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Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program

We make Good students … Better students!

What is SI?
Supplemental Instruction (SI) offers weekly study sessions to students taking "historically" difficult courses — that is, courses where 25 percent or more of the students receive D's, F's, or W's (withdrawals). SI participants meet with their classmates outside of class to compare notes, discuss challenging concepts, and develop study strategies. As a result, they develop a better understanding of course content as well as more effective ways of studying. They also learn how to effectively test themselves on course content.

Who leads the SI study sessions?
SI study sessions are led by undergraduate DSU students who have excelled in or tested out of the targeted course(s). Their training consists of a two-day workshop during which they learn instructional strategies that encourage active learning. SI leaders attend course lectures, participate in classroom activities, and even take course exams. During the study sessions, they teach learning and study strategies while working with students to interpret what has been read or heard, generate new ideas, and put content-related concepts into perspective. What SI leaders do NOT do is re-lecture or go beyond the content covered in class.

Does SI work?
SI has been proven to be successful in increasing student academic performance and retention since 1996 at DSU, as from 1973 nationwide. Research shows that students who attend SI sessions on a regular basis can earn on an average one half to a full letter grade higher than their peers who do not attend SI.

How do students know if study sessions are being offered for their classes?
SI leaders make announcements about study sessions on the first day of class. They also post the times and locations for these sessions on a weekly basis.

How long do sessions last? How many sessions should students attend?
Each SI leader generally offers two to three weekly study sessions. Each session is informal and lasts approximately 50 minutes. Because new material is covered each day of class, no two SI study sessions are alike. Consequently, students are encouraged to attend one or more study session per week, if possible, in order to increase their chances of mastering course material.

How soon do study sessions begin?
SI sessions begin when the courses begin! Times and locations for the study sessions are posted on the very first day of class.

What do students need to bring to the study sessions?
Just their textbook, lecture notes, and any questions they may have.

Is there a cost?
No, SI is FREE!

Do professors know if their students are attending an SI study session?
Yes. SI leaders work closely with faculty members, and names of SI participants are disclosed to ensure faculty cooperation.

How do students sign up for SI?
Students don't need to sign up beforehand. They just need to show up — preferably every week — for the study sessions that are most convenient for them and sign the attendance sheet.


Job Opportunity:

Supplemental Instruction Leader - Job Description