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Proposed RMP / Final EIS

Richfield Field Office Planning Area- Proposed Resource Management and Final Environmental Impact Statement

Lead Agency: U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management

Type of Action: Final, Administrative

Jurisdiction: Comprising all of Sanpete, Sevier, Wayne, Piute, and portions of Garfield and Kane Counties, Utah

Abstract: The Richfield Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement (PRMP/FEIS) describes and analyzes the Proposed RMP and other alternatives presented in the Draft Resource Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DRMP/DEIS) for the planning and management of public lands and resources administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Richfield Field Office (RFO) in Utah. The Proposed RMP is open for a 30-day review and protest period beginning August 8, 2008, the date the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Notice of Availibility (NOA) of the PRMP/FEIS in the Federal Register. The 30-day review and protest period will end September 8, 2008.

The Proposed RMP was crafted primarily from the Preferred Alternative presented in the DRMP/DEIS (Alternative B) and includes other decisions within the range of alternatives (Alternatives N, A, C and D) in response to public comments and internal review. The No Action Alternative (Alternative N) reflects current management. The BLM has removed the DRMP/DEIS Alternative B (Preferred Alternative) from the PRMP/FEIS. The other DRMP/DEIS Alternatives (Alternatives N, A, C, and D) and analyses are carried forward in the PRMP/FEIS for comparative purposes and correct some mistakes that were identified during the comment period.

Protest: Protests must be postmarked or received no later than 30 days after publication of the NOA by the EPA in the Federal Register. The 30-day protest period (identified above) will not be extended. Refer to the instructions in the dear reader letter for additional information on how to protest. The 30-day review and protest period will end September 8, 2008.

Proposed RMP / Final EIS

Download the complete text of the Richfield Proposed RMP / Final EIS here (32,936 Kb).

Download the complete set of maps for the Richfield Proposed RMP/Final EIS here (43,664 Kb).

To download by section, click on the links below.

 Volume 1 - Table of Contents, Dear Reader Letter, Executive Summary (2310 Kb)

Chapter 1 - Introduction, Purpose and Need (286 Kb)

Chapter 2 - Proposed Richfield Resource Management Plan (966 Kb)

Chapter 3 - Affected Environment (1036 Kb)

Volume 2- Table of Contents (2195 Kb)

Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences of the Proposed Richfield Resource Management Plan (2646 Kb)

Chapter 5 - Public Involvement, Consultation and Coordination (701 Kb)

Volume 3 - Table of Contents (2184 Kb)

Glossary, Acronyms and References (353 Kb)

Appendix 1 - Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Summary Report (4003 Kb)

Appendix 2 - Wild & Scenic River Eligibility and Tentative Classification Report (239 Kb)

Appendix 3 - Wild & Scenic River Suitability Report (224 Kb)

Appendix 4 - 303(d) List of Impaired Waters (136 Kb)

Appendix 5 - Lands & Realty (219 Kb)

Appendix 6 - Wildland Fire Management (169 Kb)

Appendix 7 - Livestock Grazing Allotments (272 Kb)

Appendix 8 -  Coal Resources within the Richfield Planning Area (76,082 Kb)

Appendix 9 - Travel Management/Route Designation Process (116 Kb)

Appendix 10 - Raptor Best Management Practices (209 Kb)

Appendix 11 - Oil & Gas Leasing Stipulations (377 Kb)

Appendix 12 - Reasonably Foreseeable Development Scenario for Oil & Gas and Geothermal Resources (198 Kb)

Appendix 13 - County Plan Public Land Comments Summary (146 Kb)

Appendix 14 - Best Management Practices for Land Uses and Conservation Measures for Federally Listed Species (255 Kb)

Appendix 15 - BLM Wind Energy Development Program Policies and Best Management Practices (181 Kb)

Appendix 16 - Summary of Management of Non-WSA Lands of Wilderness Characteristics for the Richfield Field Office Proposed RMP/Final EIS (187 Kb)

Appendix 17- Utah Public Lands Study: Key Social Survey Findings for Garfield, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier and Wayne Counties (223 Kb)

Appendix 18 - Factory Butte SRMA and RMZs (2653 Kb)

