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Upcoming Events

These events are sponsored by, or feature speakers from, EPA or other government agencies.

Sept. 17-18, 2008: Faster Freight – Cleaner Air Puget Sound

Bell Harbor International Conference Center
Seattle, Washington

Join over 300 attendees on Seattle's Waterfront to interact with key stakeholders involved in activities related to goods movement and air quality. The conference will highlight innovative programs, policies, and technologies found in the Pacific Northwest region.

To register: Faster Freight - Cleaner Air Puget Sound Registration Exit EPA Disclaimer

For further information: http://www.ffcapugetsound.com Exit EPA Disclaimer

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Past Events

July 8-10, 2008: Faster Freight – Cleaner Air East Coast

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, NY

You will find the presentations from this year's experts at http://www.ffcaeastcoast.com Exit EPA Disclaimer. All Speaker Presentations have been loaded to this site and can be found on the Agenda page

Feb. 25-27, 2008: Faster Freight Cleaner Air California - Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles Convention Center

You will find the presentations from this year's experts at http://www.ffcacalifornia.com/agenda.html Exit EPA Disclaimer. Select either the general sessions or breakout sessions and then click on the presenters name to view the presentation. Note that not every panelist posted a presentation.

Dec. 13, 2007: Diesel Retrofit Technology Verification Workshop

EPA held a Retrofit Technology Verification Workshop on December 13, 2007 in Washington, DC. This workshop helped technology vendors, original equipment manufacturers, fuel and fuel additive makers, and other diesel engine technology organizations learn more about verifying retrofit technologies and gain an understanding of the available opportunities for verified technologies. Presentations

Sept. 20-21, 2007: Marine Log Conference: Global Greenship

This annual conference and expo focused on best environmental practices and technologies for cost-effective solutions in meeting and anticipating present and future national and international marine environmental protection and pollution prevention regulation.

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May 14-16, 2007: SAE Government/Industry Meeting: Advancing Technology, Improving Mobility

This meeting brought together the leading technical authorities from government, industry, and academia to explore the regulation, legislation, and technical issues impacting the future, including energy conservation, the environment, and safety.

May 16, 2007: Faster Freight - Cleaner Air Puget Sound

Hosted by the U.S.EPA, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Washington State Department of Transportation, Port of Seattle and Port of Tacoma, Faster Freight - Cleaner Air Puget Sound focused on goods movement and freight mobility issues, addressing the growing demands for rail and trucking associated with port growth by focusing on the regional infrastructure needs.

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April 23-24, 2007: Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Diesel Collaboratives Funding Forum - Regions 1, 2, & 3

This workshop provided information on funding opportunities that support both public and private efforts to implement clean diesel strategies and fuel savings, innovative funding strategies, and instruction on how to prepare grant applications and project proposals.

Further information can be found at April 2007 Funding Forum Exit EPA Disclaimer

March 28, 2007: Annual West Coast Collaborative Partnership Sacramento, California

Participants were provided the opportunity to: hear about past activities and ideas for the future of the Collaborative; learn about Collaborative’s success stories; gain knowledge about funding opportunities for various Collaborative projects; and network with other partners. Further information can be found at www.westcoastcollaborative.org/partners-mtg07. Exit EPA Disclaimer.

March 5-6, 2007: Seventh Annual Trans-Pacific Maritime (TPM) Conference, Long Beach, CA

The largest event focused exclusively on container shipping and logistics in the world's largest shipping market -- organized by The Journal of Commerce Conferences and hosted by the Port of Long Beach, Long Beach Convention Center.

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Feb. 26-28, 2007: Faster Freight - Cleaner Air 2006 (FFCA 2007) - Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA

The 3-day conference and expo highlighted the innovative programs, policies and technologies now being implemented in ports around the nation to improve efficiency and reduce air emissions.

Further in formation can be found at Faster Freight - Cleaner Air 2007 (FFCA 2007) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Feb. 7 - 9, 2007: Clean Ships: Advanced Technology for Clean Air

Conference presentations can be found at www.cleanshipsconference.com/agendaExit EPA Disclaimer

Sponsored by Pacific Merchant Shipping Association, the Port of Long Beach, the Port of Los Angeles, Matson Shipping Line, International Council on Clean Transportation, Unified Port of San Diego, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, U.S. Maritime Administration, Santa Barbara APCD, California Air Resources Board, and EPA, this conference provided an educational and discussion forum for key decision-makers to understand what emission control requirements they are likely to face, what industry leaders are doing, and what technological options are available.

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Dec. 13 - 15, 2006: The Pacific Ports Air Quality Collaborative Meeting

This conference brought together government officials, regulatory agencies and international port authorities to share experiences and discuss the challenges in dealing with port-related air pollution. Attendees were:

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Oct. 3, 2006: Clean Diesel and Retrofit Working Group Meeting Under FACA (Federal Advisory Committee Act)

For more information, visit Retrofit Working Group Under FACA

July 2006: San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan - Public Outreach Workshops

For more information on the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan, visit Port of Long Beach Exit EPA Disclaimer

May 10, 2006: Mid-Atlantic Clean Diesel Ports Workshop

Presentations and more information can be found on Clean Air Council Exit EPA Disclaimer.

