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National Science Weeks


National Science Weeks

The wonders of science are celebrated all year round through National Science and Technology Weeks across Europe. While some of these events have already been going on successfully for several years, others have started more recently. Many are now firmly established as extremely popular annual events. The common thread that joins them is the objective to give people of all ages and from all backgrounds the chance to explore the world of science and technology and to think about it in a creative way.

This list is not exhaustive, and other details of national or regional science and technology weeks may be added if we receive appropriate information.

Click on your home country - you might be surprised to see just how much is happening near you!

Map Sweden Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark The Netherlands Poland United Kingdon United_Kingdon Ireland Belgium Germany Czech Republic Austria Italy Italy Italy France France Spain Portugal Luxembourg Luxembourg Hungary

"ScienceWeek Austria" - May 08-16, 2004
AND - for the first time May 12-15, 2004
Österreichische Forschungstage (Austrian Research Days)
Museumsquartier: a selection of the best scientists report on the newest research in Austria
Since: 2000
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: PHAROS International. Supported by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology and FORSCHUNG AUSTRIA Ltd.

PHAROS International - Bureau for Cultural Projects
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Rebernik
Anton Baumgartner-Str. 44/C2/3/2
A-1230 Vienna - Austria

Tel: +43 9 41 12 41
Fax: +43 66 77 37 75
Email: office@scienceweek.at
Website: http://www.scienceweek.at/
Further information (PDF)


"Vlaamse Wetenschapsweek" - October 22-24, 2004
Since: 1994
Frequency: Every 2 years
Organisation: Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap (afdeling Wetenschappen) and Technopolis.

In Flanders (Belgium) the Science Week ( Vlaamse Wetenschapsweek) will start with a science festival on 22-23-24 October 2004 for the general public and continue with a huge programme of hundres of scientific activities at universities, schools for higher education, scientific institutions, museums etc. mainly for 16-18 year old students (from 25 October untill 31 October 2004).

The complete programme can be found at:

Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenshap
Departement Wetenschap, Innovatie en Media
Afdeling Wetenschappen
Boudewijnlaan 30
1000 Brussel - België

Tel: +32 2 553 59 91
Fax: +32 2 553 55 98
Email: wetenschap.innovatie@vlaanderen.be
Website: http://www.innovatie.vlaanderen.be/knap/wetenschapsweek/index.htm


"Renewable Energy Sources Exhibition 'INFOPLANET'" - November 3-7, 2003
Place: A' Technical School, Nicosia
Organisation: Cyprus Institute of Technology, Atlantis Consulting Cyprus
and the Cyprus Ministry of Education.

Cyprus Institute of Technology
Christakis Theocharous
Ionion Nison 1
P.O. Box 20783
1663 Lefcosia - Cyprus

Tel: +357 22 317288
Fax: +357 22 318087
Email: tchris@industry.cy.net
Website: http://www.technology.org.cy
More information about the event in Greek:
Short describtion of European S&T week in Greek:
Short describtion of European S&T week in English:


"Week of Science and Technolgy" - November 7-13, 2005

The Department of Public Relations of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic currently organize its main annual event popularizing science, the "Week of Science and Technology".

The main aim of this event is to present Academy´s institutes, their activities, achievements and plans for future and to put on view their laboratories, research facilities and libraries, generally speaking, to bring science closer to general public and to make it more attractive especially for young people. Important part of this event is number of various lectures and discussions led by distinguished scientists, both czech and from abroad. The Week of Science and Technology is held annually since 2002.

For further informaton:
http://press.avcr.cz/en/ - http://www.cas.cz/index.html.en
Website of the Week of the Science and Technology 2005 in czech language


"Dansk Naturvidenskabsfestival" September 24 - October 3, 2004 (Danish Science Week)
Since: 1998
Frequency: Every 2 years
Organisation: Dansk Naturvidenskabsformidling (Danish Science Communication)

Dansk Naturvidenskabsformidling (Danish Science Communication)
Mikkel Bohm
Tuborg Havnevej 7
DK-2900 Hellerup ­ Denmark

Tel: +45 7020 8620
Fax: +45 7020 8621
Email: mb@formidling.dk
Website: http://www.formidling.dk/


Science Forum - January 12-16, 2005 at Helsinki
The central location is the University of Helsinki Main Building (Fabianinkatu 33).

