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The Movie Business Today

June 2007

June 2007

This issue of eJournal USA analyzes the increasing internationalization of the film industry, both in terms of audiences and filmmaking talent; the rise of a more personal style of independent filmmaking in recent years; the market for foreign-produced films in the United States; and the effects of the Internet and the digital revolution on how movies get made and distributed. Shorter pieces focus on film festivals like Sundance that seed young talent and some film studios' efforts to go green in making movies.

Inside This Publication

Volume 12, Number 6

From the Editors

It's Movie Time!

Behind the Scenes

  • The Digital Revolution

    Increasingly sophisticated tools have made it possible to produce, market, and distribute motion pictures digitally.

  • Hollywood Goes Green

    Hollywood's environmentally friendly efforts are described.

  • Government and the Movies

    Although the United States does not have a ministry that regulates the film industry, it does interface with the movie business in several ways.

A Closer Look

  • Salma Hayek (AP Images)
    Young Filmmakers

    Young international filmmakers are making their mark in the world of cinema. Some are actors, some directors or producers; most combine two or more roles.

Related Timeline

  • Timeline graphic
    Foreigners in Film

    In Hollywood, California, home to the American movie industry, talented people from all over the world have found fame and fortune.