Appendix 19 - Wildland Fire Resource Protection Measures and Reasonable and Prudent Measures, Terms and Conditions, and Reporting Requirements Identified through Section 7 Consultation (219 Kb)

Appendix 20 - Summary of Changes from the Draft RMP/EIS to Proposed RMP/Final EIS (152 Kb)

Appendix 21 - Richfield FEIS_Air Quality Letter (1288 Kb)

 Proposed RMP / Final EIS Maps

Map 1-01 - Richfield Field Office Surface Administration (1288 Kb)

Map 2-01 - Visual Resource Managment- Alternative N (574 kb)

Map 2-02 - Visual Resource Management- Alternative A (545 Kb)

Map 2-03 - Visual Resource Management- Proposed RMP (572 Kb)

Map 2-04 - Visual Resource Management- Alternative C (569 Kb)

Map 2-05 - Visual Resource Management- Alternative D (564 Kb)

Map 2-06 - Livestock Grazing- Alternative A (580 Kb)

Map 2-07 - Livestock Grazing- Alternative B (581 Kb)

Map 2-08 - Special Recreation Management Area- Alternative A (580 Kb)

Map 2-09 - Special Recreation Management Area- Proposed RMP (506 Kb)

Map 2-10 - Special Recreation Management Area- Alternative C (502 Kb)

Map 2-11 - Special Recreation Management Area- Alternative D (511 Kb)

Map 2-12 - Off Highway Vehicle Area Designations- Alterntive N (546 Kb)

Map 2-13 - Off Highway Vehicle Area Designations- Alterntive A (533 Kb)

Map 2-14 - Off Highway Vehicle Area Designations- Proposed RMP (551 Kb)

Map 2-15 - Off Highway Vehicle Area Designations- Alternative C (552 Kb)

Map 2-16 - Off Highway Vehicle Area Designations- Alternative D (898 Kb)

Map 2-17 -  Route Designations- Alternative A (879 Kb)

Map 2-18 -  Route Designations- Proposed RMP (842 Kb)

Map 2-19 -  Route Designations- Alternative C (886 Kb)

Map 2-20 -  Route Designations- Alternative D (898 Kb)

Map 2-21 - Section 203 Sales- Piute County (2682 Kb)

Map 2-22 - Section 203 Sales- North Sanpte County (2763 Kb)

Map 2-23 - Section 203 Sales- South Sanpete County (2665 Kb)

Map 2-24 - Section 203 Sales- Sevier County (2682 Kb)

Map 2-25 - Section 203 Sales- Western Wayne County (2192 Kb)

Map 2-26 - Section 203 Sales- Eastern Wayne and Garfield Counties (3269 Kb)

Map 2-27 - Mineral Withdrawals- Proposed RMP (591 Kb)

Map 2-28 - Mineral Withdrawals- Alternative C (502 Kb)

Map 2-29 -  Mineral Withdrawals- Alternative D (525 Kb)

Map 2-30 - Rights of Way Avoidance- Alternative N (505 Kb)

Map 2-31 - Rights of Way Avoidance- Alternative A (500 Kb)

Map 2-32 - Rights of Way Avoidance- Proposed RMP (510 Kb)

Map 2-33 - Rights of Way Avoidance- Alternative C (527 Kb)

Map 2-34 - Rights of Way Avoidance- Alternative D (535 Kb)

Map 2-35 - Fluid Minerals- Alternative N (549 Kb)

Map 2-36 - Fluid Minerals- Alternative A (550 Kb)

Map 2-37 - Fluid Minerals- Proposed RMP (600 Kb)

Map 2-38 - Fluid Minerals- Alternative C (561 Kb)

Map 2-39 - Fluid Minerals- Alternative D (557 Kb)

 Map 2-40 - Solid Leasable Minerals- Alternative A (553 Kb) 

Map 2-41 - Solid Leasable Minerals- Proposed RMP (601 Kb) 

Map 2-42 - Solid Leasable Minerals- Alternative C (563 Kb) 

Map 2-43 - Solid Leasable Minerals- Alternative D (559 Kb) 

Map 2-44 -  Suitable Wild & Scenic River- Proposed RMP (471 Kb)

Map 2-45 - Areas of Critical Environmental Concern- Proposed RMP (581 Kb)