Since: 1977
Frequency: Every 2 years
Organisation:Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, the Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Sciences and Letters and the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Science Forum is a biennal science festival.

The Science Forum is an event of great diversity. This is where leading scholars and scientists from various fields have a chance to introduce the latest research results to a wide audience.

The Forum has expanded into a five-day festival packed with some 300 appearances by researchers from different parts of the country and also some from abroad. Lectures, exhibitions, debates, discussions, planetarium shows, science theatre, books, prizes and much more. ll fields of research from the humanities and natural sciences to art and technology are represented. Free entrance to all events!

Jan Rydman
Secretary General
Science Forum Mariankatu
00170 Helsinki - Finland

Tel: +358 9 228 69 227
Fax: +358 9 228 69 291
Email: jan.rydman@tsv.fi
Website: http://www.tieteenpaivat.fi


"Fête de la Science" - October 11-17, 2004
Since: 1992
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Ministère de la Recherche

Chaque année depuis 13 ans, le ministère délégué à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies invite le public à participer à la Fête de la Science. Un rendez-vous sérieux et joyeux, studieux mais toujours ludique.
Avec plus d'une quarantaine d'opérations sur l'Europe et les Sciences en 2003, la manifestation française renforcera cette année sa couleur européenne avec notamment la participation de chercheurs étrangers.
Pour en savoir plus : http://www.recherche.gouv.fr/fete/2004/index.htm

Ministère de la Recherche
1, rue Descartes
75005 Paris – France

Tel: +33 1 55 55 86 21
Fax: +33 1 55 55 84 02
Email: fete.science@recherche.gouv.fr
Website: http://www.recherche.gouv.fr/fete/2004/index.htm


"Exhibition-Ship MS Technik on german rivers" - June-September 2004

The 105m long inland ship goes on a 4 month tour along the german rivers with an exhibition on "techniques".
Exhibits from around 20 German scientific institutes will illustrate how techniques enlarge our human capacities.


"Wissenschaftssommer in Stuttgart" - September 25-October 01, 2004

At the Wissenschaftssommer, a range of different event formats are held to meet the interest and customs of as broad an audience as possible and a variety of age groups.
This includes exhibitions with interactive exhibits, generally comprehensible lectures and experiment presentations with discussions, a science film festival, workshops and formats for special groups.
This year's theme ist: MOBILITY and COMMUNICATION. The highlight is the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (long night of the sciences) on 25.9. 6pm to 1am.


"Science Days" - October 14-16, 2004 in the Europa-Park, Rust
Since: 2001
Frequency: Every year
Organisation: Foerderverein Science und Technologie e.V.

Emphasis of the Science Days 2004 is a balanced mixture of the well established, and a variety of new offers. This year’s main emphasis will be technology (2004 is the "year of technology" in Germany).
But of course you will also find many interesting offers in view of chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, mathematics as well as interdisciplinary topics. 90 institutions of science, economy, education and administration among others prepare again more than 100 interesting offers, which have – as was also the case last year – a mutual goal: to awaken the curiosity of young and old and to satisfy the thirst for knowledge with amazing and entertaining experiments.
Every visitor should be able to experience with all his senses, actively participating while understanding sciences and technology as "mega-topic” of the new millennium.

