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The following studies reflect a range of research about pollution from port equipment/vehicles, the health effects of exposure to this pollution, and strategies for cleaner air.

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Clean Ports USA: Navigating Toward Cleaner Air (PDF) (8 pp, 550K, EPA420-F-05-033, November 2005)
This downloadable brochure provides an overview of the Clean Ports USA program.

Diesel Retrofit Technology: An Analysis of the Cost Effectiveness of Reducing Particulate Matter and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Heavy-Duty Nonroad Diesel Engines Through Retrofits (PDF) (22 pages, 411K)
The findings from this study indicate that retrofit technology can be a cost effective way to reduce air pollution and health impacts associated with diesel emissions.

The Cost-Effectiveness of Heavy-Duty Diesel Retrofits and Other Mobile Source Emission Reduction Projects and Programs (PDF) (17 pp, 162K, EPA-420-B-07-006, May 2007)
Informational document with estimates of the cost-effectiveness of diesel retrofit technologies and other CMAQ-eligible projects and programs.

Emission Reduction Incentives for Off-Road Diesel Equipment Used in the Port and Construction Sectors (PDF) (90 pp, 588K)
This report describes and assesses incentives programs to reduce emissions from off-road diesel engines used in the construction industry and port sector. The report focuses primarily on grant programs, tax incentives, modified contracting procedures, and non- monetary incentives implemented at the state, regional and local level.

Environmental Management Systems: Systematically Improving your Performance (PDF) (12 pp, 880K)
In September 2004, OPEI Sector Strategies released a brochure highlighting the benefits of EMS implementation at ports around the nation.

Best Practices in Preparing Port Emission Inventories
This report describes what has been learned about development of port-related emissions inventories to date and is a tool that can be used to inform the development of such inventories.

Diesel Exhaust in the United State (PDF) (4 pp, 412K, June 2003, EPA420-F-03-022)
Fact sheet with overview of diesel exhaust health effects and options for reducing pollution from diesel vehicles.

Clean Ports USA January 26, 2005 Corpus Christi, TX Workshop Report (PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer (25 pp, 600K)
On January 26, 2005, EPA in partnership with the American Association of Port Authorities hosted the initial Clean Ports USA Workshop in Corpus Christi, TX. The report identifies barriers to non-regulatory action in reducing emissions at ports and incentives to overcome those barriers.

Port of Los Angeles Studies and Reports Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Port of Los Angeles web site provides downloadable environmental studies and/or reports conducted by the Port of Los Angeles or Port consultant teams that have been released for public review and input. The No Net Increase Task Force Final Report prepared for Mayor James Hahn of Los Angeles, California is posted and includes specific initiatives and technologies that may be used to achieve no net increase in emissions from port-related sources, as well as stakeholder recommendations and concerns.

West Coast Collaborative - Marine Information Clearinghouse Exit EPA Disclaimer
This West Coast Collaborative web page provides a clearinghouse of reports, projects, and information related to marine vessels and ports.

NYC Private Ferry Fleet Emissions Reduction Technology Study And Demonstration Exit EPA Disclaimer
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) engaged in an evaluation program to determine, demonstrate, and deploy the optimum emissions reduction technologies applicable to retrofitting the existing fleet of NYC privately run ferry vessels. The results of the initial phase of the project are now available for public distribution in this report.

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