Map 2-46 - Acreas of Critical Environmental Concern- Alternatives C & D (564 Kb)

Map 2-47 - Non-WSA Lands with Wilderness Characteristics- Proposed RMP (754 Kb)

Map 3-01 - Average Annual Precipitation (651 Kb)

Map 3-02 - Air Quality Areas (501 Kb)

Map 3-03 - Vegetation Cover Types (717 Kb)

Map 3-04 - Mexican Spotted Owl (560 Kb)

Map 3-05 - Selected Wildlife Habitats (631 Kb)

Map 3-06 - Mule Deer & Sage Grouse Habitat  (637 Kb)

Map 3-07 - Ek Winter Habitat (575 Kb)

Map 3-08 - Wild Horse & Burro Management Areas (576 Kb)

Map 3-09 - Non-Wsa Lands with Wilderness Characteristics- Alternative D (642 Kb)

Map 3-10 - Route Inventory (854 Kb)

Map 3-11 - Authorized Oil & Gas Leases (540 Kb)

Map 3-12 - Coal Resource Development Potential (615 Kb)

Map 3-13 - Mining Claims (495 Kb)

Map 3-14 - Wilderness Study Areas (571 Kb)

Map 3-15 - Eligible Wild & Scenic Rivers

Map 3-16 - Existing Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (486 Kb)

Map 4-01 - Energy Policy Conservation Act Summary- Alternative A (546 Kb)

Map 4-02 - Energy Policy Conservation Act Summary- Proposed RMP (591 Kb)

Map 4-03 - Energy Policy Conservation Act Summary- Alternative C (560 Kb)

Map 4-04 - Energy Policy Conservation Act Summary- Alternative D (546 Kb)

Comments on the Draft RMP / EIS

Richfield Public Comments sorted by Category (2028 Kb)

Richfield Public Comments sorted by Commentor (2030 Kb)

Proposed RMP Route Designation Inventory*Portions of the Richfield Field Office East of Capitol Reef National Park (CRNP) are depicted on 100 K topographic maps; areas West of CRNP are depicted on 24 K maps.

*This is an implementation-level decision that cannot be protested under planning regulations. Please see the cover letter for for further information.

Abes Knoll (7339 Kb)

Angle (6745 Kb)

Angle North (6619 Kb)

Annabella (6532 Kb)

Antelope Range (7791 Kb)

Antimony (6727 Kb)

Aurora (7330 Kb)

Beehive Peak (8825 Kb)

Bicknell (7246 Kb)

Boobe Hole Reservoir (6061 Kb)

Burrville (6919 Kb)

Circleville (6704 Kb)

Cow Creek (6091 Kb)

Deep Creek (6567 Kb)

Dirty Devil (6210 Kb)

Emery West (7535 Kb)

Fountain Green North (8236 Kb)

Fremont Gorge (7207 Kb)

Golden Throne (9599 Kb)

Government Point (6767 Kb)

Grass Lakes (5576 Kb)

Greenwich (6375 Kb)

Grover (7485 Kb)

Gunnison (8068 Kb)

Hanksville (6896 Kb)

Hayes Canyon (7534 Kb)

Hells Kitchen Canyon SE (7560 Kb)

Hells Kitchen Canyon SW (8305 Kb)

Hite Crossing (6841 Kb)

Junction (6923 Kb)

Loa (7188 Kb)

Lyman (6896 Kb)

Malmsten Peak (7562 Kb)

Manti (6596 Kb)

Marysvale (8892 Kb)

Mayfield (7742 Kb)

Monroe Peak (8574 Kb)

Moroni (8079 Kb)

Moroni Peak (6630 Kb)

Mount Brigham (8791 Kb)

Notom Road (6985 Kb)

Phonolite Hill (7647 Kb)

Piute Reservoir (7201 Kb)

Pollywog Lake (4628 Kb)

Redmond (5761 Kb)

Redmond Canyon (7289 Kb)

Rex Reservoir (7920 Kb)

Salina (7998 Kb)

Sigurd (8065 Kb)

Smooth Knoll (5526 Kb)

Solomons Temple (6118 Kb)

Sterling (7821 Kb)

Torrey (7228 Kb)


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