part of legal requirements under lawsuit settlement consent decrees, are on the EPA-established TMDLs page.

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