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Be part of Science Week


Be part of Science Week

Demystifying science

If you like what you have seen so far on this site and you want to take part in future European Science & Technology Weeks, there are a few things you ought to know. We are especially interested in the following sorts of projects:

  • Projects sharing our vision of demystifying science and technology for the general public;

  • Projects that not only relate to young people, but would be in tune with the way young people think and the way they interpret science and technology - grabbing their attention!

  • Projects that display a healthy balance of information and fun;

  • The European Science and Technology Week is not a mechanism for promoting commercial or special interests;

  • Projects that take place during the actual Science Week each year, which typically occurs during the first two weeks of November.

What's in it for you?

If you are interested to be part of the European Science Week, please consult regularly this website where the calls for proposals are published.


Home - CORDIS - Last updated: 11-10-2005


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