Texas Mid-Coast Refuge Complex
Southwest Region
"Conserving the Nature of America"

Friends of Brazoria National Wildlife Refuges

National Wildlife Refuges have many needs beyond those that can be provided by their traditional funding sources and limited staff. The Friends of Brazoria National Wildlife Refuges was established in 1994 because they believe in the importance of these refuges both to the wildlife and to the surrounding communities which are enriched by their presence.

The Friends of Brazoria provide volunteers for many important refuge activities and raise funds for a variety of refuge projects.

For more information regarding this vital support group please check out their web site at:   http://refugefriends.org

Friends building a boardwalk
Photo Credit: T. Sanders, USFWS



blue goose refuge logo with links to brochure, species lists, refuge maps, plans
Last updated: March 4, 2009
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