Hosted by the Clean Air Council and the Mid-Atlantic Diesel Collaborative, this workshop was intended for marine-related fleet owners and operators, including terminal operators, cruise, rail, trucking, tug, and tour bus operations. This workshop provided port terminal operators and fleet owners with information about non-regulatory, proactive steps to reduce diesel emissions from maritime-related sources and added to the understanding of emission reduction strategies for port terminal operations with a focus on technology and business needs.

April 20, 2006: Port of Seattle Biodiesel Workshop

Presentations and more information can be found on Puget Sound Maritime Air Forum Exit EPA Disclaimer.

Hosted by the Port of Seattle in collaboration with the Puget Sound Maritime Air Forum, this workshop was intended for port-related diesel equipment and fleet owners and operators, including terminal operators, recreational vessels, cruise, rail, trucking, tug, and tour bus operations. This workshop provided port terminal operators and fleet owners with information about use of biodiesel in port-related operations.

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March 22, 2006: Michigan Clean Fleet Conference -- Driving Technologies, Fuels, and Funding for Cleaner Air

USEPA, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, NextEnergy, and the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth - Energy Office were pleased to present this one-day conference aimed to educate public and private fleet managers, public officials, trucking companies, school districts, and other stakeholders on the various strategies, fuels, and technologies available in the marketplace to assist fleets in conserving fuel, decreasing emissions, and saving money. There were networking opportunities with technology vendors (including hybrids, idle reduction, emission controls and fuel suppliers), government officials and fleet managers. The Michigan Clean Fleet Conference was the premiere event to learn how fleets can modernize their operations to address current environmental and energy challenges. Agenda, Synopsis and Presentations

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Feb. 23, 2006: Bunker Fuel: MARPOL Annex VI Consultation Meeting

On February 23, 2006, American Petroleum Institute (API) with International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) hosted an all day conference in the DC area as the second of three meetings regarding MARPOL Annex VI and SECAs. The meeting provided opportunities to

Feb. 22, 2006: Port of Duluth — Clean and Efficient Goods Movement Workshop

On February 22, 2006, USEPA and the Duluth Seaway Port Authority in conjunction with our partners were pleased to present Port of Duluth - Clean and Efficient Goods Movement Workshop which took place at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Office in Duluth, MN. Ports are an important part of our economy, and serve as major hubs for efficient transportation as a crossroads for highways, rail lines, and water transportation. Diesel emissions from trucks, locomotives, waterborne vessels, and cargo handling equipment at ports contribute to air pollution and can cause significant health effects. The workshop helped to educate port officials and their tenants on the opportunities to reduce diesel emissions as well as engage in a dialogue to further improve goods movement operations at ports. Agenda, Synopsis and Presentations

Feb. 1, 2006: Northeast Clean Ports Workshop -- Successful Strategies and Funding to Reduce Diesel Emissions at Ports
EPA's Press Release for the Northeast Clean Ports USA Workshop

Hosted by the North Atlantic Ports Association (NAPA), co-sponsored by the National Association of Waterfront Employers (NAWE), the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM), the Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association (MECA), and EPA with the Northeast Diesel Collaborative, this workshop brought together port-related diesel fleet owners and operators, including rail, trucking, tug, cruise, and terminal operators from ports along the northeast, including the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. This workshop provided port terminal operators and fleet owners with information about non-regulatory, successful strategies on how to reduce diesel emissions from port-related activities. The workshop helped demonstrate how participating in diesel emission reduction programs can make a good business case. Presentations Exit EPA Disclaimer

Dec. 7-8, 2005: National Clean Diesel Campaign Policy Leaders Summit

Leaders from federal, state and local governments, as well as NGOs and industry met for a hands-on, two-day summit to:

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Nov. 15, 2005: Puget Sound Seaport Diesel Solutions Workshop, Port of Seattle, Washington

Co-sponsored by the Puget Sound Maritime Air Forum and EPA, this workshop was intended for marine-related diesel fleet owners and operators, including terminal operators, cruise, rail, trucking, tug, and tour bus operations. The workshop provided port terminal operators and fleet owners with information about non-regulatory, proactive steps to reduce diesel emissions from maritime-related sources and added to the understanding of emission reduction strategies for port terminal operations with a focus on technology and business needs.

The location for the workshop was at the Port of Seattle Bell Harbor International Conference Center (Pier 66) International Promenade room.

Jan. 26, 2005: Clean Ports USA Retrofit Clean Diesel Program

EPA and the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) joined to host a one-day workshop on January 26, 2005 in Corpus Christi, TX. This successful conference provided port authority participants with information on strategies to reduce air emissions from diesel engines in and around port facilities throughout the country.

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