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Congressional Black CaucusHistory & Agenda
Hiram Rhodes
CBC Birth
100th African American Member
Signing of the Voting Rights Reauthorization Act
Barack Obama
Hiram Rhodes Revels (R-MS) and Joseph H. Rainey (R-SC) are the first African Americans to serve in the House and Senate, respectively.
After the election of 1970, the Congressional Black Caucus is formed with thirteen congressional members.
The election of 1996 ushers in the 100th African American Congressperson, in addition to a record 41 African American members seated in the 104th Congress.
The CBC leads the effort to pass the Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act.
Senator Barack Obama is elected President of the United States..

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Youth Leadership

Empower & Mobilize America's Youth

Empower through Development

  • Strengthen pipelines of leadership for young people of color on Capital Hill
  • Connect young people of color to legislative process and civic engagement trainings
Empower through Action
  • Prioritize legislation and funding fundamental to the quality of life of America’s youth (education, job training, health care, etc.)
  • Engage young leaders in the 2008 elections by connecting to voter registration, education and campaign opportunities
Empower through Dialogue
  • Host inter-generational dialogues via the Internet & symposia on youth-centered policies

Build an International Internet Communications Portal

Build International CBC Web Presence
  • Utilize web portal as means of disseminating information in the CBC and black America
  • Develop partnerships to build exposure & presence
Build Interactive Dialogues through New Technologies
  • Utilize CBC Blogs as virtual issue forums
  • Podcast CBC Members messages and updates on CBC priorities
Build Constant Communications through the Bi-Monthly CBC Newsletter

Internet Portal
Outreach CBC Outreach Program

Outreach through Issue Education
  • Host six 1 1/2 day issue-based sessions throughout the country and eight CBC Symposia on Capital Hill focused on CBC priorities
  • Utilize black media outlets in outreach efforts
Outreach through Civic Engagement
  • Work with progressive Civil Rights organization to register 100,000 new voters by October 2008
  • Promote Progressive public policy legislation with progressive civil rights organizations
Outreach through Celebrating Black History
  • Host annual CBC Black History Month Program
  • Lead CBC International CODEL’s & cultural missions throughout the African Diaspora
Impact the Alternative Energy Discussion

Support African American Role in Major Alternative Fuel Sources
  • Empower black farmers with alternative fuel dialogues
  • Initiate use of beans, corn, sugar cane, etc. as possible fuel sources
Support Renewable Energy Solutions
  • Reduce dependence on coal burning power through the development and use of wind and solar power solutions
  • Support research, education and training for people of color in renewable energy solutions
Support Climate Stabilization and Community Cleanup Efforts
  • Stabilize greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere to a level that would prevent dangerous interference with the world climate system (Kyoto Treaty)
  • Assist in reducing the number of Brownfield’s (site with hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants) in the United States

Alternative Energy

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