Foerderverein Science und Technologie e.V.
Joachim Lerch
Mundinger Weg 33
D-79331 Teningen - Germany

Tel: +49 7641 933214
Fax: +49 7641 933215
Email: J.Lerch@t-online.de
Website: http://www.science-days.de/



Brought into existence by a government decree in 1997, Hungarian Science Festival met with universal approval among Hungary's science and education communities. In a country of very rich intellectual traditions for its small size, and at the threshold, then, of the European Union, a Festival like this seemed a good way of paving the way for a a knowledge-based economy and society, both vital for the country's further progress and prosperity. Right from the start, and without trying to belittle many other institutions' enthusiasm, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decided to head the movement.

One can say that by now the yearly events (lectures, exhibitions, debates, Q and A sessions, conferences, etc.) have permeated Hungarian society's everyday living right down to small towns or even village communities. In the very first years of its existence, Hungarian Science Festival made every Hungarian understand that for the Hungarian economy or culture no progress was possible without a firm scientific footing. People understood at once that their own well-being, too, depended on such a foundation.

Miraculously, the month of November, the month Count István Széchenyi, founder of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was born, is also the month in which bi-annual World Science Fora are held in the Hungarian capital. One could not possibly wish for a more inspiring environment for Hungarian Science Festival, a month-long series of lectures, conferences, celebrations, exhibitions, tours, and other events. Some of those events provide only popular presentations of state-of-the-art scientific advances; other events offer more to the eye and ear than to the mind - but celebrations have always abounded in visual and audio details. All those events, however, are based on perhaps the noblest of human qualities, i.e. curiosity, a quality which, coupled with goodwill and tolerance, can bring people closer not only to Nature but also to each other.

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences is proud of its initiative, but is even prouder of the universal acclaim the original idea has met with. Unlike so many modern feasts that were mandatory to celebrate, Hungarian Science Festival has aroused voluntary enthusiasm from thousands of organisers and tens of thousands of participants. Many more, probably millions of Hungarian TV-viewers pay their respect every year not just to the glorious past of Hungarian scholarship and science, but also to their successful present and promising future.

By a strange quirk of coincidence, UNESCO also came forward with the idea of a World Science Day (10th November) which happens to coincide with Hungarian Science Festival; and the idea of an European Science Week also emerged meanwhile.

The Hungarian Science Festival of 2006 will take place from 3 through 30 November. Its focus this time around will be Evolution - Development - Revolution: a theme very fit to evoke thoughts from scholars and scientists across the board. Evolutionary theories abound nowadays not only in the natural sciences, but also in cultural studies, side-by-side with the study of very many issues bound up with the accumulation of knowledge and resources. National remembrance as part of the nation's evolution from its past on to its future will no doubt give rise to a lot of lectures and conferences on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.

Like last year's series of events, this year's, too, will kick off in one of the provincial knowledge-centres of Hungary. This time in Szeged, home of HAS's Biological Research Centre chosen by UNESCO to be one of Hungary's five Centres of Excellence. Hungarian Science Festival operates on the website www.tudomanyunnep.hu as a database for the events that are in the making.

"Science Week Ireland 2005" - November 13-20, 2005
Since: 1997
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Office of Science and Technology (OST)

Cathy Foley or Donna McCabe
Discover Science & Engineering
Wilton Park House
Wilton Place
Dublin 2 - Ireland

Tel: +353 1 60 73 042
Fax: +353 1 60 73 260
Email: scienceweek@forfas.ie
Website: http://www.science.ie/


"ExplOra Science"
Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Europäische Akademie Bozen / Accademia Europea di Bolzano

This year the organizers will not be able to organize a Science Festival, but next year there will a festival in Bolzano, most probably in October.

For the European Science Week please have a look at:
or, in our web-site, at:

As for the European Science Week, the program is to set up a Multimedia Exhibition on the Rhythms of the Human Body in our immersive and fully digitalised educational environment for temporary exhibitions.

