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March 30, 2004 [Number 229]     Printable Version Printable version (422k PDF)




nVision Users Keep Informed with "News & Updates"

Want to keep up-to-date on changes and late breaking news that can impact the nVision community? CIT has developed a "News & Updates" Web site to provide the latest official information. You have a choice of access to the same content:

"News & Updates" Web page
Bookmark "News & Updates"

While the transition from the Data Warehouse to nVision is underway, the nVision "News & Updates" Web site provides a direct link to the NIH Data Warehouse "DW News" where additional information relevant to reporting may be found.

NIH Portal Web page – nVision Community
Open the NIH Portal, and use the "Communities" drop-down menu to select "nVision." Use the link "more details…" under "nVision Community News and Alerts."

Check the news to view nVision system events and important updates including new features, practical tips, data issues, and upcoming training classes.

Screen of News webpage

We want to keep users abreast of changes and other pertinent information during a phased rollout of new NIH administrative systems and the associated reporting systems. We currently have a team from NBS, nVision and the Data Warehouse working to resolve and prevent the discrepancies some of you have found. As we discover ways to avoid these discrepancies, we will keep you informed via these Web sites.

Published by Center for Information Technology, National Institutes of Health
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