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Student Life

At DSU, you’re here to LEARN—and to LIVE. Inside and outside the classroom, you’ll find plenty to challenge you and entertain you.

  Great residential living.
  Great food.
  Sports and clubs and churches and beaches.
  A huge mall and an elegant resort right across the street.

Your home away from home is the 400-acre DSU campus: a comfortable, safe, friendly place, complete with every service and facility you’ll need.

You’ll never have to leave campus, but you’ll want to venture out into the communities beyond:

  • The surrounding city of Dover is Delaware’s best-kept secret—full of history, culture, and entertainment.
  • Delaware is located within a few hours of both the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., and the nation’s financial and cultural capital, New York City.

Want to know more about life at Delaware State University? Click below to find out:
What will campus life be like?
Campus map
Automobiles on campus
Student Center
Student Housing
Student Organizations

Students shopping for attire at university bookstore
What will I do in my spare time?
Clubs and activities
Community service/volunteering
Leadership and Activities

Where will I go off-campus?
DSU's neighborhood (Dover)
Shopping (tax free!)
Outlet Shopping
Delaware Beaches
Public Transportation
Taxi Services

* Student transportation is provided to students seven (7) days a week to local shopping areas and banks.

What campus services are available to me?
Academic Computing Office
Bus Shuttle Schedule (pdf)
Career Services
Computer Labs
Health services
Parking Decal Information
Students in front of computers in the computer lab How will I stay in shape?
Fitness center
Intramural sports

What if my child wants to attend DSU?
Parent information

What about technology ?
Minimum computer requirements for DSU network. (pdf)
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