You can find more information on our multimedia temporary exhibitions at:

Dr. Karin Amor
Europäische Akademie Bozen / Accademia Europea di Bolzano
Drussustr. 1 / Viale Druso 1
I-39100 Bozen / Bolzano - Italy

Tel: +39 0471 055-034
Fax: +39 0471 055-099
Email: karin.amor@eurac.edu
Website: http://www.explora-science.net/


"XIII Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologia" - March 31-April 6, 2003
Since: 1991
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica

Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Scientifica e Tecnologica
P.le J.F Kennedy 20
00144 Roma – Italia

Tel: +31 6 5849 7377-6035
Fax: +31 6 5849 7251
Email: infosettimana@miur.it
Website: http://www.miur.it/


"Viaggi nel mondo del microscopicamente piccolo" - July 11, 2003
Organisation: Laboratorio dell'Immaginario Scientifico

Laboratorio dell'Immaginario Scientifico
Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta 15
I-34014 Grignano, TRIESTE - Italy

Tel: +39 040224424
Fax: +39 040224439
Email: carniello@lis.trieste.it
Website: http://www.immaginarioscientifico.it/


"Primavera della Scienza" - On now
Website: http://www.laprimaveradellascienza.it/


Workshop of the OPEN NETWORK for NEW SCIENCE on the issues related to LIFE SCIENCES
On Monday, 21 November 2005, in Florence c/o the Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario Vieussieux , the EGOCREANET/LRE of the University of Florence , will organize the III° ON-NS Workshop of the OPEN NETWORK for NEW SCIENCE on the issues related to LIFE SCIENCES Website: http://www.egocreanet.it/
This Group of Scientists subscribed a mission aiming to act for improving KNOWLEDGE CREATION through re-tayloring knowledge between Science and Humanity for improving a "cognitive leap forward" on Life Sciences and developing the European Knowledge Society (see previous activ ities in : http://www.egocreanet.it).


"Science Festival 2003" - November 7-16, 2003
Since: 1995
Frequency: Every 2-3 years
Organisation: Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle. In 2003, financed by the "Fonds National de la Recherche".

Mme Monique Kirsch
Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle
25, rue Münster
L-2160 Luxembourg - Luxembourg

Tel: +352 46 22 33-425
Fax: +352 47 51 52
Email: mkirsch@mnhn.lu
Website: http://www.science-festival.lu (Information available after June 2003)


"The Norwegian Research Week" - September 17-27, 2004
Since: 1995
Frequency: The Science Week is annual, national and across all subjects and fields of science.
Organisation: The Research Council of Norway

Box 2700
N-0131 Oslo - Norway

Tel: +47 22 03 74 44
Fax: +47 22 03 73 32
Email: forskningsdagene@forskningsradet.no
Website: www.forskningsdagene.no


"Weten Week 2004" - October 20-27, 2004
Since: 1986
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Stichting Wetenschap en Techniek Nederland (WeTeN)

Wendy Pouwer
Oosterdok 2
Postbus 61231
1005 HE Amsterdam - Holland

Tel: +31 (0)20 5210478
Fax: +31 (0)20 5210499
Email: w.pouwer@weten.nl
Website: http://www.wetenweek.nl/


"VII Science Festival" - September 19-28, 2003, Warsaw
Since: 1997
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: University of Warsaw

Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling
University of Warsaw
5a Pawinskiego St.
02-106 Warsaw – Polska

Tel: +48 22 82 37 442
Fax: +48 22 87 49 115
Email: festiwal@icm.edu.pl
Website: http://www.icm.edu.pl/festiwal/2003/


Lower Silesian Science Festiwal / Dolnoslaski V Festiwal Nauki - 17-24 September 2004

The first edition of Lower Silesian Science Festival was in 1998. It is a non-profitable scientific event organized annually. It usually lasts for 7 days, at the end of September in Wroclaw, and in October in Jelenia Góra, Legnica, Walbrzych, Zabkowice Slaskie.

What are its objectives?

  • To promote science, technology and the humanities through showing benefits of scientific investigations, achievements of scientific research and perspectives of further development.
  • To show that science is an integral part of human culture and civilization.
  • To make people realize that the position of Poland in the European Union depends on high standards of education and science, technology and innovation.
  • To whom is it addressed?
  • To all who care about the state of science in Poland and those who would like to be adviced on new scientific achevements.


