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Energy, Environment, and Economics

Energy use and supply are fundamentally important to society. With the possible exceptions of agriculture and forestry, the use of energy has had a greater impact on the environment than any other human activity—a result of the large scale and pervasive nature of energy-related activities. Although energy and environmental concerns were originally local in character—for example, health and safety issues associated with extraction, transport, or noxious emissions—they have now broadened in scope to cover regional and global issues, such as security, acid rain and the greenhouse effect. The economics of energy use and the cost of environmental control have become major political issues and the subject of extensive national and international debate and regulation.

With extensive expertise in engineering and social sciences, Argonne National Laboratory continues to play a lead role in solving problems related to energy, environment, and economics, both regionally and internationally. Innovative Argonne-developed methodologies, systems, technologies, and analytical tools have proven extremely useful for analysis of energy, environmental, and economic systems, facilitating credible, defensible decisions regarding large-scale deployment.

For more information, contact:
Guenter Conzelmann
Center for Energy, Environmental, and Economic Systems Analysis (CEEESA)
Decision and Information Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Ave., Bldg. 900
Argonne, IL 60439
Phone: 630-252-7173
Fax: 630-252-6073
E-mail Guenter Conzelmann

Yung Liu
Packaging Certification and Life Cycle Management
Decision and Information Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Ave., Bldg. 900
Argonne, IL 60439
Phone: 630-252-5127
Fax: 630-252-5715
E-mail Yung Liu

Related Information

Associated Projects

Packaging Certification and Life-cycle Management

Electricity Market Complex Adaptive System

Multi-Agent Simulation of Hydrogen Transition Issues

Energy and Power Evaluation Program (ENPEP)

Generation and Transmission Maximization (GTMAX)

Packaging Certification



Selected Publications

ARG-US: RFID System for Management of Nuclear Materials

Packaging Certification Program (Success Stories, Challenges, and Strategic Directions)

Modeling Investment Strategies in the Transition to a Hydrogen Transportation Economy

Burn Behavior of a Polyurethane Foam Impact Limiter

U.S. Work on Hydrogen Production Using Light-Water Reactors

The Value of Product Flexibility in Nuclear Hydrogen Technologies: A Real Options Analysis

More publications

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