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New! 1917 Acts of the Florida Legislature:
Mortgage the State and Drain the Everglades!

This being all the intelligence they had on the subject, they hastened to act upon it accordingly.

Sustainable Everglades

catbullet.gif (907 bytes)Books catbullet.gif (907 bytes)Politics catbullet.gif (907 bytes)News Archive

catbullet.gif (907 bytes)What is the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project?
Introduction, Maps, and Links.

catbullet.gif (907 bytes)Restoration
Highlights of the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project.

catbullet.gif (907 bytes)The Park
Links to the official Everglades National Park Homepage and sites about the Park.
catbullet.gif (907 bytes)Biology
Plants and animals of the everglades.
catbullet.gif (907 bytes)Ecology
Nutrients, man, and water management.
catbullet.gif (907 bytes)Mercury
The race to predict its fate.
catbullet.gif (907 bytes)View of the Everglades
As seen by writers, old-timers, kids, and friends.

catbullet.gif (907 bytes)Who's Who
Working groups, tech groups, cooperators, and overseers.

Florida Plants Online Garden Store Catalog


Image Collage by Loren Fulghum

Cattail Graphics Thanks to Extreme Botanicals