The Executive Committee consists of 16 people - the General Executive, the Honorary Chairman of the Executive Committee, the Chairman`s Deputy for the province towns, and one member from each of the participating institutions.

-The University of Wroclaw
-Wroclaw University of Technology
-The Academy of Economics
-The Agricultural University
-The Academy of Medicine
-The Academy of Music
-The Academy of Fine Arts
-The Academy of Physical Education
-Tje School of Dramatic Art
-The Pontifical Faculty of Theology
-High Military School
-The Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences
-The Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

There are also some other research and cultural institutions taking actively part in Lower Silesia Festival of Science


Throughout the last five years thousands of visitors, especially young people have visited the lecture halls and laboratories of Wroclaw research institutions during the Lower Silesia Festival of Science.

There is an constantly increasing interest in scientific research among people. But one ust realize that scientific problems are difficult to understand, therefore the dialogue between Science and Society is crucial for the appreciation of the importance of research by the general public. This is one of the most important objectives of the Festival.

Target audience: primary school pupils, high school students, teachers, and general public.

Types of events: lectures, interdisciplinary panel discussions, workshops of scientists, humanists and artists, discussion clubs, festival cafes, open medical centres, laboratories, shows, exhibitions, performances, concerts, excursions, covering all fields of science and liberal arts, medicine, agriculture, economics, arts, sport etc.


The total budget for 2002 was 480.000 PLN (about 120 000 Euro)
Number of participating institutions: 21
Number of events: (since 1998 the total number exceeds 2575)
2002 - 480
2003 - 595
Number of visitors:
1998 - 10 000
1999 - 35 000
2000 - 43 000
2001 - 40 000
2002 - 55 000 (including 5 800 in the province towns)
2003 - 60 000 (including 3 000 in the province towns)

Prof. Kazimiera A. Wilk (The General Executive of Lower Silesian Science Festival)
Uniwersytecka 19/20
50-137 Wroclaw, Poland

Tel: +48 71 375 23 65
Fax: +48 71 375 26 71
Email: festiwal@pwr.wroc.pl
Website (english): http://www.festiwal.wroc.pl/2004/en/
Website (polish): http://www.festiwal.wroc.pl/2004/pl/


Poland   Poland   Poland   Poland


"Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia 2001"- November 22-38, 2003
Since: 1997
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia

Rosália Vargas
Ciência Viva
Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica
Av. dos Combatentes, 43 A, 10º B
1600-042 Lisboa – Portugal

Tel: +351 21 727 02 28
Fax: +351 21 722 02 65
Email: semanact@cienciaviva.pt
Website: http://www.cienciaviva.mct.pt/semanact/


Activities during Science Week
to stimulate the participants interest in knowledge through science and technology and develop their creativity and inventiveness.
more info


Activities during Science Week
for stimulating the peoples' interest in knowledge through science and technology and develop their creativity and inventiveness.
3rd edition - 21-25 NOVEMBER 2005, CLUJ-NAPOCA
more info


Activities during Science Week

1. Exhibition "Science for People" - will be installed in Nitra town
2. Slovak national corpus - open door day of the Philological Institute of Slovak academy of Science
3. Relations in Slovak radio: Environment; Positives and negatives of European union entry; New technologies
4. Open door day of the Physiological Institute of Animals in Kosice: Obesity and the prevention
5. International conference: Traditional and nontraditional folks genre
6. Conference: Utilizaton of scientific knowledge in economic sphere


"Slovak Science Festival 2002 and Slovak Science Week" - November 4-10, 2002
Since: 1990
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Youth Association fo Sciences and Technology - AMAVET, Slovak Republic. Supported by Ministry of Education and Science

Youth Association fo Sciences and Technology - AMAVET
Dr. Jan Sipos, PhD and Bc. Gabriela Kukolova
Moyzesova str. 10
SK-902 01
Pezinok, Slovak republic

Email: amavet@nextra.sk
Website: http://www.amavet.sk


National Science Week Web page: http://semanadelaciencia2005.fecyt.es
All the activities, entities and information related with the Science week in Spain. English version is available.

