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Florida's  "Mangrove Preservation Act"
Florida Statutes Sections 403.9321-403.9333
CHAPTER 403 Part VII- Miscellaneous Provisions
Part VII is largely concerned with mangrove trimming, alteration, and removal rules; mitigation and enforcement.

Mangroves Unlimited

Cooperative Extension publication by Jorge R. Rey and C. Roxanne Rutledge2 covers zonation, succession, a key to New World mangroves, and information about Florida's three true mangrove species: Avicennia, Rhizophora, and Laguncularia.

Mangrove Links

Aegicerataceae Blume
Family of one genus, Aegiceras, a mangrove species of Paleotropical and Australian distribution.

Avicennia germinans L.
Purdue University fact sheet for black mangrove. Source: James A. Duke. 1983. Handbook of Energy Crops. unpublished.

Purdue University Center for New Crops and Plant Products.
Occurrence of black mangrove on the Texas Gulf Coast.

Belize Botany, Botanical Information for Ambergris Caye, Belize
The importance of mangroves on Ambergris Caye.

Climate and the Mangrove Ecosystem
Article by Professor Phan Nguyen Hong discusses impact of climate changes on Viet Nam mangrove forests.

Conocarpus erectus
Button Mangrove (Buttonwood) Fact Sheet from James A. Duke, Handbook of Energy Crops, 1983, unpublished.

EP:Resources:Marine Environment
FAO's Contribution to the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities.

Field Guide to the Mangroves of Queensland - Index
Published by the Australian Institute of Marine Science, 1996-1999.

Florida's Mangroves - "Walking Trees"
Department of Environmental Protection Pamphlet.

Florida Mangroves
Eco-tourism article describes zonation of red, black, buttonwood and white mangroves.

Laguncularia racemosa
White Mangrove Fact Sheet from James A. Duke, Handbook of Energy Crops, 1983, unpublished.

Mangrove Action Project
"The Mangrove Action Project is dedicated to reversing the degradation and loss of mangrove forest ecosystems worldwide."
Information about the occurrence of mangroves, deforestation of mangroves, and detrimental impacts worldwide.

A very informative website about the growth and ecology of Florida mangrove communities, funded by a 1998 grant from the Florida Department of Education to SEACAMP ASSOCIATION, INC.

Rhizophora mangle
Red Mangrove Fact Sheet from James A. Duke, Handbook of Energy Crops, 1983, unpublished.

Rhizophora mucronata
Asiatic Mangrove Fact Sheet from James A. Duke, Handbook of Energy Crops, 1983, unpublished.

White Mangrove
Botanical drawing of leaf, fruit, and flower, from Trees of Florida ©1997, 17th Edition: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, BOB CRAWFORD, Commissioner; Division of Forestry, L. Earl Peterson, Director.

Before trimming or altering a mangrove planting in any way, check with your local government agencies which regulate trees and wetlands.

" 403.9324 Mangrove protection rule; delegation of mangrove protection to local governments.--

(1) Sections 403.9321-403.9333 and any lawful regulations adopted by a local government that receives a delegation of the department's authority to administer and enforce the regulation of mangroves as provided by this section shall be the sole regulations in this state for the trimming and alteration of mangroves on privately or publicly owned lands. All other state and local regulation of mangrove is as provided in subsection (3).

(2) The department shall delegate its authority to regulate the trimming and alteration of mangroves to any local government that makes a written request for delegation, if the local government meets the requirements of this section. To receive delegation, a local government must demonstrate that it has sufficient resources and procedures for the adequate administration and enforcement of a delegated mangrove-regulatory program. When a county receives delegation from the department, it may, through interlocal agreement, further delegate the authority to administer and enforce regulation of mangrove trimming and alteration to municipalities that meet the requirements of this section. In no event shall more than one permit for the alteration or trimming of mangroves be required within the jurisdiction of any delegated local government.

(3) A local government that wants to establish a program for the regulation of mangroves may request delegation from the department at any time. However, all local government regulation of mangroves, except pursuant to a delegation as provided by this section, is abolished 180 days after this section takes effect.

(4) Within 45 days after receipt of a written request for delegation from a local government, the department shall grant or deny the request in writing. The request is deemed approved if the department fails to respond within the 45-day time period. In reviewing requests for delegation, the department shall limit its review to whether the request complies with the requirements of subsection (2). The department shall set forth in writing with specificity the reasons for denial of a request for delegation. The department's determination regarding delegation constitutes final agency action and is subject to review under chapter 120.

(5) The department may biannually review the performance of a delegated local program and, upon a determination by the department that the delegated program has failed to properly administer and enforce the program, may seek to revoke the authority under which the program was delegated. The department shall provide a delegated local government with written notice of its intent to revoke the authority to operate a delegated program. The department's revocation of the authority to operate a delegated program is subject to review under chapter 120.

(6) A local government that receives delegation of the department's authority to regulate mangroves shall issue all permits required by law and in lieu of any departmental permit provided for by ss. 403.9321-403.9333. The availability of the exemptions to trim mangroves in riparian mangrove fringe areas provided in s. 403.9326 may not be restricted or qualified in any way by any local government. This subsection does not preclude a delegated local government from imposing stricter substantive standards or more demanding procedural requirements for mangrove trimming or alteration outside of riparian mangrove fringe areas. History.--s. 4, ch. 95-299; s. 3, ch. 96-206. "

Garden Decor
