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    Add/Edit Foreign Filings

Note: The iEdison system allows up to 12 foreign filings to be associated with a patent report. The main screen allows entry of the first foreign filing. Additional foreign filings may be added using the "Add/Edit Foreign Filings" button.

  1. Add/Modify a patent report as described in Add/Modify Patent Reports. Prior to submitting your changes:
  2. Enter the country, patent prosecutions status, and foreign filing action date for the first foreign filing on the main screen (Create New Patent Report - Patent Report Form page OR Modify Patent Report - Modify Patent Report Form page, depending on whether you are adding or modifying).
  3. If you need to add/modify additional foreign filings, click Add/Edit Foreign Filings to access the Add/Edit Foreign Filings - List up to 12 foreign filings page.
  4. Enter the country, patent prosecutions status, and foreign filing action date for each additional foreign filing.
    Note: The foreign filing you entered on the main page will be listed first on the Add/Edit Foreign Filings - List up to 12 foreign filings page.
  5. Click Submit to enter the information. The additional foreign filing information is saved and the Create New Patent Report - Patent Report Form page OR Modify Patent Report - Modify Patent Report Form page is re-displayed, depending on whether you are adding or modifying a patent report.
    Click Cancel, to cancel the addition/modification of foreign filings. Any changes that were made are ignored and the Create New Patent Report - Patent Report Form page OR Modify Patent Report - Modify Patent Report Form page is re-displayed, depending on whether you are adding or modifying a patent report.
  Field Definitions
Foreign Filings

The Foreign Filings fields are used to record information (country, status, and action date) regarding any foreign filings associated with the patent report.

The iEdison system allows up to 12 foreign filings to be associated with a patent report. The main screen allows entry of the first foreign filing. Additional foreign filings may be added using the "Add/Edit Foreign Filings" button.

There are no government regulations requiring that foreign patent applications be filed. However, the agency must be notified if there will be no foreign filing.

The government realizes the time constraints encountered by grantee or contractor organizations prior to foreign filing deadlines and will allow users to indicate where a foreign application has been filed 10 months after a U.S. patent application has been filed on a particular invention.


The country indicates the country in which the patent application was filed. Select the appropriate country from the list.

Patent Prosecution Status

The patent prosecution status indicates the status of the foreign filing for each country where a patent application has been filed. Select the appropriate status from the list.

Active - This status indicates that the patent prosecution in the designated country is ongoing.

Abandoned - This status indicates that the patent prosecution in the designated country has been terminated.

Foreign Filing Action Date

The foreign filing action date is the date of the most recent action in each designated country where a patent application has been filed.

The format of this field is mm/dd/yyyy.

The date field should contain the date of that status (i.e. active or abandoned) for each country in which a patent has been applied.


    See Also

Add/Edit Grant/Contract Numbers
Add/Edit Inventors
Add/Edit Keywords
Add/Edit Subcontractor Details
Add/Modify Invention Reports
Add/Modify Patent Reports
Add/Modify/View Utilization Reports
Generate Confirmatory License
Help with Formats - Grant/Contract Number
Help with Formats - Patent Number
Invention Overview
Invention Report: Duplicate Title
Suppress Messages
Troubleshooting: Viewing PDF/TIFF Documents
Upload Invention/Patent Report Datastreams
View Messages


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