Information update for 2005

"Semana de la Ciencia" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Fundación española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)

C/ Rosario Pino, 14-16,
28020 Madrid - España

Información de todas las actividades organizadas en España en el marco de la Semana de la Ciencia.

Tel: +34 91 425 09 09
Fax: +34 91 571 21 72
Email: fecyt@fecyt.es
Website: http://semanadelaciencia2005.fecyt.es


"Setmana de la Ciència" - November 4-15, 2005

Since: 1996
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca, Cercle d'Amics de la Ciència

Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovaciò
passeig Lluís Companys, 23
08010 Barcelona – España

Tel: +34 93 26 87 700
Fax: +34 93 31 50 140
Email: fcri@fcri.es
Website: http://www.setmanaciencia.org/


"dosmilV Semana de la Ciencia " - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Dirección General de Universidades e Investigación. Consejería de Educación. Comunidad de Madrid

C/ Alcalá, 30-32
28014 Madrid

Tel: +34 91 720 04 19
Fax: +34 91 720 00 94

Email: semanaciencia@madrimasd.org
Website: http://www.madrimasd.org/semanaciencia


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-13, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa (CICE)

Avda. de Hytasa, 14
41006 Sevilla

Tel: +34 902 50 15 50

Email: info@andaluciainvestiga.com
Website: http://www.andaluciainvestiga.com/



"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Fundación para el Fomento en Asturias de la Investigación Científica Aplicada y la Tecnología (FICYT)

C/ Cabo Noval 11
33007 Oviedo Principado de Asturias

Tel: +34 958 20 74 34
Fax: +34 958 20 74 33

Email: ficyt@ficyt.es
Website: http://www.ficyt.es/semana2005/


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 11-20, 2005

Since: 2003
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Fundación Universidad de Verano de Castilla y León. Consejería de Educación

Monasterio Nuestra Señora de Prado, Autovía Puente Colgante, s/n
47071 Valladolid

Tel: +34 983 41 17 18
Fax: +34 983 41 19 39

Email: funivcyl@jcyl.es
Website: http://www.funivcyl.com/index02.asp


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Dirección Xeral de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación

Rúa dos Feáns, nº 7 Local C
15706 Santiago de Compostela

Tel: +34 981 541 088
Fax: +34 981 541 39

Website: http://www.dxid.org/


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation:Direcció General de Recerca, Desenvolupament Tecnològic i Innovació.

Sant Pere, 7
PALMA -07012-

Tel: +34 971 17 64 61
Fax: +34 971 78 41 24

Email: info@balearsfaciencia.org
Website: http://setmana2005.balearsfaciencia.org/index/


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2004
Frequency: Annual
Organisation:Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en Extremadura (Fundecyt)

C/ Manuel Fdez. Fernández Mejías, s/n 2ª planta
06002 Badajoz – España

Tel: +34 924 014 600
Fax: +34 924 001 996
Email: info@fundecyt.es
Website: http://www.fundecyt.es/


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-13, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: SARETEK

Parque Tecnológico Ed. 101
48170 Zamudio - Bizkaia – España

Tel: +34 944 209 488
Website: http://www.saretek.com/web/index.asp


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Fundación Comunidad Valenciana Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias

Prolongación Paseo de la Alameda, 42-B 1º 1º
46023 Valencia – España

Tel: +34 96 197 46 70
Fax: +34 96 197 45 67
Email: sc@fundacioncac.es
Website: http://www.fundecyt.es/


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Fundación Séneca

Calle Manresa, nº 5, Entresuelo
30004 MURCIA – España

Tel: +34 968 222971
Fax: +34 968 220712
Website: http://www.f-seneca.org/seneca/html/inicio.htm


