October Meeting Videocast and Presentation

In the Science of Science Management October meeting, OPASI brought together multi-disciplinary invited participants with NIH staff to create cross talk and foster the development of a field of inquiry.  Since that time, many people also have viewed the meeting videocast   Click here to view summary videocast viewership information.

Highlights are available of the public Plenary Sessions, as well as summaries of the closed session Breakout Group activities.

The links below provide access directly to the indicated section of the videocast and a link to the slides as well.

Thursday, October 2, 2008 

Full day Videocast

NIH Director’s Charge
– Science of Science Management - Vision into Action

        Dr. Elias Zerhouni, NIH Director


Opening Remarks – Science of Science Management - Bricklayers, Architects, and City Planners

        Dr. Alan Krensky, Director of the Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives (OPASI)

        Videocast        Powerpoint

Invitee Introductions


Keynote Assessing Science – Toward a Scientific Basis for Managing NIH Research
Dr. Edward Roberts, Professor of Management of Technology
        Founder and Chair MIT Entrepreneurship Center
        Massachusetts Institute of Technology

        Videocast        Powerpoint 

        Keynote Discussion


Meeting Overview – If you don’t Discern, You can not Learn

        Dr. Deborah Duran, Chief of Systemic Assessment Branch,

        Division of Evaluation and Systematic Assessments (DESA),

        Office of Portfolio Analysis and Strategic Initiatives (OPASI)

        Videocast        Powerpoint

Presentation – Priority Questions for Breakout Discussion Groups (Four 5 minute presentations with 5 minute discussions

                Current State of Knowledge Assessment – Dr. David Wilson, George Mason Univ

                Knowledge Generation/Advancement – Dr. Susan Cozzens,Georgia Inst of Technology

                Knowledge Utilization/Dissemination/Diffusion – Dr. Lynn Zucker, UCLA

                Public Health Impact – Dr. Doris Rubio, Univ of Pittsburgh

        Videocast        Powerpoint

Friday, October 3rd

Full Day Videocast



Welcome, Logistics

        Dr. Deborah Duran, Chief of Systemic Assessment Branch, DESA, OPASI


        Videocast        Powerpoint

Opening Remarks

        Dr. Alan Krensky, Director of OPASI

        Videocast        Powerpoint 


Invited Expert Presentations (Four 5-7 minute presentations with 30-minute discussions)


Evaluation/Assessment Topics (4 presentations and discussion)

        Dr. William Trochim, Cornell University,

                Science of Science Management: Systems Evaluation & Assessment

        Dr. Scott Stern, Northwestern University, 
The Citation Revolution Meets the Identification Revolution: 
                Opportunities for Science Policy Evaluation and Assessment

        Dr. David Wilson, George Mason University,

                Musings on Meta-analysis and Scientific Progress

        Dr. Doris Rubio, University of Pittsburgh,

                Evaluation in the Context of Science Management

        Videocast        Powerpoint

Knowledge Discovery/Management Topics (4 presentations and discussion)

        Ms. Mary Kane, Concept Systems Inc,

                Science Management using Organizational Knowledge

        Dr. Katy Börner, Indiana University,

                Computational Scientometrics Studying Science by Scientific Means

        Dr. Jason Owen-Smith, University of Michigan,

                 Networks & Institutions in the Utilization of Science

        Dr. Nate Osgood, University of Saskatchewan,

                 Knowledge Discovery & Management (Public Health)

        Videocast        Powerpoint 


Systems/Modeling/Policy (4 presentations and discussion)

         Dr. Adam Jaffe, Brandeis University,

                 Thinking Systemically about the Impact of NIH on the Country

         Dr. Susan Cozzens, Georgia Institute of Technology,

                 Systems of Innovation in biomedicine and health

         Dr. Lynne Zucker, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles,

                 Science & Management of Radical Change

         Dr. Daniel Sarewitz, Arizona State University,

                 Paths to Outcome-Based Innovation Policy: Theory, Methods, Tools

        Videocast        Powerpoint

Charge for Afternoon Activities




Invited Experts and NIH Science Staff Cross-Talk Sessions – Chaired by NIH IC Directors


Small Group, Multi-disciplinary Breakout Discussion Groups

        Themes:                                                              Chair 
Current State of Knowledge Assessment            Dr. Lawrence Tabak, NIDCR 
Knowledge Generation/Advancement                 Dr. Nora Volkow, NIDA
Knowledge Utilization/Dissemination/Diffusion    Dr. Thomas Insel, NIMH 
Public Health Impact                                         Dr. Paul Sieving, NEI


        Charge: Develop concepts and priorities for NIH to assess priority question


Highlights from breakout groups (Four 10 minute presentations by IC Director Chairs)


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