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March 30, 2004 [Number 229]     Printable Version Printable version (422k PDF)




Improved NED Enables More Online Updating of Records

The NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) is a centralized directory that maintains current contact and organizational information for all NIH workers and people utilizing NIH services or facilities. Recent upgrades to NED make it possible for people to view all and update some of their own information online. For example, users can now add or update emergency contacts and home contact information online—as long as they have access via NIH Login (the user name and password used to log on to the network).

To protect your information, your ability to update your own NED record—or view the private information contained therein—is based upon successful authentication via NIH Login. If you have any questions regarding your NIH Login, please contact the NIH Help Desk (301-496-4357).

Why Is Updating Your Information Important?

Keeping your personal information current is important because NED feeds information to a number of NIH enterprise systems, including:

    NIH Business and Research Support System (NBRSS)
    ID badge/card key
    NIH Telephone and Services Directory
    Parking/Transhare System (PARTS) (see an article on PARTS in this issue)
    NIH Library Patron Database
    NIH Intramural Database (NIDB)
    Web Sponsor

Several ICs have also developed applications that use NED as a data source. Future plans call for more integration with the NIH Active Directory and the NIH Help Desk customer database.

What Do I Need To Do?

The NED update feature can be accessed via the NED Web site. Once you have reached this site, detailed instructions for updating your NED record are available by clicking the "Help" button that appears in the upper right corner of your screen. The NED update feature is also accessible from the NIH Portal.

•       Updating from the NED Web Site

    Locate your record in NED. When the search results appear, click on your name to display the "View Details" page. Your record should begin like this:

    Screen of NED

    From the "View Details" page, you access the NED update feature using the link "Click here to update your record." You will be asked to enter your NIH Login—normally the user name and password used to log on to your network or e-mail.

•       Updating from NIH Portal My Pages

    Access to NED from the NIH Portal requires that the "NIH Enterprise Directory (NED)" gadget be installed on your Portal "My Page." This is a quick and easy process—go to the NIH Portal, open "Choose Gadgets" at the top, choose NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) in the folder "General NIH Resources," and add it to your My Page.

More Information

If you have any questions regarding NED, the NIH Portal or the NIH Login, please contact the NIH Help Desk (301-496-4357). Additional information regarding NED is also available online.

See articles on NED and the NIH Portal in previous issues of Interface.

Published by Center for Information Technology, National Institutes of Health
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