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2005
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Gobierno de Canarias. Oficina de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

Plaza Dr. Rafael O´Shanahan, 1
35071 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España

Tel: +34 928 45 21 81-82
Fax: +34 928 45 21 35


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Consejería de Educación y Ciencia Junta de Comunidades de Castilla la Mancha

Boulevard del rio Alberche s/n
45071 Toledo – España

Tel: +34 925 28 60 32


"Semana de la Ciencia 2005" - November 7-20, 2005

Since: 2001
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Agencia Navarra de Innovación

Avenida Carlos II, 11 1ºha
31002 Pamplona Navarra – España

Tel: +34 948 20 67 76
Fax: +34 948 20 71 30


"Populärvetenskapens Vecka " - November 11-17, 2001
Since: 1983
Frequency: Every 2 years
Organisation: Forskningsrådsnämnden (FRN)

Besöksadress: Regeringsgatan 56 103 78 Stockholm - Sweden

Tel: 46 8 54 64 40 00
Fax: +46 8 54 64 41 80
Email: gunilla.wretenblad@vr.se
Website: http://www.vr.se/


"Internationella Vetenskapsfestivalen Göteborg"
The 9th annual festival takes place 22-30 April 2005
Since: 1997
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Private association

The International Science Festival
Annika Lotzman Dahl
Project manager
Mässans gata 8
412 51 Gothenburg- Sweden

Tel: +46 31 61 52 00
Fax: +46 31 81 10 48
Email: annika.lotzman.dahl@gbg-co.se
Website: http://www-skolfonstret.slu.se/om.htm


Festival Science et Cité, May 19 - 25 2005
Since: 2001
Frequency: every 4 years
Organisation: Fondation Science et Cité

Mme Elisabeth Veya
Marktgasse 50
CH-3011 Berne

Tel: + 41 31 313 19 19
Fax: + 41 31 313 19 18
Email: info@science-et-cite.ch
Website: http://www.science-et-cite.ch


"The BA Festival of Science" - September, 2003, University of Salford
Since: 1831
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: British Association for the Advancement of Science

Ms. Jill Nelson
The British Association for the Advancement of Science
23 Saville Row
London – UK

Tel: +44 20 79 73 30 55
Fax: +44 20 7973 30 51
Email: jill.nelson@the-ba.net
Website: http://www.the-ba.net/festivalofsci


"The Oxford Trust Festival of Science and Innovation" - January 24-February 8, 2004

Since: 1992
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: The Oxford Trust
Bridget Holligan

The Oxford Trust
The Oxford Centre for Innovation,
Mill Street, Oxford, OX2 0JX.

Tel: +44 1865 72 89 53
Fax: +44 1865 79 31 65
Email: bridgeth@oxtrust.org.uk
Website: http://www.oxtrust.org.uk/


"UK National Science Week" – March 11-20, 2004
Since: 1994
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: British Association for the Advancement of Science

Paula Wallace
The BA
Wellcome Wolfson Building
165 Queen's Gate
SW7 5HE London - UK

Tel: +44 20 7019 4941
Fax: +44 20 7973 3051
Email: paula.wallace@the-ba.net


"Wrexham International Science and Technology Festival" - March 24-30, 2004
Since: 1998
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Wrexham County Borough Council, CELTEC, NEWI, Yale College, and The WDA.

Tel: +44 19 78 26 26 96
Fax: +44 19 78 26 31 66
Website: http://www.wrexham-science-festival.org.uk/


"Edinburgh International Science Festival 2001" - April 2-13, 2004
Since: 1987
Frequency: Annual
Organisation: Edinburgh International Science Festival

Edinburgh International
Science Festival
8 Lochend Road
Edinburgh EH6 8BR - UK

Tel: +44 131 530 2001
Fax: +44 131 530 2002
Email: mathilda@scifest.demon.co.uk
Website: http://www.sciencefestival.co.uk/




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