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Interface Online Center for Information Technology (CIT)
Search Interface Issues:

March 30, 2004 [Number 229]     Printable Version Printable version (422k PDF)

Interface 229 cover: NIDB search engine

NIH Intramural Database (NIDB) Search Engine
The NIH community, extramural collaborators, and the public can access information on intramural research from anywhere in the world. The wealth of information includes the full text of annual reports and links to PubMed.

Improved NED Allows More Online Updating of Records
All NIH workers can add or update information online. The NED update feature requires authentication via NIH Login to protect personal information.

NIH Parking Office—"New PARTS, Less Time in Line"
NIH workers needing parking hangers and Transhare will notice shorter lines at the Parking Office, due to the PARTS system that efficiently processes customer requests.

NIH Changes Search Engine to Google
The general public and the NIH community will find that this popular search engine quickly produces meaningful results.

Consolidation of OS/390 Systems in Titan Is Complete
The migration to a standard OS/390 system was complete when the South system was removed in January. All mainframe applications are now on Titan, an extremely robust and efficient system.

Next Data Center Disaster Recovery Test on July 20
Disaster recovery customers can learn about disaster recovery planning in a May training class and test restore procedures for OS/390 and EOS systems in July.

NBS Update—Travel and General Ledger/Federal Administrator
Users of these systems have received considerable training and now have the benefit of the NBS Management Center Help Desk.

nVision Users—Keep Informed with "News & Updates"
This Web site is updated regularly to keep users abreast of changes.

CIT Training Courses Available in Spring Term
NIH staff can choose from many classes—among the more than 30 new subjects are courses on security, risk assessment, statistics, seminars for scientists, and grants.

Training Calendar—Spring 2004

Dates to Remember

Major Contributors

The NIH Web page is one of the most frequently visited federal government Web sites.
  December January February
Total hits for the month 41,275,540 48,987,301 45,189,883
Hits per day 1,331,469 1,580,235 1,558,271
Number of different individuals 418,066 492,314 491,748

The server has been up 100% of the time during February.
Server uptime is independent of network accessibility.

Interface contains information concerning services and facilities provided by the Center for Information Technology to NIH and other government agencies. Changes in CIT policies and standards of service, as well as significant changes made to hardware and software on various platforms at the NIH Data Center, are announced in this publication.

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 NIH Data Center Hardware and Software
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 Popular Web Sites
Web sites of interest to Data Center Users
 Titan News
News and information for users of z/OS

Center for Information Technology
National Institutes of Health

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Published by Center for Information Technology, National Institutes of Health
Interface Comments |  Accessibility